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Do you play lotteries? What's your thought about superenalotto?


Well-Known Member
I just started playing superenalotto but I hope woth a cash prixe one day. Have you ever won smth while playing lotteries?


You! Me! Rivals! Yes?
I don't play the lottery, when my Grandfather was alive he was obsessed with lottery and scratch cards, it reached the stage where in the last year of his life lottery tickets and scratch cards were more important to him than food and water. He seemed to think he would win big one day and that's what he would leave to the family in his inheritence, but it never happened. I don't see lottery as much different from gambling, something you can get hooked on very quickly and blow all of your money on without getting much from it.


Well-Known Member
I play superenalotto quite often, it's pretty entertaining lotto and I love gambling in general. I haven't won yet and I hope lady luck will be on my side too. It's Italian lotteries with huge jackpots, here is info https://onepoundlotto.com/it-super. The record Mega Sena jackpot ran to £38.1 million.
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