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Do you even care if Gary shows up again now that Shinji is around?

Do you care if Gary is in D/P

  • Total voters


Yeah, ok!
Flashback to "Rivals Forever" and a lot of people were excited to see Gary. Flashfoward from that but flashback from today and we saw Ash and Gary have their first battle since the Johto league. It seemed like the writers revived Ash and Gary's rivalry for the next saga.

Then....Gary all but disappeared again. While it seems awkward to only bring him back for two episodes at the end of AG, how many of you honestly care about Gary showing up in Shinou now that we have Shinji?

Shinji seems to be the perfect Gary replacement, and he has a FAR more interesting rivalry with Ash than Gary ever had.

So as for Gary showing up in Shinou, do you even care if we see him again?

dark trainer

Well-Known Member
gary was the best rival untill he became a reasercher but he should get a few cameos because hes always been ash's rival
Shigeru used to be my favorite rival. Then Shinji came along, and I realized I only liked Shigeru because he was a mediocre rival in a list of flat horrible rivals.


Yeah, ok!
Shigeru used to be my favorite rival. Then Shinji came along, and I realized I only liked Shigeru because he was a mediocre rival in a list of flat horrible rivals.

Haha, very true.

Gary basically just liked to show off how he was better than Ash, but he doesn't try to get under his skin and be a real ass like Shinji does.

Depending on how the Shinji rivalry goes in the future, this could be Gary done right.

Not to mention Gary's character being screwed over when he turned nice in Johto and then decided to become a Professor out of nowhere. Makes you wonder why they brought him back at the end of AG when they already had Shinji planned for the next saga.

Korobooshi Kojiro

Plus, Shinji reminds me of Kaiba.

And, I don't mind saying, Kaiba is the sexiest rich-jerk ever made, and Shinji is like his angsty little brother (that doesn't get kidnapped 53-times a month!)


Well-Known Member
no, cause shnji's hot, and more evil than gary! xD


Property of Jesus
Although I like Shinji's attitude better (I loved him telling Satoshi to shut up when all Satoshi was doing was telling him to watch out), I'd still like to see Shigeru from time to time. I mean, he was Satoshi's first rival. To see him completely disappear would kinda suck...not to mention he was one of my first bishies of all time, so I gotta admit I'm soft on him for that. XD
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Nope, I don't really care if he doesn't show up. Not that him showing up would be bad... But I'd rather more Shinji. XD


Well-Known Member
i care b/c shigeru is one of my favorite characters and they sholdn't have given him a new look/pokemon for nothing.


I'd like to see Gary again, but I really don't care. Shinji's the type of rival we need more of - seen often(if his upcoming appearence is any indication of a trend), not a typical Naisu Gai-san(or in Gary's case, jerk turned Naisu Guy), has good taste in Pokemon(Elekid? Murkrow? Ursaring? Fire Monkey Thing(not impressed with it NOW, but you KNOW Shinji will evolve it as soon as possible, and we'll get Goukazaru soon enough. Oh yes)? You have to love that variety.), and has a hairdo that obeys the laws of gravity but still looks good.

Toran Frostbite

Highrise Above All
I personally like the idea of Gary returning. Hell, he went from the selfish brat to a mature brat with a worldly purpose (and one closer to home~). Gary will always be Ash's number one love inter-- eh, rival, mainly because Gary still had a huge impact on Ash's life and...dude, researcher!Gary is hot. Hotter than his previous Kanto!gimmick. I'm ecstatic he's come back, and hoping for many random on-computer screen cameos, if not a few physical, I'm-right-here! cameos.


Gary is stronger than Shinji no question. Give Shinji 100 years and he still will not be better then Gary. Gary understands he needs strong pokemon and he trains them but Shinji only cares if they are strong. Shinji is arrogant and prideful and pride comes before a fall.
I would at the very least want to see Gary have a proper farewell than.


Ash fan girl! Cute!
Meh if Gary returned I'd be all Gary who? LOL Just kidding, seriously though Shinji is an awesome rival some thing the show needed. I'm liking the guy and wouldn't really mind if Gary came back but I'd also rather have more Shinji appearnces.

twilight trainer

i think shinji is better than gary cuzz he and ash will probally battle more than ash and gary did


blows stuff uhup
Of course Gary should come back! No point in bringing him to Shinou and not letting him make another appearance, right? It's not like Gary's existance in the show freezes out Shinji - May had two rivals, so why can't Ash? The May/Drew thing got considerably more interesting when Harley was thrown into the mix, and I'm sure that Gary could do the same for Ash and Shinji.