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Digimon: Chronicles of Light and Shadow


Divine Beauty
The Digital World. Many are unaware of its existance. It was accidentaly created by humans long ago, and has since remained a secret to all. Inhabiting this strange world are special creatures called Digimon. There are made of data that has taken shape, as well as bearing consciousness.

Each digimon has different data strands that separate it from the others, and gives it unique fighting capabilities as well as personality. Each digimon has the ability to grow stronger and take a completely different form through a process called "Digivolution", although few digimon have tapped it.

Among these digimon were three of the most powerful; the Celestial digimon Opanimon, Seraphimon, and Charubimon. Not much is known about them or the time that they existed. The information was kept in the Ancient Scrolls, but unfortunatley, all but one have withered away with time. The surviving Scroll depicts an event that happened early in the Digital World's history; the creation of The Key Bearors.

The Key Bearors were a group of digimon with impossible strengths, they were created by the Celestials to keep peace in the Digital World. The Key Bearors are balanced perfectly between Light and Darkness, and each posseses two of the ten Keys to the Digital World. The Keys each have a different crest embedded in them, created by the Celestials so that, if it ever occurs, can purify The Key Bearors if they ever become corrupted.

The Keys are Hope, Love, Courage, Knolwedge, Friendship, Sincerity, Reliability, Kindness, Light, and Darkness. If one of the Keys were to be destroyed, the Digital World would slowly unravel, and pass from existance. However, the Scroll also depicts that a nameless virus was created by Humans when they discovered the Digital World, they feared it because they did not understand how it was there(This was many generations after the cretion of the Digital World, which was kept secret from the rest of Human kind, for obvious reasons)

But instead of wiping out the Digital World as it should have, The Key Bearors took the virus and implanted it within themselves, thinking they could absorb it with their great strength. But instead they became uncontrollable, they destroyed the Celestials before they could stop themselves, they could not control their actions, but were aware that the Darknes within them would consume their souls. So they used what remained of the Celstial's spirits, or Fractal Code, to split their souls into two digimon for each Key Bearor, one represnting its Light and the other representing its Darkness.

After this tragic event, the Keys were scattered across the Digital World. However, The Light and Dark are not at peace with each other. The Shadows of The Key Bearors hunt the Lights, and so they are doomed to quarrel for all eternity, or at least until the Keys are found again. Legends depict that the Lights can use the Keys to delete the virus from the Shadows, and again become The Key Bearors. But the Lights cannot locate the Keys on their own.

Each Key is hidden within a sacred temple that are near impossible to locate. Words are carved on their Sacred doors: "Lights of The Five cannot see, this place will be unseen until to Humans you plea. Once the plea is cried, Digivolve to turn the tide." Basically, it means that The Five's Lights will not be ablr to see the Temples without help from a human tamer. The tamers will help the Lights Digivolve, which will open the doors. Upon learning this, each Light, in secret, called to a human worthy of taming them.

List of taken Keys:
Hope & Love- Taken by Seraphinu(Me)
Knowledge & Reliability- Taken by Catgirl Sarisa
Courage & Friendship- Taken by X Kazemon
Kindness & Sincerity- Taken by Shiny Flygon
Light & Darkness- Taken by Power Shot

I will be accepting 4 people into this RP, because I will be a Tamer as well. Here is the sign up sheet:




Description: (One paragraph min.)

Personality: (One paragraph min.)

History: (Optional; one paragraph min.)

Other: (anything that does not fit in the above catagories)


Your Key Bearor(Keeper):





Attacks: (Max. is three)

Possesed Keys: (You have to have two of these)

Light Form:






Attacks: (max. is two)





Attacks: (max. is two)





Attacks: (max. is three)





Attacks: (max. is three)

Shadow Form:



Appearence: (should have a very simalar form the Light Half, but contrasting in color)


Attacks: (max. two)

Stage: (Shadows cannot digivlove. Keep this either Chamion or Ultimate)

Sign ups are officially closed. I am not accepteing LSUs.That is all I have to say on the matter.
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EDIT: Okay, I edited some things...

