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Do Pokemon eat other pokemon?


Well-Known Member
PokemonMaster216 said:
All that plus Sneasels eat POKEMON eggs right? RIGHT. And I have also heard of Farfetch'd being endangered due to humans eating them. So yep. Thurr yah go.
*corrects your typo of Sneasel and flings dictionary*

But you are right. My darling Sneasel loves to chase away the mother Pidgeys from their nests then feast on their eggs. It's all good for them. :)


Wasn't there one episode where Misty sent out Staryu to battle a Snorlax but Goldeen came out and Snorlax tried to swallow it? I think it was in the Orange Islands.

EDIT:The episode was Snack Attack
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the legend master

Well-Known Member
raichu knawing on a tailow's wing


christian 4ever
yes they do,ex:pidgeotto eats magikar it says it in the pokedex
Snorlax tried to eat a Gloom once >=[!

Gloom is too ownsome to be eaten, and it's suppose to be a smelly radish...
Pokemon eating pokemon is too gruesome to be on the Anime.


<<The Best
do humans eat pokemon?

darkpkmn fan1

Well-Known Member
I could just imagine a nature documentary. Like the ones where the wildebeast cross the river.

"As the tauros cross the river, the hungry feraligatr attempt an attack"


Leave my posts alone
Donkarasu will probably be waiting around a corpse of some Pokemon, and will wait until the attackers have been filled.
Masukippa would probably open his mouth, and have Bug-Pokemon fly into it, then WHAM! Dinner, is served!

Silent Conversation

Chart obsessed wanker
I can picture a Bunyatto catching a Pidgey, Rattata and Magikarp and eating them one after another.


wikipedia said that venonat ate caterpies and other pokemon..... and weepinbell eats anything that moves, includeing pokemon.....they move, right?

[i dont understand why people use 4ths in their examples...... there not even real pokemon yet....]

Exeggcute is a seed. Last time I checked, birds don't eat seeds.
Ummmmm..............birds eat seeds. Yea, thats why people put seed in there bird-feeders..... that seed is called "bird seed."
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KarpeDiem Rules!
The gold and silver dex say that Spearow eats Sunkern and The firered dex says that Furret eats Rattata


Well-Known Member
Seeing as Pokémon seem to have taken the place of animals, yup.


Well-Known Member
feldt said:
The gold and silver dex say that Spearow eats Sunkern and The firered dex says that Furret eats Rattata
Oh how it must suck to be at the bottom of the food chain.