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Ditto Vs Deoxys


Cool Question What Would Happen If You Were In A Link Battle With Pokemon Fr And Lg And It Was A Battle Between Ditto(fr) And Deoxys(lg) And Ditto Used Transform On Deoxys. So What Deoxys Form Would Ditto Be?


I'll by ur soul
Same Form as Deoxys i think. I dont know if ditto changes to attack form....


Well-Known Member
hmm... thats a good question well what form is the Deoxys.
well whatever form it would be the ditto most likely turn into that form.
(thats gives me an idea)


Well-Known Member
It would turn into normal deoxys because in link battles deoxys becomes normal form


Well-Known Member
It will transform into the Normal form.



Well-Known Member
i think ill go try it but im pretty sure it'll turn into normal form now that everyone says


Furret rocks
I think what ever form the Deoxys is in.

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
Maybe it depends on the version you're playing


Powerplay Champion
whatever form the other is... it just transforms into a copy of the pokemon... deoxys form transformation is specific to an actual deoxys:)


Gust of Wind
probably normal form or what-ever game it corresponds to


Well-Known Member
I have tried it, and it's in normal form, and the orginial Deoxys will win anyway.

Now that I have confirmed it, I think this thread have become pretty pointless, don't you think?


I love garlic. :P
A good qustion i must say... Well, taking every thing in between... It will turn into LG form... (I think..)