I'm going to be a boy soley because I'm a boy. That's in Diamond. However, in Pearl, I may be a girl just to see what it's like.
i picked boy, i am a boy.. its a berret
Off topic: that is one cool video thing in your sig.Im gonna have to pick the girl...eventhough im a guy because the "berret" looks weird....on him anyway
...I will choose the girl, just so I could see how she looks. Dont diss me please about my choice, its not my fault I cant get a real one.
What this topic is really asking is "How many guys will play the game as the female character?" Girls will almost always play their own gender but guys are more likely to play the opposite.
This is probably one of the most pointlessly stupid thread/polls ive seen. WHO CARES WHICH GENDER PEOPLE WILL USE!? IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE!