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Do you find Hyper Beam to be underrated?


  • I agree, it's really not that bad.

    Votes: 39 48.1%
  • I disagree, it just plain sucks.

    Votes: 42 51.9%

  • Total voters
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Dragon Master
Blastoise King said:
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=35664 i think you should read the hyper beam section. competitive battling = netbattle simple as that. nothing ingame is competitive at all and tourneys are few and far between. im not saying that you are saying its the best move ever. im saying that is useful in NO situation unless the pokemon has such a horrible movepool that you must use it. and ffy hyper beam slaking is terrible. please dont ask why. and to comment on the whole against change thing the metagame is changing constantly.

If compettitive battling equals Netbattle, then that must mean that the term compettitive batting isn't literal. Netbattle isn't even real battling. I prefer to have an opponent I can see, let alone have one that says I'm nuts seconds before I beat them.

If the Netbattle Metagame is changing, then why does every single poster in the RMT get replies that say:

"This is the standard, use it or lose." (not literally of course, they just come across as that), or "that sucks".

And I also find a lot of people find it hard to distinguish between real compettitive battling and in-game, it's weird.

If I put my Aggron in, I'd get alot of, "Oh no, you n00b, this is the standard so you should use it", even though that the 'standard' for Netbattle does not apply to the whole world.

I also never said in-game was compettitive. You're right, there aren't many tourneys, I just randomly choose opponents, or battle someone who I think will be a challenge.

Blastoise King

Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
when they its the standard they mean it. standards can change. for instyance not to long ago skarmbliss (the combination of skarmory and blissey) was used by almost everyone now its outdated and not used. people are always testing new stuff to see if it works and if it does it becomes popular and the new standard. netbattle is real battling as they have found the equation for every move and thing that goes on in a battle. its basically a link battle over the computer only thing that would affect that would be if there was a bug in the version which is usually fixed pretty fast


Dragon Master
Blastoise King said:
when they its the standard they mean it. standards can change. for instyance not to long ago skarmbliss (the combination of skarmory and blissey) was used by almost everyone now its outdated and not used. people are always testing new stuff to see if it works and if it does it becomes popular and the new standard. netbattle is real battling as they have found the equation for every move and thing that goes on in a battle. its basically a link battle over the computer only thing that would affect that would be if there was a bug in the version which is usually fixed pretty fast

I'm well aware of the terms. That's it, there is a standard in existence. That is what's wrong. Trainers should make their own movesets, not just use what everyone else is using.

If people are trying out new things all the time, then how come when I'm trying something different to the Netbattle standard, everyone says I'm nuts, regardless of how effective it was.

EDIT: Netattle is NOT real battling. It is an emulation, hence, not the real thing. I don't know about you but I prefer a more physical enviroment when battling. Trash talk isn't quite the same on the Internet. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying it's not the real thing, and that I prefer real battles, not a simulation.
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Blastoise King

Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
when you get a team raed expect people to list the standards not things people are testing that most people dont even know are being tested. and the "standards" are standards beause they are the best movesets available for that pokemon. there are certain things in pokemon that work and certain things that dont. most people who dont play NB and try to get there tean rated by pros at battling will not understand this.


Dragon Master
Blastoise King said:
when you get a team raed expect people to list the standards not things people are testing that most people dont even know are being tested. and the "standards" are standards beause they are the best movesets available for that pokemon. there are certain things in pokemon that work and certain things that dont. most people who dont play NB and try to get there tean rated by pros at battling will not understand this.

There cannot be a 'best' moveset. That moveset cannot cover metagames other than that of Netbattle. You did not answer my question about people insulting me for trying new things. Yes, most wont understand, that's why they get their team rated.

The part in bold is the part of my arguement you are going against, you are saying there is only one or two good movesets for some Pokemon only, yet, outside of Netbattle, there are many more.

Blastoise King

Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
actually no. every pokemon is made to do certain things. for instance umbreon was meant to assist others not to attack. so for instance the set

Umbreon @ Leftovers
- Wish
- Baton Pass
- Mean Look
- Taunt

is a perfect set for it. you have to understand netbattle is pokemon. whatever sets are the best for netbattle are the best for pokemon in general.


Dragon Master
Blastoise King said:
actually no. every pokemon is made to do certain things. for instance umbreon was meant to assist others not to attack. so for instance the set

Umbreon @ Leftovers
- Wish
- Baton Pass
- Mean Look
- Taunt

is a perfect set for it. you have to understand netbattle is pokemon. whatever sets are the best for netbattle are the best for pokemon in general.

Yes, some Pokemon do certain things well. But they usually can do more.

Netbattle is not real. It is an emulation. They say that themselves. Pokemon in general means nothing really. The only thing you could say like that is Legendaries are strong in general, Umbreon is better at helping and defending than attacking, and so forth. Do you understand now?

Pokemon is not the same throughout the world. I, for one, happen to be lucky enough to live where more people try to bring the best out of their favourites, not just use Tyranitar and Salamence left and right. The most you could do to decribe the Metagame here is it is an altered UU, if that makes sence to you.

