I'm just wondering how many other authors ever get the irresistible urge to draw, render, or create graphics for their fics. Whether they be pretty sigs, title images, or just general scene illustrations, I want to hear about them.
And if you don't do them yourself, do you get someone else to do them? How does that work out?
I can't just create a topic like this without offering my own example, but I've created graphics for nearly every fic I've ever written.
My current one has its own title image, and my older one that's also hosted on this board has a title pic as well. I have a signature for my Flash cartoon Stealthy Ninja Mario (which is really less of a fic, and more like a screenplay if you think of it in a literary sense). So what about the rest of you?
This isn't necessarily the place to show off your graphics, but if you want, you can link to them.
I just want to get a feel for how many authors are artists too. ^^;
I can't just create a topic like this without offering my own example, but I've created graphics for nearly every fic I've ever written.
This isn't necessarily the place to show off your graphics, but if you want, you can link to them.