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=/ do i need training?


eevee - 14
torchic - 13
i cant beat zapdos. i only have one more revive seed
2 sleep seeds, 3 blast seeds. i don't want to use my blast seed because my torchic is too close to zappy. :[

should i reset? AGAIN. because torchic is useless. ...
Do i need MORE training? XD or should i just get items from my red version. i have some joy seeds, and joy ribbons on there.
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Kabuto Lover!
I would try to train your team to level 15-16 and then buy some more Reviver Seeds. Then, you should be good enough.


... Level 14 should be good enough.

Then again, I always beat bosses preleveled.

For me Zapdos...

Pikachu level 11
Charmander level 9

Easily too...

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Unless your partner is directly in your line of fire, I don't think throwing a Blast Seed at Zapdos would affect it. Unfortunately, though, I cannot recall what levels I and my partner were at when we defeated Zapdos, so I say just to be safe, raise your levels a bit more. Perhaps 19/20ish?


i was trying everything. XD
i did every mission on the board, while doing that i was battling every pokemon

eevee is weak. >_<
attacks - tackle, toxic, sand attack, and something else
LOL. i don't want to lose my items and go back just to link attacks.
what should i do?

OH! i have every TM so i can teach my eevee anything, what attack can help me?


fredfredburger yes!
no i beat him like that.


[Paper Snow];4600334 said:
Unless your partner is directly in your line of fire, I don't think throwing a Blast Seed at Zapdos would affect it. Unfortunately, though, I cannot recall what levels I and my partner were at when we defeated Zapdos, so I say just to be safe, raise your levels a bit more. Perhaps 19/20ish?

19 - 20?! That's the level I was at when I entered Magma Cavern. I'm stuck there.


To person stuck on Zapdos: Try EATING Blast Seeds when he is in front of you. 30 damage right there. Throw gravelrocks! Paralize him! Attract him!

Make him not attack!

Fortunately, I have Pikachu. Static? HAX.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
19 - 20?! That's the level I was at when I entered Magma Cavern. I'm stuck there.


Just a guess. Like I said, I can't really remember the specifics of early in my game and hey, better safe than sorry, ja?

eevee is weak. >_<

.... I was an Eevee. > __> With just Helping Hand, Tackle, Growl, and Tail Whip, too.


>_> i shuld of had pikachu as a partner.
but when my eevee turns to vaporeon >_> I NAMED HER ESPEON ill have a blaziken..
so his fire will beat grass types