Name: Zerinya Eitai (Zerin for short)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Description: Zerin is a little bit taller than the average 15-year-old, about 5 foot 6. She has ruby red eyes and Firey red hair that is tied up in a long braid that reaches to her hips.Zerin is wearing a white shirt with long sleeves that end at her finger tips, blue jeans with white snowflakes decorating the hem, and white shoes. She also carries a blue backpack(also decorated with snowflakes) that has all the essentials, and wears a purple fingerless glove with a red gem on her left hand.

Personality: Zerin is a quiet girl who prefers to be alone. She's only talkative when she's with her friends or family. when it comes to getting the job done, she's very serious, but she sometimes messes up. She's also very sensitive, which means if you tick her off, she'll be after your head. All in all, though, she's a smart, sweet, frail girl who is misunderstood by many.

Digimon (Note: I had a hard time understanding this. X_X)

Your member of The Five(a.k.a the Key Bearers)

Name: Alphamon

Gender: Male

Description: A 15 foot black and gold knight with a long, flowing white cape. Carries a huge sword on his back.

Personality: Alphamon is all about honor. He would rather die than see one of his comrades get hurt, so he fights to protect those he cares about. When others look at him, they feel as if they've grown stronger.

Attacks:Great Dragon's Ultimate Vanguard Sword: Calls power to his sword and stikres the opponent several times.
Digitalize of Soul: Sacrifices a great deal of his energy to send a very powerful green beam at his opponent. Only uses this as a last resort.

Possesed Keys: Knowledge and Reliability.

Light Form:

Rookie: Dorumon

Name: Beowulf

Gender: Male

Appearence: Looks like a small T-rex with Purple fur, a white belly and snout, a red gem in the shape of a triangle on his forehead, a furry tail with a white tip, and small bat wings.

Persoanlity:He's a mature, but hyper Digimon. He thinks before he dives into battle, willing to give it his all. When he's not fighting to protect Zerin, he's seen right next to her, ready for the next adventure. A little bit of a klutz, but faithful to his friends.

Attacks: Metal Cannon (Fires several Cannon Balls at Opponent.)

Champion: DoruGamon

Name: Beowulf

Gender: Male

Appearence: looks similar to the previous form, but is larger, the purple fur is darker with light purple stripes, has a white mane, claws are very long, and wings are larger and strong enough to carry him and one person on his back. Red Triangle gem still remains.

Attacks: Power Metal (Fires a Large, powerful Cannon ball at Opponent.)

Ultimate: DoruGremon

Name: Beowulf


Appearence:Looks like a big, red furred dragon with stripes. now has two pairs of wings made of steel, tail has a golden spike on it's tip, and a spike appears on his nose. Still has the red triagle gem.

Attacks: Metal Meteor (Summons a large Meteor to come slamming down onto the opponent.)
Bloody Tower (causes a huge red tower to erupt from under the opponent.)

Mega: DoruGoramon

Name: Beowulf

Gender: Male

Appearence: Imagine a knight in armor. make him look dragonish, give him a freakishly long tail with a spear head on the tip, two gigantic wings that are larger than his body, and his claws can flare up. That's DoruGoramon.

Attacks: Brave Metal (summons a large sword, then rams into opponent.)
Dorudinn (Claws flare up, then strikes opponent.)

Shadow Form: DeaxDoruGamon

Name: Nightmare

Gender: Male

Appearence: Looks like a cyborg of DoruGamon gone wrong. Most of the body is covered with a strange blue cloth, but the head, arms, and legs are made of metal. The tip of the tail is several wires sparking dangerously. The Red Gem is now replaced with a blue diamond.

Personality: Nightmare is very cruel and heartless towards anyone. He enjoys seeing pain and misery, especially if he caused it. He can strike without warning, and can even attack an ally.

Attacks: Metal Cast (surrounds opponent with metal, preventing them from moving.)
Cannon Ball: (Fires a Cannon Ball at Opponent.)

Stage: Champion.
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Divine Beauty
Your digimon could use more description in personality. Your also going to have to type out the description, I have parental controls on my username courtesy of my mom, and
its blocking the link. Edit this stuff, and consider yourself accepted. (While you edit, I'll reserve your keys for you.


Yes I use MS paint
does the digimon have to be our own creation?


Divine Beauty
No, you can use digimon that have appeared before, as long as they aren't some one elses original character.
Alright, I edited it.


Could I reserve Courage, and Friendship?I have to work on my sign-up.