Blastoise King

Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
this is gonna go back and forth back and forth. and we are pretty of topic in case youve noticed. imo we should agree to disagree and be done with it.


**_ IS FEMALE _**
all attacks have their different situations where they'd be useful. its just a whole lot more situations where you'd find return better than hyper beam. THat's why return is more recommended.

example? oh! lucky I gave my Gengar mean look, protect, toxic and a filler move! It owns all other gengars, because in a single situation (against slaking) it is the best set possible!

I sure am glad I put Hidden Power [fire] on my starmie! Now I can deal with shedinja without having to switch out! Fun! Fun!


UofM Varsity Pokemon
This thread is an insult to competitive battling.... Netbattlers unite... read the arguments. like my thread up higher! and cast your vote against hyper beam! prove that serebii has more too it than just a bunch of nubs.... though I'm afraid that the logical people are far out numbered...


Hyper Beam is lame.

In-game:Useless. My normal moves work just fine kthanxbai.
Netbattle:Still useless. Return is almost always better.
Other:...what else is there? Probably still useless.

Basically...that one situation where the extra power will help? It's outnumbered by reliable moves like Return that don't need a recharge turn. And guess what? HB's recharge turn essentially gives it a power of *75* unless you go down the turn after you use it(since otherwise it'd be "Hyper Beam, recharge, HB, recharge... or HB, recharge, normal move...). Which isn't very good.

So yeah, it's not underrated since it's *actually bad*. D:


**_ IS FEMALE _**
another thing about hyper beam is that it is a normal move, which means it won't be countering any weaknesses.

as for the argument with hyper beaming slakings: while waiting for the recharge (though the game just says slaking's loafing around), you cannot switch out. and its often a choice bander, which tends to need to switch out a lot.

edit: drat, someone already said that.
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I own the 5th gen
I'll have everyone know that, though I'm not a competitive battler, I have heard a lot about their strategies and team-building methods to have a damn good idea. Why else do you think I mentioned several people apparently having no problem with the use of Overheat?

Blastoise King said:
actually no. every pokemon is made to do certain things. for instance umbreon was meant to assist others not to attack. so for instance the set

Umbreon @ Leftovers
- Wish
- Baton Pass
- Mean Look
- Taunt

is a perfect set for it. you have to understand netbattle is pokemon. whatever sets are the best for netbattle are the best for pokemon in general.

No, whatever sets are best for Netbattle aren't best for in-game, as TyraniRay was saying. Personally, I like all of my Pokemon having at least one offensive technique. Aside from making level-ups easier (don't have to switch out the leader), if I wanted to go out into the wild and pick off weak prey with my strong Pokemon just for fun, I can damn well do so. Not only that, but I managed to get through Colloseum's Mt. Battle with just my level 100 Eifie and Blacky alone throughout nearly all of it, and without Blacky around using Faint Attack, Eifie would've been screwed against the likes of Nukenin or Yamirami.

Wooster said:
This thread is an insult to competitive battling.... Netbattlers unite... read the arguments. like my thread up higher! and cast your vote against hyper beam! prove that serebii has more too it than just a bunch of nubs.... though I'm afraid that the logical people are far out numbered...

Are you bad-mouthing my thread? You think I made this thread to intentionally insult people like yourself, uber elite netbattlers who think they're oh so knowledgeable about anything Pokemon? Perhaps you're right, I did make this thread for the purpose of insulting you. After all, you're never wrong. Netbattle is indeed what Pokemon really is despite its unofficial status, Kyogre is the best Pokemon in existance, Earthquake is the best move in existance, and anyone who loves Caterpie, Unknown, or Koiking as their favorite Pokemon should rot in hell.

Seriously, though, the point of this thread is to see how many people would agree with me that Hyper Beam's really not as bad as everyone says it is, because given all the dissing I've been seeing it get (some of which I could say was just plain ignorant), I found it to be a question worth asking. Hardly any of us are "nubs" here, we all express our opinion with a good idea of what we're all talking about. If anything, people like you are the problem on Serebii, thinking you can just post on a thread acting almighty and superior, thinking you're the most logical person on Earth who's always right, and saying everyone on this thread who doesn't agree with your opinion is an idiot.
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pokemon master:Stranger

Surprise buttsecks!
ok im going to talk about slaking with hyper beam 1st of if you read my sig i have a slaking and guess what it knows hyper beam and it holds choce band
and i have used in the battle frontier and orre colosseum (on pokemon colosseum not xd) and its very useful it kills any none ghost,rock,steal types in one hit this is great because it can kill ubers in one hit and it rarely misses.
but really hyper beam and the elementle beams are useless slaking is the only ever pokemon to use hyper beam good way it hasnt failed me yet.
it only has problems if i come up to a pokemon that knows protect,detect.


Dragon Master
Like I said, only for use in exceptional circumstances. You could have used Return or even Strength to take out most of them. The computer opponents rarely reached the skill of a human. The only ones that get near are the Frontier Brains, which do so well because of having the highest AI level and the best teams. Slaking is just one of a few Pokemon that are commonly given it. Too bad Protect and Detect are common moves.


