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Different time to breed between a caught pokemon and hatched pokemon with ditto


Fear the Deer
My friend says there is because he's breeding ;133; 's, and he first bred an ;133; from his Leaf Green with a ditto, and it took a long time to breed, but when he bred the off spring it took way less time. I, personally don't think that, but he keeps saying that it is different.
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Beginning Trainer
ok so how do u do it


Fear the Deer
My friend just claims it, and I am currently testing it, so far it IS correct.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Here's how it works (copy/pasted from my Emerald FAQ):

The message that you'll get when the Pokemon are not compatible is "They prefer to play with other Pokemon." The phrase, and how many steps it takes to get an Egg, depends on your Pokemon's species and trainer ID number.

Different IDs and Same Species = Fast "The two seem to get along very well."
Different IDs and Different Species OR Same IDs and Same Species = Medium "The two seem to get along."
Same IDs and Different Species = Slow "The two don't seem to like each other."


Crazy Trainer
To add to TRJessie's post:

Fast: 70
Medium: 50
Slow: 20
Never: 0

After every 256 steps, the game chooses a random number 0-100. If the number is less than the above number, your Pokemon lays an egg.