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Discussion of Funny Google ads on Serebii.net

Will-powered Spriter

Pokédex Complete!
On serebii.net, (unless you live under a rock, you should know where that is!)
at the top of the page, are adds by google, now google puts adverts that are asociated by words on the page. This means it usually advertises pokemon merchandise, or the occasional junk, (like this official english site for watching adults swim...wtf) but shopping sites just add the random word, creating funny results like this.

Find Pokemon. Buy pokemon here!

Now if you looked, I believe they're sold out of rayquaza's & hikazaru which is a shame, but then my parents wouldn't let me have a pet pokemon.

Now tell me any odd adverts you see, discuss others & say if these adverts are a good or bad idea.

PS: I can be quite imcompetent, so if I've broke a rule, please tell me.

~*Myuu the Ryuu*~

The epitome of grace
There's a kitty ringtone. Very wierd, and also a Pokemon ringtone. I'd never live it down if my cell phone started playing "Gotta Catch 'Em All" in the middle of school

pigs do fly

<Currently hunting
I saw one for 'sexier' once. Find sexier.Buy sexier here!


What 'bout My Star?
My favourite was:
and it was how someone used the book of Revelations to predict how the US will some how end the world.

AJ Flibble

Two here:

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Random, even if not that funny. Seen way better ones.
i just saw this one

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Shinx <3
I saw something like a "Is Jesus real" or something like that.Very weird if you ask me.
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I didnt know they sold ruby version cheats on ebay

or that you can buy pokemon on the internet lol