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Ditto-ized Charmander (O_O;)

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<-I like udon
Okay. This is actually from those new avatars, and there are these certain ones that have Pokémon with odd expressions on their faces, which I figured were Ditto's eyes. For example, my avatar. The Charmander has Ditto's eyes. O_O; And I decided to make a replica of it. I messed up on the background, so I left it with only a part of the ground colored. I made it on artpad, here it is:

And yes, I do know it's weird if you're saying it is.


Guitar Ninja
that was really cool! i don't know how you can do that without accaddentaly puting one color on another....like i said..that was cool


<-I like udon
Sonic Jam 82 said:
that was really cool! i don't know how you can do that without accaddentaly puting one color on another....like i said..that was cool
You know, I actually did accidentally put a few colors on another, and some even on purpose to mix them. ^^;
Pokefan26Nice art!
It looks exactly like your avatar!
I know why you're saying that... *sniff* it's because you're LYING! XD
Just kidding. It doesn't look exactly like my avatar, though. I was off on the head's shape, the claws and when there's supposed to be only two colors on the flame at the end of the tail, I put like, four. O_O

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
Yeah, the reason it looks like that in the avatar is because that's what it is--a Ditto trying to be a Charmander.


<-I like udon
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
Yeah, the reason it looks like that in the avatar is because that's what it is--a Ditto trying to be a Charmander.
Yep, I guess it's something like that. The Geodude is even weirder to me.. O_O
I'm trying to work on that now.
Actually, I did Pikachu.
It's too fat... >_>
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Well-Known Member
I love both. Ditto imitations are cute, especially when you do them. Pikachu isn't fat, in fact, it's even a little small. Either way, it's better than something I could do on Artpad. XD


<-I like udon
Burakki said:
I love both. Ditto imitations are cute, especially when you do them. Pikachu isn't fat, in fact, it's even a little small. Either way, it's better than something I could do on Artpad. XD
Really? Small? The first thing that popped into my head after I finished that thing was 'Too fat'. XD
Geodude... at its worst. *gets killed by an angry mob* X_X
This is yet my worst in the avatar replicas.
Crticizing is surely welcome.
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