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Do you find Hyper Beam to be underrated?


  • I agree, it's really not that bad.

    Votes: 39 48.1%
  • I disagree, it just plain sucks.

    Votes: 42 51.9%

  • Total voters
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Horn Drill said:
Why use Mega Punch (or any Normal type attack) on Tyranitar at all?
I havent tried to come up with a good replacement. I mean, EQ/RockSlide/Crunch is all i realy use anyway


<-Don't wake him up!
Inspite of the fact that Hyper Beam is a 90% accurate 150 base power move, it sucks overall b/c it's absolutely horrible on the defensive end(meaning, the poke recharging afterward.)


Dragon Master
We won't insult you unless you really need to be insulted.

Horn Drill: I don't know about you, but most people can get their points across without insulting anyone. Ever. And Slaking wouldn't get burned, 'cause you'd use Earthquake. Stop twisting the truth, if you don't it will get you further.

Guy with Slaking: If your Slaking has it, I think HP Flying will get past Effect Spore and the like.

If people don't want to listen to your advice, don't answer them, simple as that. You don't need to insult someone for their lack of knowledge about someone.
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Guys, you all really need to stop being noob. Hiper Beem is one of the best moves I have ever seen, and it stands alone to be the best move I have ever seen, next to Frenzy Plant of course. If only Frenzy Plant worked well with Skeptile, then FP would be the best. But still, Hiper Beam is the best. Hands down. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I'm right in saying these.
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Sneasel_Ace said:
Correct me if I'm wrong,

OK. You are. Both in your belief that Hyper Beam is the best move, and your spelling of it without a y.
Sneasel_Ace said:
Guys, you all really need to stop being noob. Hiper Beem is one of the best moves I have ever seen, and it stands alone to be the best move I have ever seen, next to Frenzy Plant of course. If only Frenzy Plant worked well with Skeptile, then FP would be the best. But still, Hiper Beam is the best. Hands down. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I'm right in saying these.
Unless this is sarcasm, I feel like crying ._.

The 8th Champion

pokemon master:Stranger

Surprise buttsecks!
Unless this is sarcasm, I feel like crying ._.
same here cormander.

anyway this is becoming a flamewar so i im going to try and stop it evan though dumb people are going to still come on here and say hyper beam is the best.

ok i go on netbattle i use CB SLAKING and its usefull becuase it wipes out ubers but apart from theses hyper beam and elemental beams are no good.
And going back to the thing about netbattle, netbattle is quite boring now because allmost every body on there uses skarmory,blissy,ninjask,smergale
and thay all do the same thing all theses ideas are from smogon and every body copys them and netbattle ends up with loads of people doing the same thing and when people on here and on websites like IGN.COM all say got to smogon wtf is the point of this trainers should learn whats good and bad on there own when i was building the bulk of my team in my real life leaf green team and netbattle team that are the same i only had a look at smogon i took on bord what thay said about certain pokemon and changed some of the moves my pokemon said but i didnt copy every thing like every body else does.
geting back to the main topic hyper beam is good on slaking and i dont give a
**** what people say about retune being better because i find hyper beam still more usfull for menny resons.


Well-Known Member
Hyper Beam is OK, and it is somewhat useful ingame. But even in link battles, Battle Frontier, NetBattle, and the like it isn't an overall useful move. Yeah, it can be on Slaking, and possibly Meganium and Blastoise, but nothing else. One turn on NetBattle is the difference between win or lose. It is too much time to lose. I could have won many battles if had one more turn. Hyper Beam was 00ber in RBY, OK in GSC, and just plain crap for R/S/E/FR/LG. Ingaem, I use Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon. But not on NetBattle. So really, it depends on the situation and what generation you're playing.


~*Commander Blizzard*~ said:
Unless this is sarcasm, I feel like crying ._.