Gyarados Hunter
Hyperbeam can be good in an explosion kind of situation, where you use it solely to take out a troublesome pokemon that you otherwise wouldn't be able to, and then just die in the next turn (its happened to me before when I sent out my zapdos against a CB dodrio that completely obliterated me, which it normally wouldn't have been able to do).
yay for fuckwits that argue with the metagame.

I'll have everyone know that, though I'm not a competitive battler, I have heard a lot about their strategies and team-building methods to have a damn good idea. Why else do you think I mentioned several people apparently having no problem with the use of Overheat?
To know competitive battling is to do it, sorry but you don't.

No, whatever sets are best for Netbattle aren't best for in-game, as TyraniRay was saying.
You're right on that part... unless you use the game for competitive battling (yeah, right.)
Are you bad-mouthing my thread? You think I made this thread to intentionally insult people like yourself, uber elite netbattlers who think they're oh so knowledgeable about anything Pokemon? Perhaps you're right, I did make this thread for the purpose of insulting you. After all, you're never wrong. Netbattle is indeed what Pokemon really is despite its unofficial status, Kyogre is the best Pokemon in existance, Earthquake is the best move in existance, and anyone who loves Caterpie, Unknown, or Koiking as their favorite Pokemon should rot in hell.
Gotta love internet stereotypes.

Seriously, though, the point of this thread is to see how many people would agree with me that Hyper Beam's really not as bad as everyone says it is, because given all the dissing I've been seeing it get (some of which I could say was just plain ignorant), I found it to be a question worth asking
Well, the point of the thread was eradicated by people disagreeing with you, so stop arguing.

Hardly any of us are "nubs" here, we all express our opinion with a good idea of what we're all talking about.
Hoe much shit could a bullshit shit if a bullshit could bullshit?

If anything, people like you are the problem on Serebii, thinking you can just post on a thread acting almighty and superior, thinking you're the most logical person on Earth who's always right, and saying everyone on this thread who doesn't agree with your opinion is an idiot.
No seriously, anyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot.

Originally Posted by Wooster
This thread is an insult to competitive battling.... Netbattlers unite... read the arguments. like my thread up higher! and cast your vote against hyper beam! prove that serebii has more too it than just a bunch of nubs.... though I'm afraid that the logical people are far out numbered...
You're a n00b. Go away

Merry Christmas. If you don't know what I think of Hyper Beam yet, cry.

pokemon master:Stranger

Surprise buttsecks!
yay for ****wits that argue with the metagame.

I'll have everyone know that, though I'm not a competitive battler, I have heard a lot about their strategies and team-building methods to have a damn good idea. Why else do you think I mentioned several people apparently having no problem with the use of Overheat?

To know competitive battling is to do it, sorry but you don't.

No, whatever sets are best for Netbattle aren't best for in-game, as TyraniRay was saying.

You're right on that part... unless you use the game for competitive battling (yeah, right.)

Are you bad-mouthing my thread? You think I made this thread to intentionally insult people like yourself, uber elite netbattlers who think they're oh so knowledgeable about anything Pokemon? Perhaps you're right, I did make this thread for the purpose of insulting you. After all, you're never wrong. Netbattle is indeed what Pokemon really is despite its unofficial status, Kyogre is the best Pokemon in existance, Earthquake is the best move in existance, and anyone who loves Caterpie, Unknown, or Koiking as their favorite Pokemon should rot in hell.

Gotta love internet stereotypes.

Seriously, though, the point of this thread is to see how many people would agree with me that Hyper Beam's really not as bad as everyone says it is, because given all the dissing I've been seeing it get (some of which I could say was just plain ignorant), I found it to be a question worth asking

Well, the point of the thread was eradicated by people disagreeing with you, so stop arguing.

Hardly any of us are "nubs" here, we all express our opinion with a good idea of what we're all talking about.

Hoe much **** could a ******** **** if a ******** could ********?

If anything, people like you are the problem on Serebii, thinking you can just post on a thread acting almighty and superior, thinking you're the most logical person on Earth who's always right, and saying everyone on this thread who doesn't agree with your opinion is an idiot.

No seriously, anyone who doesn't agree with him is an idiot.

Originally Posted by Wooster
This thread is an insult to competitive battling.... Netbattlers unite... read the arguments. like my thread up higher! and cast your vote against hyper beam! prove that serebii has more too it than just a bunch of nubs.... though I'm afraid that the logical people are far out numbered...

You're a n00b. Go away.

Merry Christmas. If you don't know what I think of Hyper Beam yet, cry.

congrats you are one if the bigest spamers and flamers i have met on here.

Hyperbeam can be good in an explosion kind of situation, where you use it solely to take out a troublesome pokemon that you otherwise wouldn't be able to, and then just die in the next turn (its happened to me before when I sent out my zapdos against a CB dodrio that completely obliterated me, which it normally wouldn't have been able to do).

well for the last move tactic thats uncomon there is a move called explosion thats better for the job (that is if you have one other pokemon left)
sometimes hyper beam can help you out but you would be stupid to use it to help your self out all the time.
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