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Do you like Mimiroppu?

;428; Do you like Mimiroppu? ;428;

  • Yes, it is awesome! :3

    Votes: 32 49.2%
  • Nope, I can't stand it. >>

    Votes: 8 12.3%
  • Meh, 'tis allright/Don't love it nor hate it

    Votes: 25 38.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member

Okay, ANYONE can vote on this poll, BUT:

The main reason for this poll is to find out who likes Mimiroppu and is neither a girly girl nor a gay guy.

Why? Well, girly girls and most gay guys often like cute things, whether it's outfits, animals or objects. So it'd not be surprising if they liked Mimiroppu. And this applies to myself - I love Mimiroppu, but that's not a surprise, 'cause I'm gay and thus I love cute Pokes ^_^.

So if you're a straight guy or a girl that's not girly, and you like Mimiroppu, let me know. If you are a girly girl or a gay guy and you DON'T like Mimiroppu, also let me know. :p

Anyways, as I said: vote on the poll if you want, but that's what I'm looking for.
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Mim3 Jr.

Cute, Cuddly, Pink~
If I must say against my will, I am a Straight Male.

But on a serious note, about Mimroppu, sorry to offend(If I do), but I dont. I have never been a fan of "Vanilla-Pokemon", just see no excitement in raising an Overgrown Stuffed Animal. And besides, Mime Jr. is so much cooler. =]

-Mim3. Jr.

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
And yet, you love Mime Jr., which is cuteness itself. So you must like cute things, just not Mimiroppu. Hehe.

And dun worry, no offense taken. :p
I'm a straight guy that likes Mimiroppu a lot, as I do with any feminine Pokémon, and I'd also like to get inside her.

... make of that what you want. :D

Pearl Manyula

Well-Known Member
I so love mimiroppu. That's why I'm using it as my avatar. I have a straight brother who's in the forums too. He Loves mimiroppu just cuz it loks tough to him and it has high speed and good stats... He kinda "likes" it... If you know what i mean. We both love it. He just likes weavile better... There is nothing cute about weavile. That goes to show you that you don't need to be gay or a girly girl to like this pokemon, cuz my brother is straight and i'm sort of a tomb boy.


Contaminated KFC
God, I wish people would just call it Mimilop....

I have nothing against Mimilop and am essentially indifferent towards the thing. It's one of those pokémon that I know exists, but is always shrugged off with little more than a simple 'meh'. Kinda like Pidgeot, or the Eevee-lutions.

Soniku za Hedgehoggu!

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by Orion-sama:
I'm a straight guy that likes Mimiroppu a lot, as I do with any feminine Pokémon, and I'd also like to get inside her.

... make of that what you want.

OMGS LOL. Furries are cool with me. ;P