The 8th Champion
No, it's not sarcasm.
Anyway, my opinion of the move is that it is a cheap shot for noobs who want to make their pokemon "ultra-uber"
A while ago, I was looking at someone's team, and i found that he had an like three Dragonites with Hyper Beam. I think someone has been watching to much Tv. Hyper Beam is a bad move, obviously since it delays a turn. Unless your pokemon great defenses this move shouldn't really be used, except maybe with a Slaking. Still though. Now correct me if I'm wrong.
Hyper Beam is a powerful technique, but it should be used as a last resort. If you've Double Teamed to the max for your Pokemon, you have little to worry about, since the evasiveness gained will most likely pull through on the recharging turn, in my opinion.


no troll
lol hipocrite

First you say it's the best move ever, then you go saying that it wasn't sarcasm, then you talk about how it's bad. So are you just trying to cover yourself and not look stupid (which you seem to have failed quite miserably at), or are you going to claim now to have mulitple personalities?

Hyper Beam should only be used on pokes that have NO OTHER OPTIONS. That means Pidgeot and to an extent Tauros (who can use Iron Tail in place of it) are the only pokes who it should be used on. Hyper Beam fails on Slaking. You've read the posts. I don't need to say it again. Or do I?

And what good is Dragon Dance? Next turn i'll probly switch to Swampert/Kyoger/Articuno and Icebeam/blizzard Sala. Swampert of Kyoger would Surf Blaziken, and Articuno would Areal Ace Breloom
DD is probably the least effective of the 3, however, the first two can Focus Punch your Slaking into oblivion. So what if you can send in a counter poke? I can just switch out again to a counter of my own, while you've lost your hardest hitter on the team. Btw, it's spelled "Kyorge", and Kyorge is Uber, so you wouldn't be fighting someone's OU team with it anyway. AA sucks on Articuno. Blizzard sucks in general. And, like I said, it's called SWITCHING. Like you would have wanted to do when Breloom or Blaziken (or an even better example would be Heracross, as it's a little more common than they are) switched in after you KOed something.
Horn Drill: I don't know about you, but most people can get their points across without insulting anyone. Ever. And Slaking wouldn't get burned, 'cause you'd use Earthquake. Stop twisting the truth, if you don't it will get you further
lol yeah right you're the only twisting the truth

There's a nice little type called "Flying", and your foe can just switch a poke of that type in when they predict you to use EQ. Also, fire types aren't the only ones who can burn you. Duslops and Weezing are two of the most common Will-o-Wispers, and they aren't even fire. If you mean using EQ to hit them so you don't get hit by the ability, then that's just plain stupid. Slaking would most likely get burned on the switchin, as no Slaking user will be leaving it in on the loafing turn (well, sometimes, but your foe usually switches to a poke who can take the attack, anyway). The point is, if it does get burned or w/e, it's officially useless, and you will find yourself really wishing you had something that could heal it of its problems. But, seriously, it's easy to get Blissey in on those "3 wasted turns". You send it in on a special attacker (or when you predict one is going to get sent in), use Aroma, and swap out, possibly using Softboiled/T-Wave along the way.

Guy with Slaking: If your Slaking has it, I think HP Flying will get past Effect Spore and the like.
HP:Flying on Slaking is stupid. There are much better things Slaking can be using, such as Focus Punch or Fury Swipes. Take the risk. It isn't that big of a one. Particulary if you have a Heal Beller. Why use a move for one low OU pokemon. When a poke like Salamence carries Fire Blast for Skarm, it's because Skarm is the most common physical wall in the game. Breloom is low OU, and you won't even fight one very often.

Hyper Beam is a powerful technique, but it should be used as a last resort. If you've Double Teamed to the max for your Pokemon, you have little to worry about, since the evasiveness gained will most likely pull through on the recharging turn, in my opinion.
I officially declare you a noob. If you need to rely on hax to win battles, then you have no skill. Clicking "Double Team" 6 times is not skill, however hard it must be for you to do so. >_>

Horn Drill

TyraniRay said:
Horn Drill: I don't know about you, but most people can get their points across without insulting anyone. Ever. And Slaking wouldn't get burned, 'cause you'd use Earthquake. Stop twisting the truth, if you don't it will get you further.

Earthquake doesn't work on Weezing.

I can get through posts without insulting people, but it's just really hard when they're blathering on about how "Hypah Beem is t3h pwnsorz skillz lolz!1".

Guy with Slaking: If your Slaking has it, I think HP Flying will get past Effect Spore and the like.

Why use a move just to avoid Breloom's Effect Spore and nothing else?

