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Do you clone items in d/p

Do you clone items in diamond or pearl?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No, my ditto always faints...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, that is CHEATING!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, it is far too annoying to clone in d/p...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
i am wondering anyone clones items in diamond or pearl?

no flaming please


Active Member
You can clone in DP? How?

well yes, but ITEMS only... useful for the new TMs
i cant find the thread about this somehow, so i just post here...

to do that, you will need a pokemon that know thief or covet and a mid/high level ditto

1. withdraw your ditto, the thief/covet pokemon
2. attach the item you want to clone on ditto
3. go to the restaurant where you can have 2 vs 2 battle  
4. transform ditto to any pokemon
5. tell your other pokemon to thief/covet your transformed ditto
6. finish off the battle without fainting both pokemon

but note that, you MUST NOT FAINT any of those 2 pokemon or you will fail the trick...

also refer to Judai Yuki's guide:
Last edited:
What the hell? I made a topic about this explaining everything. Where is it?



Well-Known Member
Sounds cool.

I would do that trick to get unlimited TMs...
Oh I see, you posted something about D/P in a different section. Because the 2 week lockdown has been over a month.



Well-Known Member
There should be a thread on the DP forum about all the glitches. I dont have DP yet but this trick sounds cool. Maybe for TMs. Not really sure if I want to. I dont even really use the emerald clone glitch, I have nothing against clones born from glitches or items from it, or any glitch in general.

Wonder why this never worked in the previous generation, I mean technically you could do that with a ditto in FRLG but it wont clone...


The Plot Thickens
I'll make a buncha master balls to catch all the legends with!