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NidoKing Master
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks like this, but come on, wouldn't Pokemon make a great MMORPG. I was hoping that Pokemon Revo would be it, but at last I'm disappointed. Am I the only one thinking like this?


Pokemon Collecter
You're not the only one that thinks this, I've heard it loads of times before. :)
I'd LOVE one, but I think Nintendo wants to stay with consoles for now, instead of moving to a PC, and I don't think the Wii could manage an MMORPG.

Pokémon Encyclopedia

Well-Known Member
I've always wanted a pkmn mmorpg.


NidoKing Master
You're not the only one that thinks this, I've heard it loads of times before. :)
I'd LOVE one, but I think Nintendo wants to stay with consoles for now, instead of moving to a PC, and I don't think the Wii could manage an MMORPG.

I'm not thinking a PC game. I think it would be fine on the Wii. I'm not a big MMORPG guy so I don't know what all it entails, but from what I've seen its all about running around an getting EXP from battling other players or enemies in the game. That is exactly what Pokemon has. If the DS can handle Animal Crossing couldn't the Wii handle this?


Well-Known Member
With a name like Battle Revolution, I had real doubts that it would be part RPG

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
IMO, the name is the only disappointment. The only thing worse they can do is add a 'X' to it or 'Xtreme'....thats proof of desperation for names.

The only thing close to an MMO (minus the MM part...but it functions like one to some extent) was Pokemon Rescue, which everyone knew, deep down inside, was actually bleah.
I'm dissapointed, but not for it not being an MMORPG, but becasue it's not a shadow pokemon game :|
yea, that would be actually cool... walking around, challenging other people...


Sneasel Fanboy


IMO, i think thw wii could pull off an mmo. They could make a shadow pokemon game, but after you beat single player mode you could play online with the wii's wifi capability. Only bad thing is no mmorpg for those people without dsl, cable, or satelite (me[as in I don't have those])


I like Shadow Pokémon.

I like Stadium-style.

I like MMORPG.

There is no way they could've dissapointed me...

...as long as it was an RPG.


Well-Known Member
i wanted it to be an RPG but meh stadium games are kool to
It will be made eventually, Pokemon was born to be an MMORPG and the Wii is the perfect console for it, they just need more time to understand the ways of wifi on Wii.