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Did you ever got dumped because of pokémon?


Did you ever got dumped because of pokémon?

Did you ever got dumped because your (girl/boy)friend found out you like it?


Well-Known Member
I haven't...

But if you did get dumped over something as simple as that, then that person wasn't worth being with in the first place.


Well-Known Member
never got dumped because of that, but i guess that i will want to be with someone who really dont give a **** if im playing videogames or not


Officially The Worst
Nope my girlfriend pretends its cute. Bless

AJ Flibble

Nope. For the sole reason I've been single all my life. Though, if I did have a girlfriend it would be a while before I mentioned Pokemon TBH.


The new tuxedo look!
My crush hates me because I like pokemon ... never had a real girlfriend so I don't know.


I like spaghetti
Not exactly, but when my sister found out I still like it she refused to talk to me for two whole weeks. She still thinks I'M the immature one!


Linkin Park Trainer
Never had a boyfriend.... though they may be avoiding me.. i think it's more from my Linkin Park obsession more than Pokemon though. Or perhaps it's my entire weirdness put together...


lol at you
anyway.. u should tell your girlfriend/boyfriend all ur interests before hand


Well-Known Member
No. My last girlfriend had a problem with it but everytime she mentioned her hate for Pokemon I mentioned my hate towards Fall Out Boy, her favourite group. All worked out nicely until she cheated on me. :}


SPPF's spammer
I don't have a boyfriend,
but a big crush on someone.

Which is why I don't, the boys in my class think I'm a lesbian, ugly, Hispanic dork. Of which I am none of except Hispanic. And a few of them think I like Pokemon, but I have succesfuly kept it a secret!


Well-Known Member
Very True. I havent been dumped because of pokemon but i've been socially rejected because of it


>.< I eat children..
Complete oppostie. We got together cos we both like Pokemon!


Random Trainer
Lol. Never had a girl break up with me over Pokemon.

But, Madden was a different story. Mainly cause I'd play it when she was talking to me on the phone, and ignore her.=]


Well-Known Member
Nope, most of my boyfriends had liked pokemon at one point in their life (or liked it at the time of dating me), so they obviously couldn't say anything without my smart remark of "Don't even try, you liked it too =P"


Lol, good thread. You wouldn't believe how many girls have rejected me cause of that but tis k. I don't really care that much, I only like one girl 100% but I moved (so...) Wow () cliche'. But many of my gfs have liked pokemon so it evens out. I'm not embarrased cause of it or anything though.