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Do you find Hyper Beam to be underrated?


  • I agree, it's really not that bad.

    Votes: 39 48.1%
  • I disagree, it just plain sucks.

    Votes: 42 51.9%

  • Total voters
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congrats you are one if the bigest spamers and flamers i have met on here.

Your point?

Oh, and it was a point to his point within the ongoing arguement, ergo not spam, I was giving my opinion upon the thread purpose within the post aswell, I hate hyper beam, can you tell? No? Learn internets.
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We really need an argument sub-board.

And, Hyper Beam is NOT underrated. Hyper Beam+Slaking=even worse. If you use that; tanks, subsitute, focus punch and protect owns it. BUT, in RBYG, Hyper beam ownz all.


I use Hyper Beam all the time and it is the ULTIMATE finishing blast! It has 150 power! Blast Burn, Hydrocannon, and Frenzy Plant are even better!


UofM Varsity Pokemon
look dude... maybe I was being a bit harsh, but the people who are arguing for hyper beam are using the same argument...

The only reason I would ever use hyper beam is as a novelty act ingame. cause it looks sweet. other than that. it should not be used competitvly.

its not... practical... the arguments for its practicality have allready been hashed and rehashed... and you don't argue against those arguments you only chose to argue about "standard" movesets and whatnot. Netbatters are not elitest, we just have alot of expirence battling in a competitive environment.

We've tried things out and generally know what we're talking about somemore than others. probably with Chaos and Crazy Starwolf and most of the Smogon Admin staff being the best in the field. and by best in the field, I mean they make a good battler like me or darkeggy,look like a childs toy. except in GSC... somehow I'm good at GSC OU... anyway the point is in this hyper competitive environment really only the strongest non uber pokemon movesets can really survive, the standard movesets you're whinning about have withstood the test of time, and the creativity of some of the most cunning minds in pokemon. its true that a standard can change (I mean look at jumpman's tyranaboah) but for the most part. the standards are the sets that focus as much as possible on what a pokemon does best. THERE ARE multiple standards. that umbreon example is flawed. Umbreon can do alot. he can trap pass wish pass, he can mean look toxic taunt. he has alot of possiblities. perhaps the best example is gengar. there are hundreds of gengar sets. and gengar can pull most of them off. its just that all the "origional sets" have for sure allready been tried. unless you're a creative genious. like basics Crobat... with only sleep talk and whirl wind. put that to sleep and you're entire team gets raped up the *** by spikes. so unless you're insanly creative. you won't come up with a new "origional set" and plastering h beam to a standard set really isn't that creative.

If you want to argue argue these points:

Hyper beams just can't stand up to the practicality of return and body slam. and heres why. over 2 turns body slam has 170 power as opposed to hyperbeams 150. added to that a high para chance (30%) means that not only over 2 turns do you do more damage, but you also have a good side effect to your move. Retun has a base power of 102,(cause I assume your pokes love you) thus over 2 turns its power 204... thats alot stronger than hyper beam.

Also if I use hyper beam I commit to that damage. for instance. if I use hyper beam and my opponent *predicts* [I assume you all know that word ;)] and sends in rhydon, I have commited to that hyper beam, will do low damage to rhydon AND be forced to eat his EQ or watch him sub up. however. if I used body slam or return on that swich to rhydon, I havne't commited myself for 2 turns. and thus can change stratagy (unless I'm using CB obviosly) so although Body Slam or return did low damage to rhydon, on my next turn instead of being forced to recharge I can hit rhydon with something more effective, like an Earthquake of my own.

What about Slaking you say? well in a competitive enviornment Slaking is a hit and run pokemon. He has the worst trait in the game, but Equiped with a Choice band and his uber attack stat, he can do insane damage to every pokemon in the game (provided you predict right) he has decent speed, and insane power. especially since CBers are only really good as hit and runners, cause as soon as you hit something you're opponent WILL swich to something that resists it. That being said, slaking NEEDS to hit and run. if he uses hyper beam he has to commit and can't swich out. if he uses return, he can swich out after dealing damage. and come in fresh to smash something again. make sense? Hit and run.

Whats that? Hyper Beam is soo powerfull and can make a good finishing move because return won't KO but H beam will and I can't take his hit? WELCOME TO RBY. this is why hyper beam was soo good in rby. because if you did KO you're opponent you didn't have to recharge. which was hot as hell. if you ask me hyper beam got shafted when nintendo decided to make you stick to recharging even after KOing you're opponent. That means that H beam can only be used as a SUICIDE MOVE. because if you can KO with H beam but be KOed by thier attack. that probably means you're just trying to take out one more pokemon before you go. thus making it inferior to suicide moves like Explosion or Sefldestruct, because of their high base power. This also means that you'll only be KOing one pokemon with you're beam. and other moves, could be more usefull for your team than just one kill. and h beam may not even KO... so you may basically just leave you're self vulnerable while your oppent sets up or finishes you at thier leisure. added to that, there are other moves a pokemon can learn. that will be more usefull for the fight than one move that will KO one pokemon at most. leaving you with only 3 viable move options for the begining of the fight when you're pokemon is heathy.

There stands the logic. against hyper beam. stop flaming BK or "Standard Movesets" and move on to these points. these are the reasons against hyper beam. read them before posting that hyper beam is good. I have posted the counter point for all of the "reasons" you have given ok.


Hyper Coordinator
it works MUCH better in-game but still its not really the best choice... you see hyper can miss and then most likely you will die (given in a situation in BF)

if your fighting wild pokemon or just normal trainers down the street you can use hyper beam.. you wont lose

hyper beam is powerful, and can OHKO a lot of things but return on slaking will OHKO that Charizard just as how a hyper beam would... but then you can switch out (unless its the Battle Arena)

my point is Hyper works better in-game but it still isnt the best choice


In some situations Hyper Beam is great, as a finisher move with very fast Pokémon like Jolteon, Ninjask etc.

