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Do you think Jynx is a racist Pokemon?

Is Jynx a Racist Pokemon?

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OK...Simple enough question. I want to know your opinions on this, since all those years back, that psychotic woman decided to be a poon over the black color of Jynx's face.

Things to keep in mind:

-Lombre and Ludicolo are clearly supposed to be Hispanic/Mexican Pokemon, yet no one says a word about that. BTW, the "Pokemon isn't as popular anymore" excuse no longer works. I want a real reason why people see no problem with these two Pogeys.

-Lt. Surge is an American character. That's all fine and dandy. But, some people could easily say that the creators of the dude were sending a little subliminal message that that's how they view Americans. They may think that we're nothing but a bunch of war hungry people.

-Jynx more than likely represented a viking or a Japanese witch that does some crap with Ice (iirc). There was no 100% clear indication that race had ANYTHING to do with the Pokemon. In fact, one Pokedex entry in the old days (iirc) said that Jynx's face didn't even have a color, but was just an empty void.

I think my stance on this is obvious. -_-

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
What I wanna know is why 4Kids and NoA (and apparently NoJ as well) decided to believe that one crazy woman when they all (rightfully) laughed off the many more who thought that Kadabra was evil.


That's because the woman would have more than likely sued for some "Defamation of Character" crap...And since the public would have rallied alongside the psycho, Nintendo would have just quietly settled outside of court. Why go through the trouble when you could just make the character in question have a freakish purple face? -_-

Edit: If you people are going to vote, could you at least POST why you think the way you do? -_______-

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
How could she have sued for defamation of character for a race when others of her race would have told her to STFU?


Others of her race did tell her to STFU. I did. XD

Seriously, though. Like I said in the other thread, this is the kind of crap that's wrong with this country. People are so paranoid and uptight about so many things, no wonder other countries laugh at our collective stupidity.

Imagine if someone complained about Ludicolo or Lombre. What would happen with that?

Blackjack Gabbiani

Clearly we're great!
If other countries laughed at it, then why did Japan concede and make Jynx purple then?

Here's one for ya: it's a picture of Brock from a manga adaptation:


Now, if he looked like that on the show, people would be screaming "RACIST!" left and right, wouldn't they? Even though it was drawn by Asians.


I do believe that Japan laughed at the Jynx crap, but in order to save Nintendo's image, they had no choice but to give in.

And if they used that version of Brock in the anime, I would have LOVED to see the reaction of people over here in the states, and how stupid they would look to find out that Asian artists did that. ;\


Meanwhile, just about all the characters on Pokémon seem to be light-skinned... and no one's complaining there... o_O; And they're more human than Jynx.
Whoever thought Jynx is racist needs their pills...

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I read here complaint once. She's fricking Allen Keys clone with boobs. "I'm black and therefore you have to listen to me b*tch" type of person. I would have told you shut her trap before people start to think she's crazy. There is no human skin tone that is coal black. Actually, polar bears have more of an aruguement because their skin under the fir is that color.

When I saw Jynx, I thought short fat opera singer. The black idea never came into my mind. How many black people have long straight blond hair? How many short fat opera singers?

If anything, the woman making the complaint was bigot. She tore Japanese society down for not being diverse.

Solarbeam Venusaur

I always thought she was a voodoo doll and that was why she was black.
It sucks that they made her purple. She is not racist!
If you read one article they said, not only because she was black, because she 'wobbled her hips all the time' what in the world was the woman who wrote the article on?

~*~The Evil Overlord of SPPF and Stuff~*~

I was in a wierd mood a couple of hours ago. I said yes... If I could change it to no I would...


Feather Trainer
I don't see how Jynx is rascist, however it makes no difference to me. Jynx may now be purple however i'm colourblind so it never changed for me XD.


Previously Iota
Basically I voted no. Jynx was supposedly meant to represent a Jigaboo, according to one person who was an adult and so shouldn't really have been so passionate about getting one creature off a childs game.

To clarify. A Jigaboo was a toy from many years ago. It was black, with big lips, sometimes long blond hair, sometimes otherwise. The toys were much like our "wobbleheads" today. They would shake their hips when you made contact. In other words, a simple meaningless childs toy, much like Pokémon, although, there are many more adults now who grew up with it since it came out. All in all, this woman was crazy to bring it up. Personally, I think Jynx looks better purple, but that is not the point.