Seraphinu said:
Name: Rika
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Description: Rika (not related to the Digimon Tamers Rika) has wavy black hair, sort of hanging around her shoulders, and has big blue eyes that sort of bore into you. She has a dark purple shirt, just plain, and dark purple flared pants. She has yellow sneakers on, and that's pretty much it =P
Personality: Even though she's not related to Rika, she has the same personality as her. She's a loner, and never listens to anyone unless it's a very big decision. She'll often spend time on her own training with her Digimon and trying to get it to digivolve to the Ultimate level.

Possesed Keys:

Light Form:
Name: Lucemon
Gender: Male
Appearence: Here
Personality: Though Lucemon is a sort of human Digimon, when teamed up with Rika he starts to gain the same personality as her. He starts to become a loner, and will only speak to Rika. However, when he gets really tired of this, he'll start talking to other people and interacting. Lucemon doesn't want to digivolve, and he thinks he's all that when he fights. When Rika really, truly wants him to digivolve, and swipes the DigiVolution through her D-Arc (I assume we have those), he will. However, it's the wrong digivolution (like when Tai pressured Agumon to digivolve to Skullgreymon) and he ends up trying to destroy everything. The only way to stop him is to combine all of our Digimon's powers and force him back to Lucemon. Anyway, that's what I would think...if you have other suggestions,, go ahead.
Attacks: I made up new ones:
Angel Wing-Lucemon's six wings glow white and small sharp boomerangs fly out and hit the opponent. (Boomerangs look like Xena's chakram)
Angel's Light-Lucemon holds a white ball between his hands and throws it at the opponent, weakening it dramatically. Lucemon then absorbs some of the opponent's strength for the light digivllution.
Spiral Light Tornado-Lucemon spins around and creates a light tornado like Steelix's Sandstorm.
Name: Lucemon Falldown Mode
Gender: Male
Appearence: Lucemon Falldown Mode
Attacks: Shadow Cross-I believe it's the one where he grows one dark ball and one light ball and combines them to become a dark/light cage, shocking the people inside.
Ultimate: none, he skips into mega instead
Name: Lucemon Larva Mode
Gender: ---
Appearence:Lucemon Larva Mode
Attacks: only made through the body of Lucemon Satan Mode
Shadow Form:
Name: Lucemon Satan Mode
Gender: ---
Appearence: Lucemon Satan Mode
Personality: bent on destroying the real world. He is the ultimate of the dark Digimon, and cannot be destroyed by mere Digimon. They must digivolve to Mega and directly attack him, and even then he is not hurt very much. Can regenerate himself.
Attacks: Burning Hell-uses the dark energy inside the ball to destroy any Digimon coming near him.
Unholy Betrayal- (I forgot what this one does...so I'm making it up=P) Shoots darkness at all Digimon within range and paralyzes them.
Stage: Mega

I wasn't sure what you meant by the one all the way up there, so I left it blank. I'll fill it when you explain. About Lucemon Larva Mode and Satan Mode, Satan Mode was the ultimate stage of darkness. Larva Mode lives inside Satan Mode, and that was kinda hard to explain. Larva Mode says the attacks and controls Satan Mode, and Satan Mode makes the attacks happen. Kinda hard, see? Watch Digimon Tamers, the finalish episode to see what I mean. Or look at an episode guide. Here's some of the episode guide from Digital Empire:

"Lucemon, throw away your evil heart which is filled with hate and grudge. I shall purify your evil Spirit! Digicode Scan!!" Susanoomon scanned it. The Digiegg flew up and broke into lots of shards, while Takuya and Koji changed back into their normal selves. "We did it..!" "Yeah, we saved the Digital World!!" The Children said happily.

A black Digiegg appeared, and started to become bigger. "I think Susanoomon scanned just his holy Data. So now he has the evil Data.." Bokomon said. Then, the Dark DigiEgg hatched. A huge, evil Digimon, Lucemon Satan Mode appeared and flew up. "Where is he going?!" "He's going to the Human World!!" J.P and Tommy shouted. He broke the roof of the Digital World space. "We have to stop him!!" Zoe said. "Anyway, we have to get him!" Koji said. They Evolved into Digimon and pursued him. "We'll save the Digital World and the Human World by Humans as Digimon!!" They shouted. Lucemon arrived at the subway station where the Children started their adventure.