If people don't want to listen to your advice, don't answer them, simple as that. You don't need to insult someone for their lack of knowledge about someone.

So it's okay that they'll ask for our advice, and then get all n00bitated when we give it to them? >_> Wow. Way to go genius.

The Dark Knight said:
Hyper Beam is a powerful technique, but it should be used as a last resort. If you've Double Teamed to the max for your Pokemon, you have little to worry about, since the evasiveness gained will most likely pull through on the recharging turn, in my opinion.


If you use Double Team, then you will be killed by drug dealers in a hate crime. ._.
Hyper Beam can be countered SO EASILY. That's why it's bad.

The fact that you can't make an attack and switch out after should just be a obvious reason. -__-

You're at the risk of a KO, status problem, switch-in, etc.


no troll
It only take one misspent turn for a Tyranitar (Boah) to tear apart your team. If it gets in after you KO a poke, it can Sub up during the downtime, and then procede to own your team with Focus Punch, Crunch, and T-Bolt.


WanderingRhythmicalPhoenix said:
News to me
Normal types not getting STAB is a myth, just like duel types only getting half the usual STAB for each type.

I shall put this as simply as I know how:
In-game:Not the BEST move, but at least if you KO something you can switch afterwards. And you can get away with nearly ANYTHING in-game anyway...I had an Fire Spin/Flamethrower/Scratch/Slash Charizard back in RBY that could beat just about *everything* due to SHEER LEVEL ADVANTAGE. Out-of-game, using that would basically be saying "I don't know how to make movesets. Please KO my entire team in 7 turns."
Competitive:No. Just no. Unless there's honestly NOTHING else you can use that move slot for, it's a waste of space because A)Moves that are only useful as a last resort are less useful than moves like, say, Return or Flamethrower, and B)If you DO KO your opponent, you can't switch out, giving them a free turn to either set up or to finish you off. Even I, a person who doesn't do competitive battles, can glean that much from other people's posts.
RBY:Lack of recharge after a KO? w00t! It might actually be USEFUL as a finisher move!

Seriously, SHEER POWER IS NOT THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES A MOVE WORTHWHILE. That recharge turn kills Hyper Beam's(and its ilk's) usefulness so much that it's not even funny. :/

+Chaos Blade+

Hyper Beam, in an in-game sense, is very powerful, but in a competitive environment, like the Battle Frontier, it just sucks ***. There is no STAB for using it, it's accuracy is 90%, and since there's no STAB, that's about 100 points of damage.

After attack, it needs to charge, leaving it vulnerable for a switch out, a Mean Look attack, recovery, etc. It's a nasty aftereffect.

+Chaos Blade+


<-Don't wake him up!
+Chaos Blade+ said:
Hyper Beam, in an in-game sense, is very powerful, but in a competitive environment, like the Battle Frontier, it just sucks ***. There is no STAB for using it, it's accuracy is 90%, and since there's no STAB, that's about 100 points of damage.

After attack, it needs to charge, leaving it vulnerable for a switch out, a Mean Look attack, recovery, etc. It's a nasty aftereffect.

+Chaos Blade+
Just so you know, there is such thing as a STABBED normal type move. Compare a Returning/HB Snorlax/Slaking with a Return/HB Salamence/Dragonite and see the difference in damage yourself.
Let me rephrase myself again.

Zangoose said:
I use Hyper Beam all the time and it is the ULTIMATE finishing blast! It has 150 power! Blast Burn, Hydrocannon, and Frenzy Plant are even better!
Phantom Raichu said:
hyper beam rocks!

Jigpuff said:

Return>Hyper Beam
Hell even
Tackle>Hyper Beam

EvilKeckleon said:
Hyper Beam is a great move... in contests
Yes,only on the last turn.

In everywhere else,it's shitty.

Team Rocket Admin said:
It's not a bad move.
It's terrible.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
It was decent before GSC. Now there's too many counters for it to be any good. Protect, Detect, Endure + Reversal, Substiute, the list goes on. Seriously, they're not great moves.

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
The funniest thing on netbattle was facing a mewtwo that did hyperbeam as it did very little damage and gave me an extra turn to take it down.
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