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Do Pokemon eat other pokemon?


Beginning Trainer
Just wondering. I was picturing a Feraligatr catching and eating a Pidgey a bit ago and thought of it.

Do they?


Slow and steady baby

But since Pokemon is aimed at children we'll never see PokeNature at it's peak.


Belgian Waffles!!!
I remember reading a dex entry of Pidgeot saying it eats magikarp.


Mostly harmless
Yes, it's mentioned in the pokedex entries multiple times.
The pidgey familey eats magikarp and caterpie, the tailow family eats the wurmple family, etc.

But as Turtlelove said, they would never show it in an anime episode *Pictures a steelix taking a bite out of pikachu* yah, that wouldn't work...


Well-Known Member
it says that alot. liek Pidgeot eats magikarp its said multiple times. * Pictures Skitty with a Bulbasaur in it's mouth*


Beginning Trainer
I still like my image of a Feraligatr crunching on a Pidgey or Skitty best then. :)

I can picture Metagross with it's huge mouth eating something as well.

Grass Guardian

Rags to Riches
They've shown it once- In that episode when Ash first caught his Pidegeoto. He sent his Caterpie out and Misty started yelling, "Ash! Birds eat worms!" Pidegeoto was divebombing poor Caterpie.


All that plus Sneasles eat POKEMON eggs right? RIGHT. And I have also heard of Farfetch'd being endangered due to humans eating them. So yep. Thurr yah go.


#1 Weavile Fan!
I've always pictured ferocious Pokemon like Metagross and Tyranitar devouring poor little Pokemon, like Teddiursa, Squirtle, and even Skitty.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Well, yes. Pidgeotto eats Ekans eggs, I think (I got this from the Pokedex)


Well-Known Member
They have to eat something, but I agree that since the Anime is aimed at kids(Hey! I'm not a kid and I watch it!), seeing a poor Pidgey getting eaten alive by a angry Tyranitar..... People couldn't sleep at night.

P.S. I once saw a movie or a episode that somebody sended out a huge Pokemon and pidgeys starded flying around in panic and the pokemon eat the pidgey. Sorry, I don't have all the deatils. Maybe I didn't get it from pokemon... maybe the Animal Planet channel or something.