"Follow me or you die. It's your choice." Lucemon conveyed the message on screens of mobile phones and electrical adverts. Lucemon started to fly upwards and headed for the ground. The heroes arrived at the station. "Where are we?!" Beetlemon said. "It's the platform of Shibuya!" "Lucemon must be going to ground-level!!" "Stop him!!" They flew up, too. "We got him!!" Aldamon attacked him, "Brahma Sutra!!" However, Lucemon's injury was healed at once. "Licht Angriff!!" "Brezza Petalo!!" "Snow Bomber!!" "Thor Hammer!!" The others also attacked him, however, he recovered again.

"Huh?!" "We can't damage him?!" The Children barely had time to marvel, before Lucemon Satan Mode attacked them...

...Takuya goes near the elevator, which is half-destroyed, and starts depressing himself, while the others look on sadly. His Digivice falls to the ground, and some tears slip from his eyes, and fall on the Digivice, materializing Agunimon.

The H-Hybrids materialize out of the other Digivices, including Ranamon, Grumblemon, Arbormon, Mercuremon, and even Löwemon. Patamon, Lopmon, and Salamon appear in some kind of trance, as faded images of the Three Great Angels appear above them and start talking. Suddenly, the kids all raise their Digivices, and... Ancient Spirits Unite!

The sequence is slightly changed; first, the screen splits in 5, showing the kids scanning their DigiCode as in the normal Spirit Evolution.

Then, that big bubble-thingy with multi-coloured lights (it's like a mini-explosion of Spirits in the actual Evolution) appears, and the Evolution continues normally, until the gauntlets start to form on Susanoomon. We see the kids with closed eyes, holding hands, and swivelling around, as Susanoomon's head forms, and then, the Evolution ends.

Everyone is overjoyed to see Susanoomon, who follows Lucemon to the surface of the Real World, and drags him back down to the Trailmon station, and back to the Digital World's space.

After a short fight, Susanoomon seems to be defeated, especially since Lucemon starts to create his own Digital World, with Susanoomon in the centre. Then, the Warrior of Peace gets up, and with a determination, he flies right into the middle of Lucemon's Dark Area (that ball he carries around).

After a short while, Susanoomon sees Lucemon Larva inside the Dark Area, and attacks him, causing the creation of the Dark Digital World to stop and receed, as the Dark Area is destroyed.

Susanoomon proceeds to paralyze Lucemon Satan Mode with a Thunder attack, and defeats him with his ray-sword thingy attack.

Lucemon Larva comes out from behind Susanoomon, who immediately turns around, and expels the Chosen Children from his body, getting Lucemon Larva's blast. A sword appears in Susanoomon's hand, and he breaks up into all the H-Warriors, who use the sword to slash at Lucemon Larva. This Digimon disintegrates forever, as the Children's Digivices start to transfer the Data back to recreate the Digital World in it's former glory...

There ys go. If I need to change anything, tell me. Gee, it took a long time to write that.


Divine Beauty
My Character

I've finally gotten to post my character.


Name: Alex "Fox"

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Description: She has shoulder-length red hair, bright green eyes, and is fair skinned. She wears a gold-colored sweater with blck cuffs and a black collar. She also wears gold pants and black shoes. She is quite agile for her age, and seems graceful to the eye.

Personality: She is well versed in judging a situation, and is cautious at first meeting. Once you befriend her however, she proves loyal almost to a fault. She has a keen mind. If there is a solution to the problem, she is almost guarenteed to find it.

History: She lived in London for the first few years of her life, but her family moved to Japan. She was taught several styles of martial arts from a young age, making her very graceful and fit. She is very intelligent, but always sets aside time for friends and family.

Other: none


Five(Key Bearor)-

Name: Runemon

Gender: Female

Description: Runemon is a bronze dragon, stands about 15 feet tall, she has orange eyes, tattered tan feather wings, and golden rings that wrap around her arms, leggs, tail, and neck. Two cresents appear on her cheek in a circle, with the black one overlapping the white. She has thick black eyebrows, an Egyptian- style mane running down to her shoulders, and ankh on her thigh, and a rose with alternating black and white petals on her shoulder.

