Status: Trying to find more things to learn, so I can expand my shop. ^^
And one thing: I'm one of those people who're trying to not get spoiled about the DP games and pokémon. I do know about maybe 35 of these pokémon, but if you're asking me to do one I don't know about, I will turn your request down. Sorry about that, but that's the way it is.
Hi, everone. ^^ Since I like to sprite, I thought, "why not open my own shop?" And that's what I'm doing, obviously. :3
Here's what I can do:
And the forms. (;
iPod Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to have an iPod. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Background colour: Which colour you want the background to be.
Text: What you want it to say.
Lineless Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make lineless. You can also specify a sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want recoloured. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colours: Specify which colours you want it to have. You can also state a pokémon whoms colour pallete you'd like (Like "Use Manectrics colours").
Siamese Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to be a siamese. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Head - in our out: If you want the Pokémon to be mirrored by the head (see Dewgong) or body (see Salamence).
Glowing Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to glow. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Colour of the glow: Which colour you want the glow to be.
Layers of the glow: How many layers you want the glow to have. If not specified, I will make it three.
Fossil Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make a fossil. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colour: Grey or brown? You can also specify if you want certain areas of the Pokémon to be grey and, for example, the ears brown (like Persian).
Cell-shaded Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want cell-shaded. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Midget Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to look weird.
You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want mixed/fused (I'm willing to mix/fuse up to five, but that's for obvious reasons a lot harder than three or two). You can also specify which sprites you want.
Base: Which Pokémon you want to be the base.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want rewamped. You can also specify if you want it to be shiny or not.
Game: The sprite from which game you want rewamped.
Custom Trainers
Gender: Male of female?
Description: Describe as much as possible. The better description, the better sprite.
Bubble Pokémon
(Just an idea I came up with, and decided to share. ^^ Don't steal - they're mine!)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want trapped in a bubble. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want dewamped. You can also specify a sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Inferno Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to transform into lava. You can also specify a sprite you want.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make a ball out of. If theres any special features you want (like "I want his tail included"), tell me.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make an egg out of.
Colour/Features: If you want the egg to just be coloured as the Pokémon you chose, or if you want it to have features as well (such as ears, tail etc).
Trainer: It's a lot easier for me if you provide me with a trainer sprite, so please do. You can ask me to do a custom trainer and then morph it. That will count as two requests.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon the trainer is morphed with.
You can also describe how you want the morph to look like. I will try my best to make it as you described it.
Data Forms
Pokémon: The pokémon you want to be a Data Form. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colour: The colour of the outlining.
Normal/Silhouette?: Do you want the Data Form to be normal (see Sableye) or a silhouette (see Magenemite)?
Albino Pokémon
(Another idea that crossed my mind. Don't steal - it's mine!)
Pokémon: The Pokémon you want to be an albino. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Glowing Silhouettes
(And another one of my ideas. ^^)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to be a silhouetted glow. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colour of the glow: Which colour you want the glow to be.
Layers of the glow: How many layers you want the glow to have.
The place of the glow: If you want the glow to be inside (see Mankey) or outside (see Dewgong) the silhouette.
Colour Reversals
Pokémon: Which Pokémon who's colour you want reversed. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Who's That Pokémon?
Pokémon: The Pokémon you want all black. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Paper Pokémon
(Yes, I get a lot of ideas.)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to look like a paper drawing. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Quick Attacks
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to be using Quick Attack. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Direction: In which direction you want the Pokémon to use Quick Attack. (A heads up, diagonal looks really bad.) If none given, it will be the direction the Pokémon is facing.
Trainer Cards
Trainer: It's a lot easier for me if you provide me with a trainer sprite, so please do. You can ask me to do a custom trainer and then use it. That will count as two requests.
Your Party: The six Pokémon you want displayed. You can also specify which sprites you want, and if any of them are shiny or not.
Your partner pokémon: The Pokémon which will stand beside you on the left side of the card. If left blank, you/the trainer will be alone.
Badge set: Which set of badge you want - from Kanto, Johto or Hoenn or Shinou. (I refuse to say Sinnoh.)
Background: What you'd like the bakground to be. It can be almost anything - a giant Vulpix, fire, a forest, etc.
