lol hipocrite
First you say it's the best move ever, then you go saying that it wasn't sarcasm,
then you talk about how it's bad. So are you just trying to cover yourself and not look stupid (which you seem to have failed quite miserably at), or are you going to claim now to have mulitple personalities?
Hyper Beam should only be used on pokes that have NO OTHER OPTIONS. That means Pidgeot and to an extent Tauros (who can use Iron Tail in place of it) are the only pokes who it should be used on. Hyper Beam fails on Slaking. You've read the posts. I don't need to say it again. Or do I?
And what good is Dragon Dance? Next turn i'll probly switch to Swampert/Kyoger/Articuno and Icebeam/blizzard Sala. Swampert of Kyoger would Surf Blaziken, and Articuno would Areal Ace Breloom
DD is probably the least effective of the 3, however, the first two can Focus Punch your Slaking into oblivion. So what if you can send in a counter poke? I can just switch out again to a counter of my own, while you've lost your hardest hitter on the team. Btw, it's spelled "Kyorge", and Kyorge is Uber, so you wouldn't be fighting someone's OU team with it anyway. AA sucks on Articuno. Blizzard sucks in general. And, like I said, it's called SWITCHING. Like you would have wanted to do when Breloom or Blaziken (or an even better example would be Heracross, as it's a little more common than they are) switched in after you KOed something.
Horn Drill: I don't know about you, but most people can get their points across without insulting anyone. Ever. And Slaking wouldn't get burned, 'cause you'd use Earthquake. Stop twisting the truth, if you don't it will get you further
lol yeah right you're the only twisting the truth
There's a nice little type called "Flying", and your foe can just switch a poke of that type in when they predict you to use EQ. Also, fire types aren't the only ones who can burn you. Duslops and Weezing are two of the most common Will-o-Wispers, and they aren't even fire. If you mean using EQ to hit them so you don't get hit by the ability, then that's just plain stupid. Slaking would most likely get burned on the switchin, as no Slaking user will be leaving it in on the loafing turn (well, sometimes, but your foe usually switches to a poke who can take the attack, anyway). The point is, if it does get burned or w/e, it's officially useless, and you will find yourself really wishing you had something that could heal it of its problems. But, seriously, it's easy to get Blissey in on those "3 wasted turns". You send it in on a special attacker (or when you predict one is going to get sent in), use Aroma, and swap out, possibly using Softboiled/T-Wave along the way.
Guy with Slaking: If your Slaking has it, I think HP Flying will get past Effect Spore and the like.
HP:Flying on Slaking is stupid. There are much better things Slaking can be using, such as Focus Punch or Fury Swipes. Take the risk. It isn't that big of a one. Particulary if you have a Heal Beller. Why use a move for
one low OU pokemon. When a poke like Salamence carries Fire Blast for Skarm, it's because Skarm is the most common physical wall in the game. Breloom is low OU, and you won't even fight one very often.
Hyper Beam is a powerful technique, but it should be used as a last resort. If you've Double Teamed to the max for your Pokemon, you have little to worry about, since the evasiveness gained will most likely pull through on the recharging turn, in my opinion.
I officially declare you a noob. If you need to rely on hax to win battles, then you have no skill. Clicking "Double Team" 6 times is not skill, however hard it must be for you to do so. >_>