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Digimon: Rise of the Demon Lords Discussion Thread

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Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
If anyone has questions or comments about the RPG, please post them here.

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
Are we starting out in the real world?

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Okay I'm alittle rusty on how Digimon Digivolve into their hyper-form. Can someone tell me how?

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
Yeah, we start in the Real World. We don't go to the Digital World for a little while.

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
Accually, think Savers, because we'll be going in and out of the Digital World.

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
Oh, one last thing I forgot to mention, no one knows each other prior to the beginning of the story (except maybe as aquaintences from school or something like that.)


Well-Known Member
I suppose this is a minor detail, but the RP will refer to things by the Dubbed names right? (Goblimon as Goburimon, Yukidarumon as Frigimon, Evolution as Digivolution) If so, will it matter much whether some refer to things the dubbed way, and others the original way?

Will Evolutions past Adult require a special event, or will that have to be resolved later?

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
We start out being able to digivolve to champion and dragonic started it already. To digivolve higher will probably just happen against a strong digimon.

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
to answer your previous question, hyoga, some become digitama (digi-eggs to us Americans) some return to the Digital World in their current forms, like Devidramon (the reason will be revealed later)

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
Just to let you know, there are also going to be four children with digivices, but no Digimon. Their names are Azu, E-Bon, Zhao, and Bai. They don't have Digimon, but they can open and close portals to the Digital World. They will be important a little later.


Well-Known Member
Basing their names upon their original forms would have probably helped to keep it more mysterious. ;) ((Although only if they weren't aware of the original names.....)) BTW, will they be similar to the Frontier kids and Kouki's gang?

In any case, is it absolutely necessary for everyone to suddenly meet like you've been doing? If not, I'd like to just drift along with my starting post.

Gentleman Skeleton

Well-Known Member
Basing their names upon their original forms would have probably helped to keep it more mysterious. ;) ((Although only if they weren't aware of the original names.....)) BTW, will they be similar to the Frontier kids and Kouki's gang?

Yeah, think of them, only in reverse. Instead of humans who become Digimon, it's Digimon that can become human.

In any case, is it absolutely necessary for everyone to suddenly meet like you've been doing? If not, I'd like to just drift along with my starting post.

No, you don't have to join up with the larger group yet. Go ahead with the starting post you intended.

EDIT: Okay, I want to go over the basic plot to a point. I'll place it in spoiler tags in case you don't want to know. But I highly reccomend taking a look if you belong to the RPG so we're on the same page and you're not scratching your head in confusion.

After the battle between Dorugamon and Devimon, Devimon is no longer enjoying fighting him, so he heads back to the Digital World from cyberspace and turns back into Beelzemon, whom is given a digivice similar to the four kids from earlier and transfer papers to the school Pat and Tara (the human with no Digimon I asked for earlier) attends. He turns back into Impmon and goes back to the Real World, where he becomes Beelzemon again and activates the Digivice, giving himself a human disguise. Beelzemon becomes a student in Pat and Tara's class, where he gets a crush on Tara. When Lucemon learns of Beelzemon being in love with a human, he goes to the Real World (since he's a Rookie level and can pass through the gate, since the gate only blocks out Megas) to destroy Tara and get Beelzemon back on track. Beelzemon thinks fast and pulls her through the gate into the Digital World. Lucemon destroys everything in his path to find Tara, which exposes the identity of Digimon to the mainstream public. Dorugamon and a few other Digimon reach Ultimate level and stop Lucemon temporarily. Everyone goes into the Digital World to save Tara, where the meet the evil human and Lopmon. Fight breaks out, after Cherubimon comes out, Dorugoramon is born and stops him, bad human becomes good. Meanwhile, Lilithmon gets a crack at destroying Tara. Beelzemon saves her, sacrificing himself and becoming a Digi-egg with a Digivice attatched.
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