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Do those site to win an xbox 360 actually work?

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No, they are just ads. Unless it is some kind of promotion on an official product (which, because the Xbox360 isn't even out yet, there won't be any for some time), those ads will just lead you to a site that will give your computer a virus.


Yeah, I thought so since I've never heard of anyone actually doing it and actually working.


Hive Trainer
Well, the ads dont work. But, www.every10minutes.com is a real website for xbox 360s. Everything else like said is fake.

ghost master

the kawaiist thing
some ads do like freexbox360.com but, you have to buy something else. and every ten minutes half the people their drank about $300 worth of mountain dew which is what a $100 less whoop dee doo $100 off but, 25 pounds heavier.
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