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Do Pokemon eat other pokemon?


the answer is yes, this is because if living things do not eat they die. Yes, they might eat plants or vegetables, but then again some pokemon are plants and vegetables... ;182; ;346; ;191; ;273; ;070;


<-If only it was red
Some do.
Pigeot, it says in it's pokedex entery, that it eats magikarp, and similar things (Possibly Goldeen).
That is implyed by the 'swoops down and catches pokemon such as magikarp bit'

I bet others do, such as, I can't see Garados living on plants!

Plus, it says that trapinch waits for it's PRAY to fall into the pit it's in, so this could mean pokemon.


Celebi Clone
The FireRed dex entry for Pidgeotto says 'it can carry prey such as Exeggucute to its nest'


<<< MY BISHIE!!!!!!!
i bet that seviper and arbok probably eat exeggcute alive


Beginning Trainer
Pokedex said:
Feraligatr, The Big Jaw Pokémon. It intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed. It is hard for it to support its own weight out of water, so it gets down on all fours. But it moves fast. When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws, it shakes its head and savagely tears up its victim.

The way they describe it, it certainly seems as if it does eat other pokemon.
Quite terribly too. Imagine a little Eevee when suddenly *CHOMP*.
Sneasel eats Pidgey eggs. Pidgeot eats Magikarp and Pidgeotto tried to eat Ash's Caterpie in the anime.


sure. you can't tell me that snorlax doesn't want to eat cherinbo (the cherry thing)!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wants name change

Man, I love that pic now.

Yup, it clearly states that Pidgeot eats Magikarp and Swellow eats Wurmple. Seedot's LG (I think) Pokédex entry says that it likes to jump out and surprise foraging Pidgey. Either it would look pretty funny, or the unlucky ones would indeed get eaten.

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
...I think they sometimes try to eat other Pokémon, but, as Naetle will kindly demonstrate for me...


They don't always succeed. :p
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