I said Hadesdramon has a short temper, and since Phoenixdramon is very blunt to put it nicely, well you know what brothers are like(I hope, 'cos I don't! I'm the older brother of a disabled sister, so with Hadesdramon and Phoenixdramon I'm going a lot on other people I've met). I think the D-Lock is alright, but I may suggest a better name. I'm thinking the D-5, since were the fifth DIgidestined, and it has five options(storage, tracking, info, digivolution and communication), sort of like the third Digidestned of the Digimon Adventure Series II was the D-3, it had three options and it was for the third Digisdestined. And my finished profile!
Name: Sieg Donner
Age: 14
Gender: Dude(or for the not me, Male)
Description: He's a tall brown haired boy, his hair is a mucky shade of brown, and his eyes are the clean shade of brown. He always wears a fishing hat on his head, which has a wide rim, and two feathers, one yellow and red, the other black. He always the same style of clothes, a white T-Shirt with a black tracksuit top and bottoms and white trainers. It gives a very contrasting image, and he isn't known for being a fasion guru. He also wears a wooden sword on his back, and can wield it reasonably well.
Personality: He's a free spirit, but is affected by reasonably bad mood swings. He doesn't change moods every minute, but his personality is greatly affected by this. When he's happy, he loves to be in groups and is incredibly honest, never keeping anything n hs head. When he's fed up, he remains overly honest but prefers to be alone. When he's sad or discouraged, he's very quiet and will swiftly become annoyed when disturbed if he's alone. When he's annoyed, he often makes empty death threats to vent his rage. Despite this, he always has some qualities. He always speaks his mind, never fully lies and will often not realise what he says before he says it. He's also very commanding, often taking the helm or handling situations on his own, since he prefers to knows the ins and outs of a plan, and that's easiest if it is his own. He also can't follow orders, owing to his free spirited nature. Finally, he is very relaxed when not angry, as he prefers to take life at his own pace.
Other: As I said he has a sword, it is called Crimson and he uses various sword arts, varying from longsword to samurai. Though since his sword is wooden it isn't much use in a real fight.
Your Key Bearor(Keeper):
Name: Hououryuu
Digimon Name: ArchPhoenixmon
Description: An enormous bird dragon, about 30 feet in height. His body is coated in red feathers from the head down to the waist, and black scales from the waist down. His head is bird like, with a mane of rainbow feathers, but two black horns extending from his forehead. He has four legs, and stands on those four. His front ones are bird like, with red feathers coating the top and yellow scales covering the toes, and gleaming white talons. His hind ones are reptilian, with pitch black scales covering them, and similarly black talons. He also has four wings, the front two being huge bird wings, with red and yellow feathers amking them seem flames, while the hind two are pitch black and bat like, with the deepest shade of red coloured skin stretching between the pitach black fingers. His tail is dragon like, but ends in a plume of orange feathers, the tail being pitch black like the rest of that half. A physical embodiment of balance.
Dark Dragon Pulse( A dark elemental energy blast, shot from the horns)
Light Phoenix Blade ( A golden light elemental energy blast, fired from the wings Halsemon style)
Neutral Flames (Black and white flames fired from the beak, that ar not elementally biased)
Personality: A free spirit, who takes only his job seriously. Loves to lay around and relax, as his contradicting elements often leave him exhausted. He cares greatly for his friends, but does not like to be involve too greatly in choosing light over darkness or vice versa, as he is both, and likes the way he is. He can split elements, becoming the pure form of either, but only his light side keeps his way of thinking.
Possessed Keys: Kindness and Sincerity
Light Form:
Rookie: Kessymon
Name: Nixe
Gender: Male
Appearence: A small bird that stands on it's hind legs, much like Biyomon. It has slightly underdeveloped wings, that though he can fly, they are more like really long arms. Each 'wing' is tipped in three black claws. His body is covered in orange and red fethers in a flame like pattern, and he has coal black eyes and a bright yellow beak, which is very Fearow like in comparison to his head. He has a small plume of rainbow feathers, and his tail is short, and mostly orange feathers with a few yellow ones. He has two short yellow legs and feet, just long enough that he can walk on them, and they adorn white claws in the usual bird shape.
Personality: The same as Phoenixdramon(see below)
Bird Blaze (Shots a fireball at the enemy)
Burning Dive Bomb (Dive bombs the enemy while ignited with flames)
Champion: Moamon
Name: Nixe
Gender: Male
Appearence: A tall bird, though only slightl taller than Sieg, it has an orange helmet on it's head much like Kiwimon, but it's beak is shorter, and it's neck is more ostrich like. It also has a plume of rainbow feathers instead of leaves, and it's fur like feathers are more reddish brown. It has no visible wings or tail, simply small tufts of flame coming out of it's body where they would be. It has long legs, with the drumsticks covered in similar feathers to the body, and it's long leg's being very stilt like, but superb for running. It only has two toes on each foot, and they have white talons like Kessymon.
