Fan since Gen 1!
Or 3 seperate series?
Do you consider Pocket Monsters, Pocket Monsters:Advanced Generation, and Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl, 3 seperate series of the Pokemon anime?
If so, why?
I consider it one series, just Pokemon season's 1 to 10 (and hopefully more to come)
Also, anyone know when the 10th season (Diamond and Pearl) will be coming to North American TV?
Do you consider Pocket Monsters, Pocket Monsters:Advanced Generation, and Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl, 3 seperate series of the Pokemon anime?
If so, why?
I consider it one series, just Pokemon season's 1 to 10 (and hopefully more to come)
Also, anyone know when the 10th season (Diamond and Pearl) will be coming to North American TV?
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