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Did You Start Off As A Boy Or A Girl In D/P?

Did you start off as a boy or a girl in D/P?

  • Boy

    Votes: 438 66.7%
  • Girl

    Votes: 219 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I picked a guy because I am a guy.


Well-Known Member
i am a boy so id start off a boy kinda makes sence... lol


Wishes do come true!
A girl.Since I'm a girl.And no offense,but that hat!

Not nice hat--->

<---Nice hat!
Last edited:


LC Koffing Abuser
It depends how they look. e/r/s boy looks way better when he runs. (his hair)
D/P girl, boy is a nerd. lol.


The Electric Lucario
I picked the boy because of a story I was writing at the time where i named my character and my rival two characters in the story.

Perfect Sphere

Well-Known Member
In diamond, which I got when DP first came out I started as a male. But I just got Pearl last week and started as a female. As usually, I like the girl's style better haha.