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Do you consider Pokemon 1 series?


Fan since Gen 1!
Or 3 seperate series?

Do you consider Pocket Monsters, Pocket Monsters:Advanced Generation, and Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl, 3 seperate series of the Pokemon anime?

If so, why?

I consider it one series, just Pokemon season's 1 to 10 (and hopefully more to come) :)

Also, anyone know when the 10th season (Diamond and Pearl) will be coming to North American TV?
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I personally consider them as three seperate series. Basically for the same reason I view Dragonball, Dragonball Z and Dragonball GT as different series I guess... There's a slight change in cast, focus and setting between them.

It's like having a sequel. Return of the Jedi is a different movie than The Empire Strikes Back, however it's a continuation of the previous story. Much like how AG is a continuation of the original series and DP is a continuation of AG.


Well-Known Member
No i consider Kanto one season,The OI another,All three Johto's as one,Hoenn as one,BF as one and now DP as one. Thats 6 for me


Old Coot

Btw folks, there's a big difference between seasons and series'.


Yeah, ok!
They're technically three different series, even if they're all more or less the same.

Although AG was fairly different from Pocket Monsters, since we had a female heroine for the first time and Contests. But all D/P is, is an AG re-launch with the same Contests and another girly coordinator, so D/P doesn't have that "freshness" feeling that AG did compared to Johto.


Beginning Trainer
Just to clear up a few things: A "series" in the UK is the equivalent of a season in the US, Whereas in the US, a series is the name for the show in it's entirity, all seasons included.

Anywho, this is how the seasons actually run: season one runs from the first ep to "the breeding centre secret". Season two runs from there to about halfway through the orange Islands. Season Three runs from there to the end of the "Johto journeys" segment of Johto.


Pokemon Trainer
Well I perfer Season One and I watched the Hoenn and Battle Frontier series but they not really my favorite but I love season one pokemon series


I consider it three seperate series because the creators don't follow seasons. That, and the episode number always reseted itself to episode 1 in AG and D/P (in Japan, anyway).


Powerplay Champion
three different series, kanto, johto, hoenn.
orange islands was just something on the side...


Scary Faerie♥
1 series for me.