Personality: She is very wise. Many around her are calmed by her presence. Its as if a wave of calmeness emits from her. She has an undying love for all things living, and is faithful to a fault.


Rage of the Nile- Runemon leaps into the air and roars loudly; summoning a huge tidal wave rushing towards her opponent. Powerful ranged attack.

Fury of Ra- Runemon flies into the sun. Then the air around her bursts into flame, and she dives towards her opponent.

Possesed Keys: Hope & Love



Name: Cometmon

Gender: Female

Description: She is a blue dragon, with bronze colored wings, and fluffy light blue down covering her stomach. She has sharp, silver claws, and adorable yellow eyes. A white cresent mark appears on her tail, and ther eis a white rose on her shoulder.

Personality: She is very loyal and always eager to assist a friend. She never loses faith, believing anything is possible. Her fatal flaw is that she takes little seriously. But be warned-- If you cross her, you nly cross her once! Upon meeting, she is very trusting and sweet.


Raining Meteors- Cometmon lifts herself into the air. Her wings and arms spread horizontally, and concentrated energy begins to flow through her. Clouds begin to swirl in the air above her, and meteors fall rapidly towards her opponent

Comet Claws- Concentrated energy Flows into Cometmon's claws, making them longe, and more narrow. She slashes at her opponent at impossible speeds. Nearly impossible to dodge.


Name: Moonshinemon

Gender: Female

Description: A light blue dragon, slightly bigger than Cometmon, she has royal blue down covering her stomach. her eyes are goldish orange, her wings are pearly white, with the emblems of Hope and Love on either one. Her claws are silvery, and there is a black horn atop her head. The rose and cresent are still visible in their previous places.


Aura of Blinding Light- Moonshinemon's wings start to glow, and the light spreads outward, surrounding her enemies. She strikes with razor sharp claws while the enemy is blinded. Impossible to dodge.

Asteroid Thrower- Moonshinemon spits bits of meteor and asteroid like a flame at her opponent.


Name: Galaxmon

Gender: Female

Description: Galaxmon is large, about 30 feet tall, she is mainly orange in color with red down covering her stomach. She has a new claw sticking out of each arm, and her wings are a fiery red. Her eyes have changed to a deep green, and she now has a pale yellow mane running down to her shoulders. The emblems, cresent, and rose are still visible in their previous places.


Galax Fire Blast- Galaxmon breathes intensly hot flame that surrounds her opponent, taking the shape of a dragon intended to swallow the foe in orange fire.

Dragon Sickles- Her claws that stick out of her arms glow intense with light, and then she slashes the air, sending waves of energy at her opponent. Powerful ranged attack.

Dragon of Eyes(I love this move's name)- Galaxmon glares down her opponent, and her eyes glow red. This temporaliy paralyzes them, and glaxmon is surounded by crimson energy, which runs off her towrd her opponent in the form of a dragon.


Name: Lunargalaxmon

Gender: Female

Description: She is a firery red dragon, about 50 feet high, with bronze wing and deep emerald eyes. the fluffy down from her previous stages has dissapeared, and in its place is a bronze chesplate. Her mane is now a fiery orange, and black spines run down her tail. The rose, cresent, claws, and emblems are all visible.


Meteor Dragons- She plants her feet in the ground and lets out a deafining roar. Meteors rain down and weld together, forming a huge dragon that attemtps to crush the opponent. Simalar but more powerful than Galax Fire Blast.

Flaming Dragon Sickles- The claws sticking out of her arms catch fire, and she slashes the air, sending fiery blades of energy at her opponent. Powerful ranged attack, simalar but stronger than Dragon Sickles.

Dragon of Eyes- See Galaxmon's attacks


Name: Darkmoonshinemon "Darkmoon"

Gender: female

Description: She is a purple dragon, human sized, with shiny black claws and black wings. A black horn sit atop her head, and she has empty crimson eyes. A black rose appears on her shoulder, as well as a black cresent on her tail. She also has black down on her stomach.

Personality: She trusts no one save herself. She will only partner up with someone if she sees something of worth in it for her. She is vicious and rutheless, destroying everyone and eerything in her path. Also note that the word "mercy" is not in her vocabulary. Her philosophy is "Kick 'em while their down".

