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Do Pokemon eat other pokemon?


Hilo Thar!
in the anime i remember james trying to eat a magikarp, now if only james were a pokemon...


Beginning Trainer
I have to comment....think about some things......you argue that there are worms....as one was eaten......however game freak can screw you out of that by saying it was a small wurmple. Also, the food chain.........

Legendaries > fire pokemon > grass pokemon > water pokemon > flying pokemon > bug pokemon/rattata......

May not seem to work out...but it's the most you're likely to get.

That food chain is very broken. Very broken. Are you telling me a Belloseoum is higher on the chain that a Swampert and Feraligatr? And that a Magikarp can PWN Pidgeot? It's not based by types...more like by Pokemon. Most steel and rock types are lucky though...no one wants to eat a rock or piece of metal!

Of course they eat other Pokemon. If they're hungry enough, they'll eat people too XD

That's awful :D. *Pictures Feraligatr chasing little girl through forest...or Metagross pinning a trainer to the ground and eating him with the big mouth it has*

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
On Pidgeot's Pokédex entry, it says it's most common preys are Magikarp.
Someone already said that once James tryed to eat a Magikarp...
It must be tough to be a Magikarp. :p


ThE FalLeN AnGeL
weavile would so top the food chain *imagines weavile sneak attackin feraligatr* hehe :D


Strawberry fields.
Wasn't there one episode where Misty sent out Staryu to battle a Snorlax but Goldeen came out and Snorlax tried to swallow it? I think it was in the Orange Islands.

EDIT:The episode was Snack Attack
I remember that! Poor Goldeen. ]:


Active Member
Most steel and rock types are lucky though...no one wants to eat a rock or piece of metal!
Don't forget Aron, now. That thing eats through metal. And Larvitar eats, what, a mountain a day or something like that? And Swalot's stomach can dissolve anything! Sorta like Snorlax, actually. It strikes me that the Pokemon food chain is more of a loop than a line. I'm sure even Pokemon like Steelix and Wailord go down some time or another, be it to a Sharpedo (in Wialord's case) or otherwise.


The Plot Thickens
Sneasel eats eggs, Mukuhawk eats bugs, and pidgeot eats fish. so yes.
I know that the Pidgey family eats Caterpie, and the Tailow family eats Wurmple,but if every Pokemon had existed at the same time, maybe both bird families would eat both worm families.