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Disc Version of Shiny Zigzagoon Disc


Well, I was thinking of trying to buy the Zigzagoon Disc off eBay. I very recently found a Interactive Demo Disc Version 16, tried to win, but was killed off at the last many because I had to eat lunch and I was overbid. =\

However, I'm still confused at what version disc the Shiny Zigzagoon actually came off of. An old thread a while back said it was Version 14, while a Nintendo Insider (Nintendo US forum member) said it was Version 15, and IGN says its Version 16. So for those who actually got to see the disc if you went to the EBGames/GameStop, which version did you see?

Also, if any of you begged the store for the disc, what are the chances you'd be successful in getting it and not be booted out forever? Yes, I actually expect a real answer. lol