The Digital World. Many are unaware of its existance. It was accidentaly created by humans long ago, and has since remained a secret to all. Inhabiting this strange world are special creatures called Digimon. There are made of data that has taken shape, as well as bearing consciousness.
Each digimon has different data strands that separate it from the others, and gives it unique fighting capabilities as well as personality. Each digimon has the ability to grow stronger and take a completely different form through a process called "Digivolution", although few digimon have tapped it.
Among these digimon were three of the most powerful; the Celestial digimon Opanimon, Seraphimon, and Charubimon. Not much is known about them or the time that they existed. The information was kept in the Ancient Scrolls, but unfortunatley, all but one have withered away with time. The surviving Scroll depicts an event that happened early in the Digital World's history; the creation of The Key Bearors.
The Key Bearors were a group of digimon with impossible strengths, they were created by the Celestials to keep peace in the Digital World. The Key Bearors are balanced perfectly between Light and Darkness, and each posseses two of the ten Keys to the Digital World. The Keys each have a different crest embedded in them, created by the Celestials so that, if it ever occurs, can purify The Key Bearors if they ever become corrupted.
The Keys are Hope, Love, Courage, Knolwedge, Friendship, Sincerity, Reliability, Kindness, Light, and Darkness. If one of the Keys were to be destroyed, the Digital World would slowly unravel, and pass from existance. However, the Scroll also depicts that a nameless virus was created by Humans when they discovered the Digital World, they feared it because they did not understand how it was there(This was many generations after the cretion of the Digital World, which was kept secret from the rest of Human kind, for obvious reasons)
But instead of wiping out the Digital World as it should have, The Key Bearors took the virus and implanted it within themselves, thinking they could absorb it with their great strength. But instead they became uncontrollable, they destroyed the Celestials before they could stop themselves, they could not control their actions, but were aware that the Darknes within them would consume their souls. So they used what remained of the Celstial's spirits, or Fractal Code, to split their souls into two digimon for each Key Bearor, one represnting its Light and the other representing its Darkness.
After this tragic event, the Keys were scattered across the Digital World. However, The Light and Dark are not at peace with each other. The Shadows of The Key Bearors hunt the Lights, and so they are doomed to quarrel for all eternity, or at least until the Keys are found again. Legends depict that the Lights can use the Keys to delete the virus from the Shadows, and again become The Key Bearors. But the Lights cannot locate the Keys on their own.
Each Key is hidden within a sacred temple that are near impossible to locate. Words are carved on their Sacred doors: "Lights of The Five cannot see, this place will be unseen until to Humans you plea. Once the plea is cried, Digivolve to turn the tide." Basically, it means that The Five's Lights will not be ablr to see the Temples without help from a human tamer. The tamers will help the Lights Digivolve, which will open the doors. Upon learning this, each Light, in secret, called to a human worthy of taming them.
List of taken Keys:
Hope & Love- Taken by Seraphinu(Me)
Knowledge & Reliability- Taken by Catgirl Sarisa
Courage & Friendship- Taken by X Kazemon
Kindness & Sincerity- Taken by Shiny Flygon
Light & Darkness- Taken by Power Shot
I will be accepting 4 people into this RP, because I will be a Tamer as well. Here is the sign up sheet:
Description: (One paragraph min.)
Personality: (One paragraph min.)
History: (Optional; one paragraph min.)
Other: (anything that does not fit in the above catagories)
Your Key Bearor(Keeper):
Attacks: (Max. is three)
Possesed Keys: (You have to have two of these)
Light Form:
Attacks: (max. is two)
Attacks: (max. is two)
Attacks: (max. is three)
Attacks: (max. is three)
Shadow Form:
Appearence: (should have a very simalar form the Light Half, but contrasting in color)
Attacks: (max. two)
Stage: (Shadows cannot digivlove. Keep this either Chamion or Ultimate)
Sign ups are officially closed. I am not accepteing LSUs.That is all I have to say on the matter.
Each digimon has different data strands that separate it from the others, and gives it unique fighting capabilities as well as personality. Each digimon has the ability to grow stronger and take a completely different form through a process called "Digivolution", although few digimon have tapped it.
Among these digimon were three of the most powerful; the Celestial digimon Opanimon, Seraphimon, and Charubimon. Not much is known about them or the time that they existed. The information was kept in the Ancient Scrolls, but unfortunatley, all but one have withered away with time. The surviving Scroll depicts an event that happened early in the Digital World's history; the creation of The Key Bearors.
The Key Bearors were a group of digimon with impossible strengths, they were created by the Celestials to keep peace in the Digital World. The Key Bearors are balanced perfectly between Light and Darkness, and each posseses two of the ten Keys to the Digital World. The Keys each have a different crest embedded in them, created by the Celestials so that, if it ever occurs, can purify The Key Bearors if they ever become corrupted.
The Keys are Hope, Love, Courage, Knolwedge, Friendship, Sincerity, Reliability, Kindness, Light, and Darkness. If one of the Keys were to be destroyed, the Digital World would slowly unravel, and pass from existance. However, the Scroll also depicts that a nameless virus was created by Humans when they discovered the Digital World, they feared it because they did not understand how it was there(This was many generations after the cretion of the Digital World, which was kept secret from the rest of Human kind, for obvious reasons)
But instead of wiping out the Digital World as it should have, The Key Bearors took the virus and implanted it within themselves, thinking they could absorb it with their great strength. But instead they became uncontrollable, they destroyed the Celestials before they could stop themselves, they could not control their actions, but were aware that the Darknes within them would consume their souls. So they used what remained of the Celstial's spirits, or Fractal Code, to split their souls into two digimon for each Key Bearor, one represnting its Light and the other representing its Darkness.
After this tragic event, the Keys were scattered across the Digital World. However, The Light and Dark are not at peace with each other. The Shadows of The Key Bearors hunt the Lights, and so they are doomed to quarrel for all eternity, or at least until the Keys are found again. Legends depict that the Lights can use the Keys to delete the virus from the Shadows, and again become The Key Bearors. But the Lights cannot locate the Keys on their own.
Each Key is hidden within a sacred temple that are near impossible to locate. Words are carved on their Sacred doors: "Lights of The Five cannot see, this place will be unseen until to Humans you plea. Once the plea is cried, Digivolve to turn the tide." Basically, it means that The Five's Lights will not be ablr to see the Temples without help from a human tamer. The tamers will help the Lights Digivolve, which will open the doors. Upon learning this, each Light, in secret, called to a human worthy of taming them.
List of taken Keys:
Hope & Love- Taken by Seraphinu(Me)
Knowledge & Reliability- Taken by Catgirl Sarisa
Courage & Friendship- Taken by X Kazemon
Kindness & Sincerity- Taken by Shiny Flygon
Light & Darkness- Taken by Power Shot
I will be accepting 4 people into this RP, because I will be a Tamer as well. Here is the sign up sheet:
Description: (One paragraph min.)
Personality: (One paragraph min.)
History: (Optional; one paragraph min.)
Other: (anything that does not fit in the above catagories)
Your Key Bearor(Keeper):
Attacks: (Max. is three)
Possesed Keys: (You have to have two of these)
Light Form:
Attacks: (max. is two)
Attacks: (max. is two)
Attacks: (max. is three)
Attacks: (max. is three)
Shadow Form:
Appearence: (should have a very simalar form the Light Half, but contrasting in color)
Attacks: (max. two)
Stage: (Shadows cannot digivlove. Keep this either Chamion or Ultimate)
Sign ups are officially closed. I am not accepteing LSUs.That is all I have to say on the matter.
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