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Ditto's Mysterious Mansion! (037)

Mrs. Oreo

Duplica was based on R/B/Y's Copycat chick I think

I noticed as well, except this episode happened in a different place and not in Saffron city. Duplica was so much more interesting than the Copycat to me however cuz we saw her struggles with Ditto.


After watching Shinou's Metamon episode, I can appreciate this one more because Imite was a fun character, and that's rare in filler episodes. Imite having costumes to mimic people she met was slightly awkward, though. It made her seem like a stalker since she had Satoshi's outfit.


Meowth fanatic
I like the way that they reveal Ditto with this lady who does impressions because they seem like the perfect match. What I didn't like is how they made it so that Ditto can transform into objects. :x

Mrs. Oreo

Imite having costumes to mimic people she met was slightly awkward, though. It made her seem like a stalker since she had Satoshi's outfit.

Duplica having clothes that resembled Ash's clothes seemed reasonable to me given her huge stockpile of outfits as we saw. However Ash's cap was supposed to be a rare item, so Duplica having one herself seemed too convenient. ^^;


Meowth fanatic
However Ash's cap was supposed to be a rare item, so Duplica having one herself seemed too convenient. ^^;

Wait, that's actually a good point. I guess she must've entered the same cap sweepstakes that Ash once entered just to win the exact same cap lol. :p

Mrs. Oreo

Wait, that's actually a good point. I guess she must've entered the same cap sweepstakes that Ash once entered just to win the exact same cap lol. :p

That or she made it herself, which I guess in hindsight is possible given how Duplica seemed so dedicated to her imitation craft ha ha. And I also liked how Team Rocket ultimately solved Duplica's Ditto's face transformation issues themselves. :3


Meowth fanatic
And I also liked how Team Rocket ultimately solved Duplica's Ditto's face transformation issues themselves. :3

I didn't, because it seemed so sudden. Like, Duplica did nothing and yet her Ditto's problems ended up getting fixed by the bad guys. It seemed backwards.

Mrs. Oreo

I didn't, because it seemed so sudden. Like, Duplica did nothing and yet her Ditto's problems ended up getting fixed by the bad guys. It seemed backwards.

I thought that the pressure put on Ditto by Team Rocket was a good enough reason for how Ditto managed to fix its face when transforming cuz he felt threatened. I loved how James and Meowth laughed when Ditto messed up Jessie's crush's face.


I wish Ditto's issues hadn't been fixed so easily or even at all. His face staying the same was honestly funny and shouldn't have been a big deal.


I wish Ditto's issues hadn't been fixed so easily or even at all. His face staying the same was honestly funny and shouldn't have been a big deal.

Metamon needed to get over its issues however, otherwise Imite never would've been able to achieve her dream of doing perfect impressions. I just loved how the Rocket-dan helped Metamon fix its face.
Duplica's mansion looked creepy so I thought we'd see ghosts here. Instead we saw Ditto who couldn't change his face. It was pretty cool how Ditto's issue was resolved thanks to Meowth.


Looking back, I now wish that Imite had solved Metamon's problem on her own instead of the Rocket-dan's threats magically fixing Metamon's face. It just seems somewhat lazy from a writing standpoint now.


gentwoer said:
Another just okay episode. The first Boss fantasy was pretty neat especially the way the dub had Jessie's voice imitate the sound distortion used on Giovanni, The twerps doing a full on imitation of the Rocket motto was also near.

I still don't understand why the English dub added that filter to Sakaki's voice in early OS, however. It wasn't used in the Japanese version, and seemed unnecessary in the dub.


Call of Fate
An alright episode. I really didn't like how Ditto beat Bulbasaur so easily using nothing but Grass-type attacks. I liked Ash, Brock, Duplica and Misty mocking TRio's motto, as well as Jessie's old crush, however. Ditto transforming into objects surprised me, but since one of its Dex entries states it transforms into a stone before going to sleep, this wasn't all that odd.


KyogreThunder said:
An alright episode. I really didn't like how Ditto beat Bulbasaur so easily using nothing but Grass-type attacks.

It puzzled me a bit since Metamon didn't seem that strong to begin with especially since it had issues using Transform correctly, so for Satoshi's Fushigidane to lose against a funny-looking doppelganger seemed ridiculous.
Ditto was so interesting because of its facial problem which was a very clever way of making the episode be about improving Ditto's transformation technique. I found it funny how Duplica took her imitation hobby so seriously by having a whole wardrobe full of random clothing so she could become whoever she wanted. I also laughed hard when Ditto transformed into a picture frame.
Episodes like these that make me like a Pokemon more than I already did are some of my favorites. Ditto seemed like a simple Pokemon to me in the past but its transformation powers made it seem unique and special and I wanted to use one in the games before finding out that Ditto's status are low. My favorite part was when Duplica and Ash and his friends did the Team Rocket motto to mock Jessie and James when they found their hideout. 8/10