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Did u like ash'es new clothes?

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Bring it.
Did u like his new clothes or his new ones?NOw he doesnt even do that weird turning his hat thing when he sends out a pokemon...and personally i liked his old clothes better even though he wore dem for over 5 seasons.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
DKzM0mA said:
Did u like his new clothes or his new ones?NOw he doesnt even do that weird turning his hat thing when he sends out a pokemon...and personally i liked his old clothes better even though he wore dem for over 5 seasons.

lol...well...he did stop doing it after a while...i think in the johto he never did it...and not in all kanto eps...lol

if they could make his suit more this 'eyesighiting' then ya...lol


Super Coordinator
This should probably be in the poll section. Anyway, I think he looks great in his new outfit, and I'm personally glad he's grown out of the whole hat-turning thing. That got kinda old in a hurry...


Izit cuz I is black?
New clothes VS new ones? Oh, choices, choices. I prefer new outfits, as it adds some slight continuity to the show.


Yeah, ok!
I like his AG design, but he needs to lose the sweater and the hat.

I have no interest in guys, but AG Ash without his hat and with just that black shirt w/ the stripe = hot.


I like Ash's new clothes. I think his other outfit was a little more colorful but I like the different look to it. and yeah I'm also glad he doesn't do that "hat turning" thing. That was getting kinda old. Although he still does his poses when he wins a badge or catches a Pokemon. But I actually like that part.


Saiyan-Human Warrior
Me too, I like AG design, because Ash clothes very very colorful. Very conficence to move. His hat has AG mark. Not like the old one, only the V letter. Sweater is more bigger and colorful that old one


Team Awesome
I prefer the newer clothes, they make him look cooler and more mature. The old ones were definitely kept just long enough.

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
I actually like both of his new and old clothes. Though, I think his old clothes are more original ( Can't really explain what I meant by that. ) and his new clothes are more cool...

Inkki Bookman

While it was good for Ash to get a change of clothes, to better show the fact that a few years have gone by since he started his journey, his voice should have gotten a bit deeper and maybe be a bit taller as well, maybe even have his hair grow out a bit more to further enphanise the change.


Well-Known Member
The old clothes made him seem kid-like(even though he was a kid)so they wouldn't fit in with AG.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
I like the new clothes. Not just on him, but on Misty and Brock too. It makes the show a little more interesting. There's nothing wrong with a change of clothes now and then.

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
I love his new clothes there hot on him XD,Every clothes he has are hot


Personally, I like his new clothes, but I prefer his old ones. His old ones fit more in Pokemon Kanto to me (since his outfit is similar to Red’s) and his Hoenn outfit fits more to Hoenn (since his outfit is more like the new Red has). The whole “hat turning thing” was cool. He still DOES turns it around now, but not that often.
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Wayfaring stranger
His AG clothes are ok, but I do much prefer his other outfit. I like the way it shows off his body (I prefer him clothed, thank you), and it made him look really cute. His current one is a bit too loose for my taste. I don't mind him not doing the hat-turn, though. I like his shirt better without the stripe, too. I like how he looks without his vest/hoodie (depending on the outfit) and hat, but the pants make his AG outfit look strange in that situation due their bagginess. I also like him soaking wet (without his hat, of course). Remember The Lost Lapras? Ash chasing Lapras in the pool before TR comes = hot.

Inkki Bookman, I remember trying to count how many heads he was tall in the Snorunt episode because Toto said that he looked taller, and I counted 5 1/2. (I have a full-body pic of him standing still against a white background in his AG outfit, and the same is true.) In Kanto, he was only five heads tall.


As much as most of you are disagreing (Cant spell XD!)
Im in love with his new clothes
Well not literally, but he looks sooo much better in his new ones

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
I thought Satoshi's new wardrobe was a welcome character design change. As he's no longer a novice, I think his Advanced Generation outfit makes him look a little older and more mature. The old jacket and hat pretty much screamed "ten-year-old" somehow.


Custom User Title
Yeah, Satoshi's new outfit is fine with me. I still prefer his old hat, but I suppose it wouldn't have gone that well with his AG clothes.


Yeah I also agree they make him look more mature. Maybe that was the intention for changing his look?


<- This guy Rocks!
I like his new clothes, they look better on him. The hat turning thing was "original", but i didn't like it too much
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