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Digimon: Rise of EX1

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It is the year 2095. Everything about the digidestined has been a thing of the past. No wars or fights have been going around in the real world or the Digital World. But a new danger is unfolding. A digimon made by a group called DEAS (Digital Electronic Activism Systems)to help defend the digital world from any more danger or wars, code named EX1(looks alot like Apoclymon), has dashed into a unknown portal into the digital world, due to a unknown person somehow hacking and letting in EX1 into the portal, making him cause mayhem and havoc in the digital world. DEAS tries to hack into the digital world but there's another problem: EX1 has released a virus onto every computer in the world, causing no entry into the digiworld with a digivice so that nobody will stop him from taking over the digiworld, in which his plot is to control all digimon and destroy all humans because it hates humans, thinking they are useless and unfriendly to all. DEAS likely thought it was that unknown person who turned EX1's feelings and thoughts into evil. Fearing matters would get worse, DEAS unveiled a software that allowed entry to the digital world, but it could only send kids due to unexplainable errors in the software trying to send adults. Now that was settled, they are ready to stop EX1 from taking over the digiworld. Will they suceed?
Ok, sign ups
History (optional).
Once there are a few people, I will start it. LSU's will still be accepted after it starts. But don't post until I say you can.

Even though I posted this a few posts later on and told some people, I will say this to people who are willing to sign up: No asking when it's going to start. If I catch you doing it three times, you're out. No questions asked.
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Silver Arrow

i like bagels :D
Okay... Do we get to choose?

Name: Brendan
Age 13
Gender Male
Description Black hair, Black shorts, white Leg warmers, a white shirt under a red sleeveless jacket.
Personality: A bit fiery at the start until he warms to people he met. He is sometimes called 'a bomb on legs' because he sometimes explode at people.


Let's see er....description is kinda lacking, try explain more, but not too much. Everything else sounds good. You can choose any Digimon, but it has to have a rookie level. Like you can have Dorumon as your Digimon, but you can't have the evolutions as one of your digimon. And Dorumon can digivolve into it's evolutions. I will post my profile sometime later on. Just change a little bit in description.
Name: Serefui Manjiri
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Description: He has light brown hair and a black muscle shirt. He wears blue baggy jeans. He also has on black shoes. He has a metal arm attachment on his right arm like Ryu from season 3.
Personality: A real Lone Wolf guy. Like Matt from season 1.



Very good. Serfui_No_Rukario. Accepted.
Ok, since I'm here:
Name: Lawrence Higashi
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Description: Looks alot like Ryo from Digimon except there is no metal arm attachment and hair style is kind of like Riku from Kingdom Hearts. He wears a black shirt, blue shorts, and slightly gray shoes. Has brown hair and blue eyes.
Personality: Pretty much quiet all the time. Sometimes very talkative in conversations. But most of the time, quiet.


I'll try to think of a date when more people come. If more people sign up by Friday, I'll probably start it Saturday. But really I haven't thought of a date YET but I'll tell the date ASAP(as soon as possible).

Silver Arrow

i like bagels :D
I was listing its Digivolutions. This better?

Name: Brendan
Age 13
Gender Male
Description hair like Lance from PKMN except black and has blackish red eyes, Black shorts, white Leg warmers, a white shirt under a red sleeveless jacket.
Personality: A bit fiery at the start until he warms to people he met. He is sometimes called 'a bomb on legs' because he sometimes explode at people.


Name: Eric
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Description: He is basically the boy trainer from Pokemon Emerald, only he is older
Personality: Short Temper, turned on easily by girls, mellow, and can be emotional
History (optional): He is the leader of the American ebellion against his Arch-Nemesis, the evil Yugimon, who enslaved him until he escaped and met his digimon.
Fresh: PicoDigitamamon
Baby: Chaomon
Rookie: Chackymon
Champion: Kekuremon
Ultimate: Komodomon
Megas; Lizardomon (Insane mega, equivalent to good digimon that digivolve to digimon like SkullGreymon) MegaloKomodomon (Lizard, Sefirot, and Vishnu modes, bur Vishnu mode is when MegaloKomodomon DNA digivolves with Susanoomon)
I will describe them when they first appear in the actual RPG, and use their names, they will give you a hint on what they look like, especially Chaomon and Komodomon

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
Plot needs more detail please. Why have DEAS made a digimon? Why was it allowed access to the digital world if it's only a prototype? Why, as always, does it want to take over the world? Why only kids?

14. Waiting for an RPG

When you sign up for an RPG, it is customary to WAIT for the RPG to start. It is extremely impolite and rude to start asking "When do we start, when does the RPG begin?". The RPG will begin when the game master wants it to begin, and no amount of begging or asking will change that. So stop it already. I'm giving permission to game masters here and now to throw people from their RPGs if they start asking needless questions.

Have you EVER read the RULES?


Ok I changed somethings and turboredeemed, read Razor Leaf's quote please. I have become more serious now. Anyone who says,"When will it start?" more than three times will be out.


i'll join
Description:Has natural orange hair and blue eyes.He wears a black long sleeve shirt.He wears blue jeans And wears a orange hair.He has a dog tag and a shining silver watch.
Personality:A computer genius like Izzy from season one.Quite a lonewolf.Likes to move around with a backpack which contains his favourite orange laptop.


Memories in the Rain
Hi, FF. Its me! :p

Name: Lucifer Elemental
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Description: Has Flaming red hair, which perfectly matches his intense red eyes. He loves wearing red and black. He is rather skinny and tanned, but makes it up with his height.
Personality: A pure loner, simple and clean. No one knows why he volunterred to save the Digiworld, exepct himself.



Name: Zabermon
Attacks: Bubble Blow


Name: Gammamon

Attacks: Raptor Slash, Vaccine Heal


Name: Protomon

Attacks: Proto Slash, Xagon Blast


Name: Zeromon

Attacks: Zero Slash, Eregonal Strike


Name: Fentamon

Attacks: Fetnta Slash, ProtoZero Strike

Fentamon goes into 3 mega elvloutions...


Name: Dragodellmon

Attacks: Inferno Blast, Fire Soul

Name: Luciedmon

Attacks: Wolf Fang, Lucied Claw

And Luciedmon digivolves to...

Name: Luciedmon EX mode

Attacks: LuciedEX Claw, Dark Trinity

The final mega evloution...

Name: KnightBlazermon

Attacks: Banisher, Last Burst
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Knightblazer: Description could use a little more tune up. But other than that, approved.
michaeler2: Approved. But change digimon, because ~Serfui_No_Rukario~ has already taken Monodramon.


Sry about the double post.
List of Approved:
Imperial Order
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