Molten Blast ( Shoots a stream of lava out of it's beak at the enemy)
Blazing Talons (Kicks the enemy with flaming talons)
Ultimate: Pteradramon
Name: Nixe
Gender: Male
Appearence: This bird like dragon has a very similar helmet to Moamon, except it has a long horn extending out the back. It's body is covered in similar orang and red feathers to Kessymon, but it's wings are more dragon like, with them being flames supported by the arm and a long pinkie. The legs are short as it mostly spends it's time in the air, an it's tail is long and lizard like, but ending in a plume of orange feathers. It's wings, as I already said, have flames instead of skin stretched between them, and poking out the back of it's helmet is a plume of rainbow feathers. For an ultimate level dragon, it is rather small, more Champion like in terms of size, but it is under no circumstances to be underestimated.
Archaeo Flames (Shoots grey flames at the enemy)
Blazing Dragon (An advanced version of Burning Dive Bomb, it bursts into flames and flys right through the enemy)
Skyburst Shower (Flaps it's wings, sending a large storm of flames at the enemy)
Mega: Phoenixdramon
Name: Nixe
Blazing Glory (Immense flaming energy blast)
Phoenix Blast (Blast of red fire from mouth)
Nova Dragon Pulse (Energy Blast, where he glows bright gold and causes a Magna Explosion like move, usually followed by him de-digivolving)
Description: An immense serpentine dragon, or phoenix? Most have trouble aligning it, but Sieg is sure it's a dragon as Phoenixdramon is quadrapedal. It has four bird like legs, though rarely uses them as it prefers to fly. His head is much like ArchPhoenixmon's, he has a large yellow beak and his eyes are a flame red. He has a similar plume of rainbow flames, but lacks the black horns, instead having golden ones. It's body is coated in red, yellow and orange feathers in a flaming pattern. At the end of it's tail there is a plume of orange feathers, precisley like the one at the end of ArchPhoenixmon's tail. It has six wings, all of which are bird like and are positioned in pairs, as in two wings, not two pairs of wings, along it's serpentine body, and are similarly flame patterned to the body. A real spectacle to see in action.
Personality: Much like ArchPhoenixmon, Phoenixdramon is very care free and is quite fine to do as it pleases. Being Azulongmon like in proportions, very few question the dragon, so he has a lot of respect for those who do actually come up to him and talk as if he was a normal digimon, not half of a keeper. He hates being half ArchPhoenixmon, as he dislikes the fact nearly everyone treats him like a Digi-God, which he isn't. He is immensely loyal to Sieg, who always sees Phoenixdramon as his rookie of Kessymon. Though he is rarely serious, when he does get serious, just don't be the one he's against.
As Kessymon, most do not realise he is Phoenixdramon, so he is usually a lot more cheerful owing to beng talked to more normally.
Shadow Form:
Digimon: Hadesdramon(if that already exists I'll do a name change)
Name: Rogna
Absolute End (The polar opposite of Nova Dragon Pulse, a dark energy explosion that leaves him immensely weak, and often at risk, hence the name of the attack)
Dragon Blast (Black flames are shot at the enemy)
Chaotic Revelry (The polar opposite of Blazing Glory, a flaming energy blast which is black instead of red)
Description: A large reptilian dragon, standing on four huge dinosaur like legs, and with six bat like wings. His head is reptilian, with two pitch black horns and gleaming yellow eyes. his fangs are white, and he has a reptilian frill where the finger like supports are covered in pitch black scales, while the skin stretched between is the deepest shade of red. His body, tail and legs are covered in pitch black scales, as are the fingers that support his six wings. The skin stretched between the wings's fingers is also the depest shade of red, and his claws are a pitch black with a shine. His tail has a rdge of deepest red skin running the length of it, and the tail ends in a kite shaped ornament formed from the same coloured skin as what is stretched between the wings.
Personality: Not evil, just lonely. Everywhere he went, he was always thought of as evil and vile, the side of ArchPhoenixmon that should never have been born. Thus he grew to resent other Digimon, only finding acceptance in the company of other Digimon who most judge as evil, and began to see all other digimon as elementalist, a Digimon term for those who are discriminate because of a Digimon's element, like Light Digimon hating Dark Digimon for no rason other than element, and Water Digimon hating Fire Digimon also simply because one is the opposite element to the other. But while out wandering, Hadesdramon met Phoenixdramon, and was surprised to find they were once one and the same, and that Phoenixdramon was open minded about Hadesdramon element, and didn't judge him. Though Hadesdramon had been pleased meet an exception, he doubted there were others, since technically a Digimon can't hate itself and Phoenixdramon and Hadesdramon were technically the same Digimon. But then Hadesdramon got to know Sieg, his tamer. Sieg never once saw Hadesdramon as evil, just dark element, and Hadesdramon came to trust Sieg like a brother. Beacause of all this, Hadesdramon is mostly a loner, preferring to be around Sieg only, but unlike Phoenixdramon he is very serious, and is always very calculative in battle, usually assessing a situation before jumping in. He also has an unfortunatly short temper, owing to long years of mocking, and will often lash out, and only Sieg can calm him down when he's in a fury. He will attack blindly when in a fury, so is dangerous to annoy.
There, I mentioned the blind attacking in a fury. And as I said Hadesdramon and Phoenixdramon aren't exactly the closest of brothers, as that is how they see themselves.