Horn Drill

Okay, all of you who said that Hyper Beam was good or even not all that bad should go explain to Jesus why you hate Him. >_> Seriously, that's how bad it is. Standards are standards for a reason, and that's because they're the best movesets for the job. Creating your own movesets is okay, but no one cares about them, nor should you use them, unless they work better than the standards. If you think that Hyper Beam is a good attack, then the chances of your movesets being better than the standards is unlikely.

Hyper Beam is not good.

Shuckle is not good.

Double Team is not good.

CRMT is good.

Learn that, and you just might get somewhere in life.

Almost forgot, for all of you saying that "Oh, NetBattle is not teh reel Pogeymans!1", Pokemon aren't real at all. ._.
on contrare HD, i have to say Hyper Beam is a great move, if used right. Not an openinng battle move, but as a quick end. A strong pokemon Vrs a Weak pokemon. A Desperation move. If the pokoemn is strong enough, its a great move, but not to be used by Zigzagoon, but by Gyrados-class pokemon and up


Hyper Beam is a great move... in contests


Sig [Cloud] Mugen
Hyper Beam is a good move. To say that it isn't however, isn't wrong and it's not right either. This is obviously a question in which there is no right answer, being that everyone who posts, posts their opinion. And opinions can never be wrong. So IMO, I think Hyper Beam is a good move because, it's powerful, and misses very few times (for me) and when taught to a powerful Poke, it can do major damage. But again, that's my opinion.
Zangoose said:
I use Hyper Beam all the time and it is the ULTIMATE finishing blast! It has 150 power! Blast Burn, Hydrocannon, and Frenzy Plant are even better!

Jigpuff said:

Honestly,what's with the n00bing here?!

Return>>>HB,that's crap,man.

Also,I have a Tauros MS of my own.

HP Ghost
Iron Tail



And orangekows said HB>IT,what the hell
EvilKeckleon said:
Hyper Beam is a great move... in contests
Yes,only on teh last turn.

In everywhere else,it's s.hit.

Team Rocket Admin said:
It's not a bad move.

Anime fans go here (i'm one myself,but also a compettive battler. Somewhat.) and say this thing is a good move.
The anime= yes.
The contests=yes.
Everywhere else=NO.
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I really think it depends. I mean, Hyper Beam only seems to be good as a finishing move, but how often do you waste a slot of space on Hyper Beam? Besides, Explosion easily is a better last-resort alternative. Return when maxed out also has a higher compounded damage ratio, which makes me laugh. Heck, so does Body Slam.

Horn Drill

WanderingRhythmicalPhoenix said:
on contrare HD, i have to say Hyper Beam is a great move, if used right. Not an openinng battle move, but as a quick end. A strong pokemon Vrs a Weak pokemon. A Desperation move. If the pokoemn is strong enough, its a great move, but not to be used by Zigzagoon, but by Gyrados-class pokemon and up

A move that you can only use somewhat effectively at the end of battles isn't worth using over a good move that you can use very effectively in many different situations. The only thing you can expect after using Hyper Beam is a dead Pokemon. It's a suicide move. A weak Explosion.

Hyper Beam base damage over two turns = 150

Max power Return base damage over two turns = 204

After using Hyper Beam, you can't switch, which pretty much says "Hi DDSalamence, come in and get a free power-up!". Hyper Beam isn't worth it. At all.
Horn Drill said:
After using Hyper Beam, you can't switch

That's the #1 reason why I hate it (and the fact that it takes a turn to recharge)

Hyper Beam CAN SORT OF be used as a mini Explosion for Pokemon like Pidgeot... but really, HB is a bad move.

I'll take Return plz.


SigCMugen said:
Hyper Beam is a good move. To say that it isn't however, isn't wrong and it's not right either. This is obviously a question in which there is no right answer, being that everyone who posts, posts their opinion. And opinions can never be wrong. So IMO, I think Hyper Beam is a good move because, it's powerful, and misses very few times (for me) and when taught to a powerful Poke, it can do major damage. But again, that's my opinion.

Just because you declare something an opinion doesn't mean you can't be wrong. It's already been shown that Hyper Beam is essentially suicide, and your "opinion" can't change what has been confirmed time and time again.

core unit

Well-Known Member
Ahh, it's great to see Anime Fans argue against Competive Battlers to see wether or not Hyper Beam is any good. IMO Hyper Beam is no good because....You can't switch or attack after you use it. In competitive battling that will give your opponent to big of an advantage. So HyperBeam just sucks and I would rather use DoubleEdge or Return.

To those people who say HyperBeam is good on Slaking...it's NOT because it just says "Hi" to FocusPunch because you can't switch or attack. :|

Horn Drill

Using Hyper Beam makes baby SapphireLs cry. ;_;

The fact remains that for just about anything you would like to use Hyper Beam on, there's a better move out there for it.
Horn Drill said:
Using Hyper Beam makes baby SapphireLs cry. ;_;
uhhhhh... o_O;;; lol

anywayz, the Blast Burn/Hydro Cannon/Frenzy Plant aren't that great either. I mean, think about it.

Let's say we have a Blastoise against a... Magcargo. Yeah. Big advantage. Let's say Blastoise uses HC, and it's a OHKO. The opponent switches then to something like... er... Raikou. You can't switch, so you're at the mercy of a Thunderbolt or a Calm Mind that can't be countered.
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