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Do you think Pokemon should finish?

Want Pokemon to end already?


    Votes: 39 79.6%
  • Yeah, I'm getting a bit tired with the show...

    Votes: 10 20.4%

  • Total voters


Ultimate Animator
I love Pokemon, and as much as I love this show, it has to end sooner or later. A good show can't last forever, though. What do you guys think? Do you want the show to finish already? After 8 years of Pokemon? :)

Lovely May

Yes, because show is ****ing boring. Kanto and Orange Islands were great and I loved it, Johto was boring and Houen wasn't so damn original. Now every episode is similar and today I may say what will happen later. Writers don't have good and ORIGINAL idea for new episodes.


Kanon said:
Yes, because show is ****ing boring. Kanto and Orange Islands were great and I loved it, Johto was boring and Houen wasn't so damn original. Now every episode is similar and today I may say what will happen later. Writers don't have good and ORIGINAL idea for new episodes.
Wow, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. All I'll say is check out the entire [spoil]Battle Frontier[/spoil] saga. It's been going great, and it seems that it's only going to get better. Try to know what you're talking about next time. :)

On topic: No. There's no reason for them to just end it for no reason (lolz, i r redundant). It'll only end when Nintendo stops profiting from this cash cow.

Lovely May

I said only my opinion.
Last edited by a moderator:


I own the 5th gen
Jynxo said:
On topic: No. There's no reason for them to just end it for no reason (lolz, i r redundant). It'll only end when Nintendo stops profiting from this cash cow.

Yeah, but they gotta end the amount of Pokemon sooner or later, considering how overwhelming the number would become. As it is, 386 species is pretty overwhelming. I know they're profitting off the games, but I've always been suggesting the idea of putting a stop to the RPG franchise and just focusing on different types of games, involving all the Pokemon in various styles of gameplay. Pokemon Rangers and Mysterious Dungeon are a good start. As for the anime.... aside from having such games to adapt off of (hell, the girl from Pokemon Rangers is gonna make an appearance in the anime), they also could have original plotlines (Orange Islands), and if the Battle Frontier's any indication, the anime writers apparently have absolutely no problem with taking a sidequest in one of the games and extending it over a year.

Jynxo said:
Wow, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. All I'll say is check out the entire [spoil]Battle Frontier[/spoil] saga. It's been going great, and it seems that it's only going to get better.

Correction.... only now it's starting to get good. At the beginning, all the way up until [spoil]Kojirou left Chiriin[/spoil], the saga was crap, complete and utter crap. Also, I don't see why you needed to spoiler-tag it.... I think it's pretty much common knowledge by now that the anime writers are adapting the Battle Frontier.


Yeah, ok!
The anime will end someday, but hopefully not now. Hoenn was excellent, and the Frontier saga is getting really good.

Plus Ash and May haven't achieved their goals yet, so there are a lot of story arcs not finished yet.

As long as the show continues to be as good as Hoenn was, it can keep on going.

Momoko Lover

Hop, Skip, Jump!!!
Plus the D/P region saga will be coming up soon, and only heaven knows when... or maybe I should say the writers also know when that season will end.

Factory Head Noland


Sure the anime has it's bad points (eg. Butterfree fillers) but what doesn't have them?
The Hoenn League could've been longer but we get the Battle Frontier saga which is great (a few crap fillers but great overall).

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
I think they should end the current anime and start over from scratch at some point. Do we really need Ash for an anime to rock? There's so many interesting storylines in the Pokemon games that I think the anime drowns them out because they aren't show cased as much as the mainstream games.


I love it, but they really should dump Ash and start a new. They should start off with a new trainer like, Yoshi(kent), the firered or leafgreen people, Brendan or even someone totally new. I think after the battle frontier they start with a whole new trainer.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Diamond/Pearl, the next wave of RPG games for the series.

Anyway, I'd say that after they're done with the fourth generation, they oughta wind it down. It's getting hard enough for the writers to keep the show fresh even now, and no doubt the Diamond and Pearl saga will fall into the same rut that Johto and Hoenn ultimately did. After all, it'd be better to send the show out on a bang rather than run it into the ground.

And on a related note, if anyone whines about how they want the show to run forever until the end of infinity, I will never talk to you again.


it should of ended like ages ago the only episodes worth watching where Kanto and the Orange islands.

Lord Mewtwo

Advanced Human
I really love Pokemon and I hope it runs for a long time, of course I know it'll end, all good things must come to an end. Sure, it may have it's bad points, but, who hasn't, huh. I try to focus on the positive aspects of it, and so far, it's a success.
Yes. I think they should finish the current series and start anew with a new main character... *coughfrlggirlcough*

But seeing the fanbase and the advertisement attire, the Anime will go on until Pokémon itself dies. Sadly... :(


All i have to say is its been going on for AGES,but what i say is that they run the stupid thing daily, like at 5 or something, and then after the stupid BF series ends, they should have Ash go home to his mommy, crying about how he got teased by scott or something, or maybe even break a leg (litteraly) and then he would have to go away for a while. Then, May has to go home, and so does Brock. Then they should see Ash going home, his poor leg in a cast, and a GIRL main charecter startes a journey, going first through diamond and pearl, then taking some time, and having her travel all over Kanto and Johto, maybe even Hoenn, and having her quickly beat the leaders. Then, eventually, she meats a guy, travels with him for a while on a bunch of new contenents and then grows up, and then the next episode, we see a wedding (for her and her friend), then a thing saying "2 years later" (her adventure ends in Kanto), we see her standing over a little cradle, holding, in her armes, a little monster with black hair, a red cap, and a pikachu sute! Hi baby ash! Anyway, then ash traveles again. Or is that to far-feched? I think i got carried away. Anyway, its getting wierd now anyway!

Yoshida Amane

SPPf's #2 Tracey Fan

Team Rocket Admin said:
They should keep going, but I think they should hire new writers.

That's not going to help. Remember that Pokemon is an English-dubbed Japanese anime. The English company, 4Kids, may edit the animation and dialogue, but they don't create any new picture.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Yoshida Amane said:
That's not going to help. Remember that Pokemon is an English-dubbed Japanese anime. The English company, 4Kids, may edit the animation and dialogue, but they don't create any new picture.

Actually, it'd have a noticeable effect on the plotlines. Even if the Japanese producers only hire a handful of writers from some other show, odds are the results will show up sooner or later in the form of an influence from that other show. Same thing happens in America all the time (the best example I can think of is "The Drew Carey Show" - around the 2000-2001 season, they hired former "Mystery Science Theater 3000" crew member Frank Conniff as a writing consultant, and the show's plots immediately took on a more outlandish "MST3K"-style slant).

So now the only question is "What anime do we want this show to more accurately resemble?"