Stage: Champion


Aura of Everlasting Darkness- Her wings are surrounded with a black, smokelike substance that surrounds her opponent, making them unable to see. She uses that moment to attack.

Eboany Flame- She spews a blackish-purple flame at her opponent, which instead of being intensly hot, it is extremelly cold.

Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
Could you please reserve a place for me? But I was wondering, if we have original Digimon, can I have an original Crest? I'll still take Light and Darkness, but it's important for my original Digimon.

Would this be okay? Because X Kazemon let him slide, he even has a different Digivice, but I'll leave out the XD Digivolving and replace it with my Crest of Honor. Is that okay with you?
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Divine Beauty

Sorry, but there are only ten keys(crests), so you can't make them up. Also, I haven't excepted X Kazemon because she hasn't finished her sign-up.

Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
All right thanks for clearing that up. I'll post mine later.

Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!

Name: Andrew

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Andrew can be tough, but he secretly has a big heart for the innocent. He's very noble and kind most of the time, unless someone really annoys him. When that happens he will hate that person until they repent for their injuries. He rarely thinks about himself and fights for the team and not himself. If he has the last piece of food, he would most likely force in on someone weaker. He loves justice and hates evil.

Appearence: Andrew stands at six feet tall, and is very lean due to high metabolism that girls would kill for. Despite this, he has muscles that aren't as big as a wrestler's but are getting to the point where if he were to take of a shirt girls would go crazy. He wears a white t-shirt that stretches to fit his biceps. He has on a red cotton jacket that protects him from most cold weather, he doesn't mind cold as much as others. His jeans are blue and baggy, but not to the point of the gangster look. He has faded black sneakers that he's owned for two years. He has a belt where he keeps his equipment such as food items and toiletries.

His hair is brown, and of medium height. It flays about, defying the rules of hair gel and gravity, because nothing can tame it. His eyes are piercing brown, and seem to look deeper than they really do. He has a handsome face and has glasses, but doesn't wear them because he thinks he looks like a nerd when he wears them.

Strengths: Andrew is ROTC trained to do things, so he can forage and scout with the best. He also has great strength and is a fast swimmer, and has been trained in melee combat. e is also a cook and the group's chef. He also has a noble heart and makes sure that everyone else gets more than him, so he can keep them okay. He's bassically a handyman that can fight, as he can do most things that the others can't do as well.

Weaknesses: He doesn't really know how to interact with people, given his time in the ROTC is to get the job done and not worry about yourself. He cares about the team and as such can get hurt when he tries to help them. He likes to fight alongside his Digimon, leading to the term crazy to appear near him. He has very bad social habits and would rather work alone so he wouldn't have to worry about the others.

Likes: Andrew loves to fight, it's in his blood. Given the choice, Andrew prefers fight to flight. He doesn't have a weakness for girls because he never really had time to notice them. He likes work so does most of it. He has a craving for good food, but hates his own cooking, so he is forced to eat his food. Andrew likes to train with his Digimon to make themselves stronger.

Dislikes: Emotions, he doesn't know how to express them, so doesn't at first. He won't show emotion so he does everything he can to make up for it. He hates bad cooking, and his energy relies on his hunger. Andrew also hates evil in all shaes and forms, ironic because he has the Key of Darkness. He hates retreating so he'll normally give cover to the others, because it makes him feel like a coward.


Key Bearer-

Name: Encornamon
Sex: Male
Appearance: A Small Dinosaur Digimon that looks like a thicker raptor, but only two feet tall. He has a black back but has a white chest. His head is a blend of the two colors, black in the back but white in the front. He has black pupils in his eyes.
Personality: Fun loving and pure, but can also be dark and moody. As he has the Keys of Darkness and Light, he changes personalities a lot, but is loyal to Andrew and the mission.
Attack: Encorna(blasts foes with a beam of mixed light and darkness, comes from the eyes)

Keys- Light and Darkness

Light Form-

Rookie Stage: Clopesmon
Appearance: He's bigger now, four feet tall. He still looks like Agumon's body except for now he has a big brown eye where his green one was. He also has two black wings that allow him to fly. His face looks more like a dragon now but is full enough to show his large brown eye. His tail is more fully developed.
Attacks: Wing Rider( Creates gusts of wind to blow opponents away) Brown Eye Beam(the same as Green Blast, but more powerful)