Pokémon backgrounds?: If you want, you can request individual background in the frames for each of the pokémon in your party. For example, if you've got a Typhlosion, why not make it a fire background? Or for a Pikachu, a lightning? If left blank, there will be not individual backgrounds. You can also specify if you want the pokémon background to be white or any other colour, or if you want the background to be seen in their frames as well.
The banners have to be very easy, because I use MS Paint to make them. They can still look cool though. (;
Pokémon/Trainers: These will pretty much have to be sprites, or at least transparent pictures. Just tell which Pokémon you want, and please provide me with a trainer if you want one. You can also specify which sprites you want, and if it's shiny or not. You can ask me to do a custom trainer and then use it. That will count as two requests.
Positions: Where you want your subjects to be in the banner.
Background: The bakground you want. If you want to, you can give me the one you'd like me to use.
Text: What you want it to say. If left blank, there will be no text.
Size: Which size you want on the banner.
Pokémon: Which pokémon you want glitched.
Pokémon: The Pokémon you want for the trophie. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Rank: The rank of the trophie - First (gold), Second (silver) or Third (bronze)?
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want inverted. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not. The background will be white unless I'm told otherwise.
(Another one of MY ideas. ^^)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want portrayed. You can also specify which sprite you want it to be based off, and if it's shiny or not.
*If you want to change your request, edit the post and PM me about it.
*If the request turn out wrong or you don't like it, tell me and I will try to make it right. I won't change any request by flamers and such though. Tell me what's wrong and what I can do to improve.
- Serebii rules apply.
- Don't rush me, and be patient. I will do your request when I've got time.
- No more than three requests per person. You can request more once all of your requests are done.
- I have the right to say no to a request (I doubt this vill happen though).
- Use the forms, please. They're not just there to look pretty. Or at least make a request with all the info from the forms in it.
- It would be nice of you to comment on my work once it's done. :3 I like critisism, so don't be shy.
- Please don't use chat language I can't understand.
- Do not steal any of my ideas.
- Give credit.
- And lastly, enjoy your requests. ^^
And one thing: I'm one of those people who're trying to not get spoiled about the DP games and pokémon. I do know about maybe 35 of these pokémon, but if you're asking me to do one I don't know about, I will turn your request down. Sorry about that, but that's the way it is.
Hi, everone. ^^ Since I like to sprite, I thought, "why not open my own shop?" And that's what I'm doing, obviously. :3
Here's what I can do:
And the forms. (;
iPod Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to have an iPod. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Background colour: Which colour you want the background to be.
Text: What you want it to say.
Lineless Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make lineless. You can also specify a sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want recoloured. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colours: Specify which colours you want it to have. You can also state a pokémon whoms colour pallete you'd like (Like "Use Manectrics colours").
Siamese Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to be a siamese. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Head - in our out: If you want the Pokémon to be mirrored by the head (see Dewgong) or body (see Salamence).
Glowing Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to glow. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Colour of the glow: Which colour you want the glow to be.
Layers of the glow: How many layers you want the glow to have. If not specified, I will make it three.
Fossil Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make a fossil. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colour: Grey or brown? You can also specify if you want certain areas of the Pokémon to be grey and, for example, the ears brown (like Persian).
Cell-shaded Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want cell-shaded. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Midget Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to look weird.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want mixed/fused (I'm willing to mix/fuse up to five, but that's for obvious reasons a lot harder than three or two). You can also specify which sprites you want.
Base: Which Pokémon you want to be the base.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want rewamped. You can also specify if you want it to be shiny or not.
Game: The sprite from which game you want rewamped.
Custom Trainers
Gender: Male of female?
Description: Describe as much as possible. The better description, the better sprite.
Bubble Pokémon
(Just an idea I came up with, and decided to share. ^^ Don't steal - they're mine!)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want trapped in a bubble. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want dewamped. You can also specify a sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Inferno Pokémon
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to transform into lava. You can also specify a sprite you want.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make a ball out of. If theres any special features you want (like "I want his tail included"), tell me.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to make an egg out of.
Colour/Features: If you want the egg to just be coloured as the Pokémon you chose, or if you want it to have features as well (such as ears, tail etc).