To the person who made the comment about Jynx' Pokédex entry, how many voids do you know that are purple? Let me think, ooh, none. It is stupid to change a Pokémon's appearence because one stupid woman decided she didn't like it.

I can see why Japan just changed it though. If it was a white person sueing them, and the person lost the case, nothing would happen but a few lost reputation points (not to do with the site, just a comparison of something). However, no racism apparent in this statement, but if the black woman did go to court, and then lost; Nintendo of both Japan and America would have half the black population, and peobably a hell of a lot of the white population on their backs saying that they were racist, as were the courts. This is how far racism has gone today. If I was walking down the street and a black person walked into me, about 1/3 times, they'd turn around and beat the crap out of me, because I'm a racist pig for not moving. The same would happen if I walked into a black person, except it would probably be worse.

Also, If people said that about Lombre and Ludicolo, a different thing would happen. They wouldn't be able to change them with a simple recolouring like Jynx. They can't completely change a Pokémon. What would happen is that niether of them would ever be shown again.

I've finished now, because if I go on any longer I'm going to get all angry and I don't want to be angry over something like this. All I can say is, stop racism. The only people who are racist are the people who unfairly accuse others. I'm not only talking about black people, because a hell of a lot of white people do it too.

One more point on racism, going a little off topic. If a black person is attacked/murdered, it is automatically assumed that it is a racist attack by the public. A lot of people can't seem to understand that a lot of black people can attack other black people, and vice versa. Right, I'm stopping now, before I accidentally say things that could be construed as racism. Something silly like, "I really like black people" could be construed as racism nowadays. Oh wait, I forgot. We can't say black people anymore, as that is also construed as Racism. It really needs to stop, 'cus it's really getting out of hand and pathetic now.



Old school
Pokémon is aimed at kids. If I showed a kid loads of pictures of the old Jynx, and then we went out walking around and happened to bump into a black person, the kid doesn't assume that they're a Jynx. Jynx had jet black skin, if it even was skin. There is no human on the planet with skin like that. Why don't we just attack ALL the humanshape Pokémon and say that they're stereotypical? Because they aren't. And as for the Ludicolo/Lombre thing, there's nothing bad about them. What can we say was honestly bad about Jynx? Did it give out any negative vibes? In Teen Titans in a Mad Mod episode BB talks in a British accent for part of it. That entire thing was one big stereotype, and yet they get away with it. That was INTENDED to be a stereotype, and they got away with it. Jynx is barely focused on as is. Whoever that psycho woman was, I hope she's pleased with herself now that thousands of people hate her.


Contaminated KFC
Blackjack Gabbiani said:
What I wanna know is why 4Kids and NoA (and apparently NoJ as well) decided to believe that one crazy woman when they all (rightfully) laughed off the many more who thought that Kadabra was evil.
Then again, when was the last time Kadabra was seen in the animé anyway? I can't even recall it making any sort of background or cameo appearences since early Johto.

...eh, I can't really add anything else to this post without repeating what others have said before me. So I'll just vote n' exit~


So hot he's on fire.
lolz yes it izz it is so ofenseive!!!!1

....Jesus, no. WTF was that lady smoking and where can -I- get some of that?!


Yeah, ok!
Anyone find it amusing that Jynx got banned for awhile yet Smoochum remained scott-free?

I mean just look at Smoochum, it's just a little girl version of an adult Jynx. I guess because it's purple the unevolved form gets away with it.


I miss you Maddie <3
I don't really see how people can confuse the two colors so much. Jynx is black, like the back of a cave. Not like "black" people, which are a lot of differing colors of brown. I don't see why people are considered "white" or "black", because they're not either. So saying that Jynx is some stereotype of black people is rediculous, and this insignificant piece of nothing woman decided that she wanted to correct something that didn't need correcting. She just wanted her fifteen minutes, I doubt she actually cared about jynx's color. She's just one of those people that wants to make everyone around her afraid of stating their opinions out of fear of offending her. Not the rest of any race they might, in her eyes, "offend", but her and her alone.


Not at all! As you said, Lombre/Ludicolo are clearly Mexicans and no one complains about them. In fact, people didn't even complain about the episode with the Mexican trainer and his Ludicolo.

In case someone didn't notice, the Gardevoir family is obviously based on French ballerinas, and the members of the Hariyama family are sumo wrestlers. Nobody said a word about them.
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Dont Forget Light,Camerupt,Action!Brock Had To Stall By Looking Mexican And Dance With His Lombre.
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