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Do Pokemon eat other pokemon?


Corse they do this is what happens behind scens at game freak lol nah i dnt no they probably do i bet there is a food chain fish>LIzard i dnt no anyone come up with a food chain?


Beginning Trainer
Corse they do this is what happens behind scens at game freak lol nah i dnt no they probably do i bet there is a food chain fish>LIzard i dnt no anyone come up with a food chain?

Food chain...well...it'd be too hard to do. All I know is that Rattata would be on the bottom, and good old Feraligatr on the top.

I am sure some Pokemon just eat berries though.

I had a dream that a Feraligatr was chasing this woman and her Skitty and then it ate the Skitty and I had to save the woman with Togetic. o_O


I am the skat man
Of course they eat seeds. So they would eat seedot then because he is easier to faint than any exeggucute.
Didn't misty say in the first series that birds like pidgeotto eat bugs like ash's puny caterpie? Birds eat seeds, berries, and caterpie.


Well-Known Member
In Pidgeot's pokédex entry it says they hunt Magikarps.
In Sneasel's it says they eat Pidgey's eggs.:(


Well-Known Member
yes. swellows and tailows eat wurmples. yum! :p


Hungry Hungry Hippo!
Hmm... Pokemon eating Pokemon.....
*Imagines a Psyduck eating a Kadabra*
>.> Cooool.


Well-Known Member
I have to comment....think about some things......you argue that there are worms....as one was eaten......however game freak can screw you out of that by saying it was a small wurmple. Also, the food chain.........

Legendaries > fire pokemon > grass pokemon > water pokemon > flying pokemon > bug pokemon/rattata......

May not seem to work out...but it's the most you're likely to get.


Crimson trainer
hahahaha i can picture pikachu eating a rapidash8dont ask why)

then again pokemon that are steel type are none edible...like magneotn..that one has NO mouth and it its made of steel does it breath? how does it? how does it eat? does it have organs? how do magnets hae a sou? or a brain? is it a steel brain? a real brain? how do they mate? with what do they mate? THEYRE FRAKING METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hits hurts my head!
Of course they eat other Pokemon. If they're hungry enough, they'll eat people too XD