Champion Level: Spectomon
Appearance: Eight feet tall, now approaching a halfdragon form. His face looks like Agumon's, but it is fading away from the dinosaur look. His body is black, and has a yellow eye. His wingspan has increased to fifteen feet, and his wings now have red edges. His claws are stronger, and colored like steel. He has a tail also, black and as strong as steel.
Attacks: Psycho Eye(emits a yellow beam from his yellow eye, much more powerful than others) Wing Slash(cuts the foe with claws strikes and wing attacks)

Ultimate Level: Redeyemon
Appearance: Very similar to the Red-Eyes Black Dragon card from Yu-Gi-Oh, this form has twenty feet in height and a forty foot wingspan. His claws are red, as well as his wing edges. His mouth is a bit bigger than the card's. He now has one red eye. His tail has one spike at the end.
Attacks: Red Blast(fires the opponent with up to seven red beams at once. These beams will paralyze if contact is made) Dragon Roar(Creates a shokwave from loud noise that may cause opponents tp lose concentration or briefly lose their sense of hearing)

Mega Form: Visionmon
Appearance: Huge, fifty feet in height. he still bears a passing resemblance to Redeyemon but holds a whole new length of powers. He has two white eyes that pierce into the hearts of whom they gaze upon. His massive wings now have a pattern of two huge eyes to make the dragon seem bigger. His claws are the sizes of cars, and are red. His wingtips are green, and his body is etched with brown, yellow, and blue patterns that show small eyes all over his wings and body. His body's main color is still black. His tail has spikes all over.
Attacks: Horus Eyes(gives Visionmon the power to see within a peron's heart) Rainbow Blaster(attacks oppontents with rainbows of beams that hunt their prey until they attack) Sword Claw Strike(attacks foes with claw strikes and tail blows followed by wing attacks)

Sex: Male(all)

Personality: All of the forms of Clopesmon are very honorable, and respect those who respect him. He follows Andrew loyaly and will never disobey an order from him unless there is a good reason. He is usually nice but can get egotistical if his pride is wounded.

Dark Form-

Name: Darkeyemon
Level: Mega
Appearence: Pure black, but still looks like Redeyemon. His eye is pure black and has a skeletal look. As Andrew holds the Darkness Key, DarkEyemon has more power than the other Dark Forms.
Attacks: Demon Fang Burn(attacks opponent with a black blast from th mouth, after biting into the Digimon), Expulsion of Light Matter(attacks opponent with a blast that causes them to become more evil than normal) Dark Eye Claw(attacks with beams from his one back eye and claws at an enemy)

Personality: Evil, but obeys Andrew to a more ruthless level. He would rather kill everyone in the Digital World to save him. He doesn not trust anyone but Andrew and refuses orders from anyone else.
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Well-Known Member
I would like to reserve the last two keys, and here's my keeper to just check.

Name: Hououryuu

Digimon Name: ArchPhoenixmon

Description: An enormous bird dragon, about 30 feet in height. His body is coated in red feathers from the head down to the waist, and black scales from the waist down. His head is bird like, with a mane of rainbow feathers, but two black horns extending from his forehead. He has four legs, and stands on those four. His front ones are bird like, with red feathers coating the top and yellow scales covering the toes, and gleaming white talons. His hind ones are reptilian, with pitch black scales covering them, and similarly black talons. He also has four wings, the front two being huge bird wings, with red and yellow feathers amking them seem flames, while the hind two are pitch black and bat like, with the deepest shade of red coloured skin stretching between the pitach black fingers. His tail is dragon like, but ends in a plume of orange feathers, the tail being pitch black like the rest of that half. A physical embodiment of balance.

Dark Dragon Pulse( A dark elemental energy blast, shot from the horns)
Light Phoenix Blade ( A golden light elemental energy blast, fired from the wings Halsemon style)
Neutral Flames (Black and white flames fired from the beak, that ar not elementally biased)

Personality: A free spirit, who takes only his job seriously. Loves to lay around and relax, as his contradicting elements often leave him exhausted. He cares greatly for his friends, but does not like to be involve too greatly in choosing light over darkness or vice versa, as he is both, and likes the way he is. He can split elements, becoming the pure form of either, but only his light side keeps his way of thinking.