Trainer: It's a lot easier for me if you provide me with a trainer sprite, so please do. You can ask me to do a custom trainer and then morph it. That will count as two requests.
Pokémon: Which Pokémon the trainer is morphed with.
You can also describe how you want the morph to look like. I will try my best to make it as you described it.
Data Forms
Pokémon: The pokémon you want to be a Data Form. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colour: The colour of the outlining.
Normal/Silhouette?: Do you want the Data Form to be normal (see Sableye) or a silhouette (see Magenemite)?
Albino Pokémon
(Another idea that crossed my mind. Don't steal - it's mine!)
Pokémon: The Pokémon you want to be an albino. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Glowing Silhouettes
(And another one of my ideas. ^^)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to be a silhouetted glow. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Colour of the glow: Which colour you want the glow to be.
Layers of the glow: How many layers you want the glow to have.
The place of the glow: If you want the glow to be inside (see Mankey) or outside (see Dewgong) the silhouette.
Colour Reversals
Pokémon: Which Pokémon who's colour you want reversed. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Who's That Pokémon?
Pokémon: The Pokémon you want all black. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Paper Pokémon
(Yes, I get a lot of ideas.)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to look like a paper drawing. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Quick Attacks
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want to be using Quick Attack. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not.
Direction: In which direction you want the Pokémon to use Quick Attack. (A heads up, diagonal looks really bad.) If none given, it will be the direction the Pokémon is facing.
Trainer Cards
Trainer: It's a lot easier for me if you provide me with a trainer sprite, so please do. You can ask me to do a custom trainer and then use it. That will count as two requests.
Your Party: The six Pokémon you want displayed. You can also specify which sprites you want, and if any of them are shiny or not.
Your partner pokémon: The Pokémon which will stand beside you on the left side of the card. If left blank, you/the trainer will be alone.
Badge set: Which set of badge you want - from Kanto, Johto or Hoenn or Shinou. (I refuse to say Sinnoh.)
Background: What you'd like the bakground to be. It can be almost anything - a giant Vulpix, fire, a forest, etc.
Pokémon backgrounds?: If you want, you can request individual background in the frames for each of the pokémon in your party. For example, if you've got a Typhlosion, why not make it a fire background? Or for a Pikachu, a lightning? If left blank, there will be not individual backgrounds. You can also specify if you want the pokémon background to be white or any other colour, or if you want the background to be seen in their frames as well.
The banners have to be very easy, because I use MS Paint to make them. They can still look cool though. (;
Pokémon/Trainers: These will pretty much have to be sprites, or at least transparent pictures. Just tell which Pokémon you want, and please provide me with a trainer if you want one. You can also specify which sprites you want, and if it's shiny or not. You can ask me to do a custom trainer and then use it. That will count as two requests.
Positions: Where you want your subjects to be in the banner.
Background: The bakground you want. If you want to, you can give me the one you'd like me to use.
Text: What you want it to say. If left blank, there will be no text.
Size: Which size you want on the banner.
Pokémon: Which pokémon you want glitched.
Pokémon: The Pokémon you want for the trophie. You can also specify which sprite you want.
Rank: The rank of the trophie - First (gold), Second (silver) or Third (bronze)?
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want inverted. You can also specify which sprite you want, and if it's shiny or not. The background will be white unless I'm told otherwise.
(Another one of MY ideas. ^^)
Pokémon: Which Pokémon you want portrayed. You can also specify which sprite you want it to be based off, and if it's shiny or not.
*If you want to change your request, edit the post and PM me about it.
*If the request turn out wrong or you don't like it, tell me and I will try to make it right. I won't change any request by flamers and such though. Tell me what's wrong and what I can do to improve.
- Serebii rules apply.
- Don't rush me, and be patient. I will do your request when I've got time.
- No more than three requests per person. You can request more once all of your requests are done.
- I have the right to say no to a request (I doubt this vill happen though).
- Use the forms, please. They're not just there to look pretty. Or at least make a request with all the info from the forms in it.
- It would be nice of you to comment on my work once it's done. :3 I like critisism, so don't be shy.
- Please don't use chat language I can't understand.
- Do not steal any of my ideas.
- Give credit.
- And lastly, enjoy your requests. ^^
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