oliver sreeves
Well-Known Member
Diddy Kong Racing DX: Prologue
Diddy is siting on the porch of his best mate's hut, Donkey Kong’s house in Donkey Kong Country. Diddy is a small monkey that Donkey Kong has known for a long time. He wears a red shirt with yellow stars on it and a red cap. The hut he lived in was actually quite small, but also quite big for a tree house. The hut stood halve way up a tree which could be seen for miles around, as it was one of the many huge tree's in the Kong jungle. The hut had four sides to it (just like an average house) which the tree trunk going through the middle of the house. Each side of the hut had four windows, with a frame, but no glass in them. there was lots of noise from inside as they had guests for the summer. He heard a noise from above and glanced up to see a bird drop a letter as it flew of again.
as it turned out, the letter was from his old friend Timber, son of the Kong’s’ guests, the Tigers. The young Tiger had found himself in quite a bit of trouble that, for once, wasn't even his fault, as, as you would of guessed is quite a trouble maker. After Diddy read the note through a couple more times, he sat back and gnawed on his finger, his gaze fixed somewhere beyond the early jungle mist. He could just see the suns reflections beaming of the tops of the hills, in the distance.
The letter which Timber had sent said:
Please help me Diddy Kong. An evil, giant, pig like being called Wizpig, has arrived at my peaceful Island and has taken over the island. I Know for a fact that you have had a similar problem with the Kremling king. please gather anyone who could help me to save the island. I have consulted with a genie who calls himself Taj, who says that the only way for the island to be saved is to find all of the Golden Balloons around the Island. Most of them can only be found on race courses which will be revelled once you have gathered a certain number of Balloons. If you come first then a Balloon will Magically appear before you, or so I’ve been told.
The best racer on the island called Drumstick offered to help in this challenge but failed, and now he has been turned into a frog, which not even Tag’s magic can break.
I will give directions to my island on the back of this letter. please help, you are my only hope.
PS don't tell my Mum and Dad.
The letter looked as though it had been rushed and Diddy could tell from the messy hand writing and splurges of ink everywhere. He'd been asked to help, so his intention to zip off as soon as possible, could not be in doubt. The question that preoccupied him now was whether or not he should draft some extra help like Timber mentioned, just in case...after all, this Wizpig sounded like a pretty mean foe.
Finally, he decided that his friends Banjo and Conker would still enjoy an adventure, even if it turned out that their services weren't needed. So, the young ape dug out a pencil stub from the mess of his bedroom and hopped back into his seat. Diddys bedroom was very untidy as would any child’s room would be. Banana skins laid every where, even on the bed. There was magazines on the shelves and a trunk at the end of the bed, which contained his odds and end's, from his adventure with Donkey Kong. He had his own bedside table which even had it's own it's own T.V. on the table was a lamp with a candle and a couple of fountain pens, with ink, and bits of paper.
As Diddy sat outside on the Porch he started to write down a couple of messages of his own. as he wrote he whistled for his good friend Squawks, his makeshift carrier pigeon.
As he finished writing his notes with his fountain pen he tied each note to each of Squawks' feat. Squawks flew off sometime afterwards when Diddy had a thought to himself aloud. "I'm going to need lot's of equipment and food for this", and he went inside, through the kitchen, past Timber's dad who would look like a normal tiger but looked quite ferocious, in Diddy point of view, to take some banana's out of the Fruit basket and into his rucksack.
After packing the rest of his things, he had started to pelt of through the jungle to help Timber, after telling D.K. he's going away on holiday for a about a month. A few hours later, Diddy Kong was on the first leg of his journey, tearing off at high speed through the jungle.
As Diddy pounded off through the dense jungle a couple of Kremling spies had seen him and where watching with suspicion.
"Hey - where you think he go?"
asked Krunch. Krunch is a Kremling which for those who don't know are actually crocodile's. Krunch often wears an unbuttoned purple shirt which doesn’t even fit him, or his waist side, and is one of the meanest cronies of the Kremling King and was actually quite interested in what Diddy was doing.
Krunch’s accomplish frowned.
"Why?" asked the second Kremling.
"What if he go fetch others? Fight Kremlings?" The second Kremling thought about this and then realised what Krunch was about to suggest.
"No way. I not go," he said, and turned and bolted into the undergrowth. Krunch rolled his eyes.
"Hopeless," he snorted. "I go after him," he bellowed to his cowardly colleague. "You go tell the boss - see what he think of that, huh?" And with that, Krunch lumbered off through the trees, grumpily swatting aside vines as he went.
Krunch continued after Diddy had passed and started to follow him, in case of any plans to thwart their leader again.
Now it's our hero, Diddy’s job to earn those gold balloons, and earn enough to challenge Wizpig.
Will he do it?
Will Diddy free Drumstick from Wizpig's spell?
Will He come first in many of the races, not to mention the islands boss's who won't take kindly to you earning balloons?