Possessed Keys: Kindness and Sincerity

That is just my keeper, I'll finish his tamer and Light and Dark forms if I'm allowed a place.
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Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
Yeah, I added in his keeper too just now.



Name: Victor Lidérc

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Description: Victor Has Crimson Hair That Flows Behind Him. Victor Has Deep, Cold Hazel Eyes. He Wears Crimson Tail Coat That Covers His Body From His Shoulders Too His Heels. He Wears A Black, Sleeved, T-Shirt. He Wears Baggy, Black Trousers Under An Assortment of Black, Silver-Buckled Belts With A Pair Of Metal-Studded Gloves.

Personality: Victor's Personality Often Changes Depending How The World Around Him Looks Like. If It is A Dark, Gloomy Place, Victor Is Suprisingly Over- Excited And Happy. If It Is A Happy, Joyous Place, Victor Is Sad And Snappy. He Is Always Looking For Something To Do. Though In Different Personalities, His Mindset is Always the Same.


Victor Was Born into A Middle-Class Family That Was Well Looked After. At 3 He Started Reception In His School. At 7 He Was Intrested In Monsters. At 8 He Was Drawing Them And Designing Them. By The Time He Left Primary, He Was Known As The Best Fictional Drawer In The School's History.

Other: None.


Name: Envoymon

Gender: Male

Description: Envoymon Looks Like A Gargantuan Humanoid Wolf/Dragon With Black Armour With Silver Trimming. He Has A Silver Dorsal Fin On His Armour. His WIngs Stick Out Of The Side Of His Armour That Are Each Half The Sive Of Envoymon. Its Scales Are A Crimson Colour Streaked With White. It Weilds A Pair of Golden Wristblades. His Eyes Glow A Grey Colour.

Personality: Envoymon Is An All-Knowing Character Who Prefers To Pick His Battles Than Rush Into Them. His Heart Is Pure To Balance And Will Judge Fairly Depending On Facts.


Judgement Blast.

Envoymon Summons His Powers of Light And Shadow And Creates An Orb Of Balance, He Then Makes A Motion With His Hands And The Orb Flies At The Opposing Creature. It Then Explodes In It's Face.

Wolf Blast.

Envoymon Summons Life Energy From Around Him And Blasts It Directly At the Opponent.

Dragon Wishes.

Envioymon Fires A Star Of Fire Into The Air. It Then Floats Back Down And He Absorbs It, Increasing His Health.

Possesed Keys: Light And Darkness

Light Form:


Kwellmon Looks Like A Baby Blue Wolf Cub, He Has SIlver Stripes Along His Back And His Belly Is Also Silver. His Eyes Are Silver With A Grey Pupil.


Aqua Boom.
A Pulse Of Water.

Champion: Yangmon


Yangon Is A Mid-sized Wolf With A Silvery-Blue Fur. His Ears Are Sharp And His Tail is Very Fluffy.


Aquatic Blast.
A Blast of Water.

Ultimate: Hilismon

Appearence: Hilismon Is A Humanoid Wolf That Uses It's Hind Legs To Stand. His Fur is Pure Silver And His Tail Is Longer.


Aquatic Cannon:
A Cannon Of Water.

Silver Sea.
A Wave Of Silver Water.

Mega: Lycanmon


Lycanmon Looks Like A Massive Version Of Hilismon With Silver Wings.


Wolf Cannon.
Lycanmon Blasts A Beam of Light At The Opponent.

Shadow Form: Dragoliomon

Dragoliomon Is An Exact Duplicate Of Lycanmon, Except From Its Wings Are Black And It Has Scales Instead Of Fur, Which Are Gold. It has Horns Sprouting From it's Head And Its Fangs Are Slightly Longer. Instead of Being Wolf-Based, It is Dragon-Based.


Chaotic Blast.
Fenrimon Summons Up All His Dark Energy Into A Beam And Then Blasts It At The Foe.

Dark Rising.
Fenrimon Focuses his Dark Energy Into His Fists And Punches And Claws The Foe Rapidly.

Stage: Ultimate
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Divine Beauty

Powder Shot: Thats good Power Shot. *Accepted*

Shiny Flygon: Your Key Bearor is good. Consider your spot reserved.

Taoist: Your sign-ups a little short. *Declined*
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