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Lord Umbreon

The Dark Leader
ive been wondering this for a while what does diglett look like out of the ground is he like a worm, or have a body, or just little claws, or even is he just hallow? ;050;


i think he's probably a worm.

Jinchuuriki Hunter

Johto Champion Ninja
Kay said:
i think he's probably a worm.
I don't think so. Diglett is classified as a mole Poké for a reason.

I say it's got a body small enough to fit under a cowboy hat and little claws that can dig up dirt faster than a robot with two shovels powered by jet fuel.

Lord Umbreon

The Dark Leader
I don't think so. Diglett is classified as a mole Poké for a reason.

I say it's got a body small enough to fit under a cowboy hat and little claws that can dig up dirt faster than a robot with two shovels powered by jet fuel.

so it would have a small body and a long head-neck thing?


Torterra Firma
Or maybe it's like a mole...

Think of Paras. Now put Diglett on top. Bam.


If you ever played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, when you rescue the Diglett from Skarmory he goes "My feet still feel like their on air" or something like that and it makes every one jump and the Magnemite go "HE HAS THEM, FEET?" I always imagined him a mole like thing

Yami ookami

Well-Known Member
My sister thinks it's a Large muscular human body with a speedo. I think it's basically a little bud. So... Yeah... Nothing down there. I think digletts have rough skin that they use to dig with.

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
^the dex often lies.
But i think he is a mole, too.
How would he use scratch and slash if he was a worm?

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
It may have claws and/or feet tucked under the visible part and just takes 'em out when necessary


Ooh, maaaan!
Oh man, oh man I WISH my scanner worked. I have the BEST design for Diglett, and it's sooooo simple and it'll blow all your minds away, because it's a no-brainer, man, it has these big claw feet, and then smaller feet in the back, and it has a cute little mole tail! <3 Oh! And Dugtrio, too, but with Dugtrio the only difference is that it has three heads and a bigger body to fit them all.

I remember someone doing a sprite / drawing of what they thought was under the ground.

It was a massive gerat big body with claws legs etc.

Wish I could remember who did it.