Read on into Chapter 1.
Diddy is siting on the porch of his best mate's hut, Donkey Kong’s house in Donkey Kong Country. Diddy is a small monkey that Donkey Kong has known for a long time. He wears a red shirt with yellow stars on it and a red cap. The hut he lived in was actually quite small, but also quite big for a tree house. The hut stood halve way up a tree which could be seen for miles around, as it was one of the many huge tree's in the Kong jungle. The hut had four sides to it (just like an average house) which the tree trunk going through the middle of the house. Each side of the hut had four windows, with a frame, but no glass in them. there was lots of noise from inside as they had guests for the summer. He heard a noise from above and glanced up to see a bird drop a letter as it flew of again.
as it turned out, the letter was from his old friend Timber, son of the Kong’s’ guests, the Tigers. The young Tiger had found himself in quite a bit of trouble that, for once, wasn't even his fault, as, as you would of guessed is quite a trouble maker. After Diddy read the note through a couple more times, he sat back and gnawed on his finger, his gaze fixed somewhere beyond the early jungle mist. He could just see the suns reflections beaming of the tops of the hills, in the distance.
The letter which Timber had sent said:
Please help me Diddy Kong. An evil, giant, pig like being called Wizpig, has arrived at my peaceful Island and has taken over the island. I Know for a fact that you have had a similar problem with the Kremling king. please gather anyone who could help me to save the island. I have consulted with a genie who calls himself Taj, who says that the only way for the island to be saved is to find all of the Golden Balloons around the Island. Most of them can only be found on race courses which will be revelled once you have gathered a certain number of Balloons. If you come first then a Balloon will Magically appear before you, or so I’ve been told.
The best racer on the island called Drumstick offered to help in this challenge but failed, and now he has been turned into a frog, which not even Tag’s magic can break.
I will give directions to my island on the back of this letter. please help, you are my only hope.
PS don't tell my Mum and Dad.
The letter looked as though it had been rushed and Diddy could tell from the messy hand writing and splurges of ink everywhere. He'd been asked to help, so his intention to zip off as soon as possible, could not be in doubt. The question that preoccupied him now was whether or not he should draft some extra help like Timber mentioned, just in case...after all, this Wizpig sounded like a pretty mean foe.
Finally, he decided that his friends Banjo and Conker would still enjoy an adventure, even if it turned out that their services weren't needed. So, the young ape dug out a pencil stub from the mess of his bedroom and hopped back into his seat. Diddys bedroom was very untidy as would any child’s room would be. Banana skins laid every where, even on the bed. There was magazines on the shelves and a trunk at the end of the bed, which contained his odds and end's, from his adventure with Donkey Kong. He had his own bedside table which even had it's own it's own T.V. on the table was a lamp with a candle and a couple of fountain pens, with ink, and bits of paper.
As Diddy sat outside on the Porch he started to write down a couple of messages of his own. as he wrote he whistled for his good friend Squawks, his makeshift carrier pigeon.
As he finished writing his notes with his fountain pen he tied each note to each of Squawks' feat. Squawks flew off sometime afterwards when Diddy had a thought to himself aloud. "I'm going to need lot's of equipment and food for this", and he went inside, through the kitchen, past Timber's dad who would look like a normal tiger but looked quite ferocious, in Diddy point of view, to take some banana's out of the Fruit basket and into his rucksack.
After packing the rest of his things, he had started to pelt of through the jungle to help Timber, after telling D.K. he's going away on holiday for a about a month. A few hours later, Diddy Kong was on the first leg of his journey, tearing off at high speed through the jungle.
As Diddy pounded off through the dense jungle a couple of Kremling spies had seen him and where watching with suspicion.
"Hey - where you think he go?"
asked Krunch. Krunch is a Kremling which for those who don't know are actually crocodile's. Krunch often wears an unbuttoned purple shirt which doesn’t even fit him, or his waist side, and is one of the meanest cronies of the Kremling King and was actually quite interested in what Diddy was doing.
Krunch’s accomplish frowned.
"Why?" asked the second Kremling.
"What if he go fetch others? Fight Kremlings?" The second Kremling thought about this and then realised what Krunch was about to suggest.
"No way. I not go," he said, and turned and bolted into the undergrowth. Krunch rolled his eyes.
"Hopeless," he snorted. "I go after him," he bellowed to his cowardly colleague. "You go tell the boss - see what he think of that, huh?" And with that, Krunch lumbered off through the trees, grumpily swatting aside vines as he went.
Krunch continued after Diddy had passed and started to follow him, in case of any plans to thwart their leader again.
Now it's our hero, Diddy’s job to earn those gold balloons, and earn enough to challenge Wizpig.
Will he do it?
Will Diddy free Drumstick from Wizpig's spell?
Will He come first in many of the races, not to mention the islands boss's who won't take kindly to you earning balloons?
Read on into Chapter 1.
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