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Do you illustrate your fics?


Pippi! Pi!
I'm just wondering how many other authors ever get the irresistible urge to draw, render, or create graphics for their fics. Whether they be pretty sigs, title images, or just general scene illustrations, I want to hear about them. :p And if you don't do them yourself, do you get someone else to do them? How does that work out?

I can't just create a topic like this without offering my own example, but I've created graphics for nearly every fic I've ever written. ;) My current one has its own title image, and my older one that's also hosted on this board has a title pic as well. I have a signature for my Flash cartoon Stealthy Ninja Mario (which is really less of a fic, and more like a screenplay if you think of it in a literary sense). So what about the rest of you?

This isn't necessarily the place to show off your graphics, but if you want, you can link to them. :) I just want to get a feel for how many authors are artists too. ^^;


Meowth Fanatic <3
I totally do. :3

I have yet to scan any of them, but I draw the main characters just to get a feel for them before I even begin to describe them in context. I do the image-thing better than the word-thing, at least to get the abstracts down. ^_^

Beast is Holy

Well-Known Member
I make little trainer scenes of important characters, like the one in my sig.


Just me
I would, but I'm no good at it, so if I try to draw a scene from my fics or something, it doesn't turn out anything like I wanted it.

I've drawn two human characters and then a few fake Pokémon, and that's it.


Well-Known Member
Hah! I suck so much at drawing its not even funny. The most I've done is sketched a map of what I thought the Pokemon world looked like in my fic (which I promptly discarded upon finding a more official map).

Emma Iveli

Fanfic Writer
I would if I could... due to my dislabbiltes it's painful to draw... there are some scenes in my fanfics that I would love to draw... but I can't... like in New Lives, Luffy's first recaction to beocmeing Sailor Mars... and Ash and Kiyo's first reaction to this first reaction... I would ask soemone do it but I'm too shy...



I can't draw, and unlike writing, where one can learn THAT art, I don't think a person, especially me myslef, can truely learn to draw.


Bird Master
Yay, I used to do three, sometimes four little scenes in my old Wings of Council fic. I'm not sure if I'll do it for Pilot Light but I definitely have a few little doodles hanging around. I have chibi-Chaz in my sig and I've got a few panel animations.

All I've done to illustrate my fic is make sprites of the 4 main characters. I just tweaked some of the FRLG and Em sprites, and recolored 'em. Not much but it does give everyone a good idea of what the people look like.

~fuzzy out~


I might draw characters from my fic, but due to laziness and lack of really good drawing skills, I don't draw that much. :\


An Ode to the Fallen
Only doodled one pic of my character on a small notepad.......looks like crap....:D


black cat, black cat
Want to. Can't. My drawings would suck due to my lack of proportion, even though I do have a good eye for abnormalities. Banners, maybe, done a few, ask a few people, but now *points to banner-empty sig* none.

It also probably because I don't really write PokeFanfiction where a lot of sprites and drawings exist. And because my habit for not liking to ask someone to actually draw something unless they ask. >> So yeah, no graphics, while I'd love to have some.


Mew King

It's black magic!
I would, but I'm no good at it, so if I try to draw a scene from my fics or something, it doesn't turn out anything like I wanted it.

I've drawn two human characters and then a few fake Pokémon, and that's it.

Yeah... Seriously, that's my limits as well. I have so many awesome scenes I could have done, but since I'm a bad drawer, I can't do it.


I used to draw my charachters, but I sucked really really badly, so I figured I might as well stick with writing. So much easier X_X


The Sexy Kitty Cat
I might start recoloring sprites to make things a little easier. If I can work on my drawing skills, I might use that instead.


Jello Pokéballs
I like having an overall pic to stand for my whole fic, and then a more plot based one to go before each of my fics sections. The pic that my banner is made from is actually a work I commissioned from an artist on DA. If I have more 'official' pictures I will be commissioning them to, although I have made many manga recolorings, dolls, and a SIMS family profile to go with my fanfic...
I have not edited in the full size title picture into my fic here because I did not know if the fic forum allows pictures :/. It would only be at the beginning and at the start of each section the chapters fall under (which will be four in all)


An Ode to the Fallen
The pic that my banner is made from is actually a work I commissioned from an artist on DA.
Whats DA?? I would like a banner made, but I dont have Photoshop so I cant make one myself unless I used Paint (HELLS NO!). :D


Well-Known Member
I love making banners for my stories, as everyone here probably knows...and there's one chapter of Aeon that I simply couldn't describe without going overboard due to the imagery, so it'll all be drawn out comic-book format. Sometimes, a picture is really worth a thousand words. XP