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Did You Start Off As A Boy Or A Girl In D/P?

Did you start off as a boy or a girl in D/P?

  • Boy

    Votes: 438 66.7%
  • Girl

    Votes: 219 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mario Man

Did you start off as a boy or a girl in D/P?


Well-Known Member
i'm not buying this game until it comes out in u.s. but i'm picking the girl (even though im a boy) because she just looks cooler than the guy (the girls normally do look cooler)


Final Fantasy Fan
I went the girl, even though I'm a guy. I just can't stand the guy's hat!


Well-Known Member
I always found it a bit creepy when people who are obviously guys picked the girl, but to each his(or her) own. I picked the boy, and over wifi/GTS/battle tower, my sprite is a Ruins Maniac.


Shiny Hunter
Well, in the cheap,made-no-sense-at-all Phillipino version I started out as a boy, and as soon as it comes out in the US, i'll also start out as a boy.


well the 1st time i went though i was a guy because i wanted 2 understand the guide. now i don't use the guide so i am playing as a girl even though i am a guy. the guy's hat is annoying so the hikari overworld and battle sprite are better to look at :D


I'm gonna be the guy. The girl does look cooler but I don't want people to think things of me. I hope that they will come out with a portable pokemon game that allows you to personallize your character.


I'm going to start as a girl in Pearl, and if I do bother to get it, a guy for Diamond.


Be Wise, Tell Lies.
Started as a Girl, defiently. I've always liked the Girl design far more than the Boy design. And especially in the case of D/P, as the D/P Male Hero is just plain shameful.


the gangsta azuril
D/P is out!!!!!?!!!


You know your afraid
Im gonna have to pick the girl...eventhough im a guy because the "berret" looks weird....on him anyway


PokeTrainer Miki
i always choose the girl since i'm a girl lol, and i really like her clothes anyway. the boy looks a bit too frenchy (no offence anyone) IMO


Well-Known Member
I'm going to pick the girl.The boy looks so wierd,in his hat.