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Dodgy fainting...


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, the new trailers have shown that a flaw from past console Pokemon games has returned. When the energy of a pokemon is completely drained after an attack, it still recovers and runs back to its position... the scene then "cuts" to it fainting and it just looks bad in my opinion. Anyone else think that this should've been address for the Wii game?


Well-Known Member
Yea i also think its kinda dodgy. Hopefully like other people have said this is just a beta video and this will be fixed in the actual game.

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
It would be funny and cool if a Pokemon like Ditto was hit with a Hyper Beam and was completely Obliterated until there was nothing but a small amount of it left, then he gets recalled :0

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
It is kind of confusing. It could be just to make it look like a knockout in a boxing match.


Well-Known Member
I never really cared less about that, so I won't care about it know whetere it'll be changed or not.


Ready for a vacation
For some Pokemon, who take forever to stand back up, it is really annoying, but for others it's just plain funny. :3

Like the ones that jump to their feet and suddenly cry and fall back down. Togepi comes to mind here.. but I haven't played XD in a while so I could be thinking of another type of Pokemon. The point still stands though. ^^


Well-Known Member
And considering that the gameplay is a 3D version of the handheld games, no problems there


Well-Known Member
But the point of these 3D games is to show off how good Pokemon cna look in 3D, otherwise, what's the point in them?

An I am a bit cheesed off. I don't understand why they can't seem to get a 3D Pokemon game right. There are always minor faults.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it doesnt really matter. Just as long as the gameplay is good.

You're right, it doesn't make a huge difference... but it's just a small details that surely could've been addressed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its so annoying. You kill a pkemon, it gets back up just to cut to the fainting scene
At least they recall the Pokemon back into their pokeballs now!! and they show the pokeball which is good enough!!


Awaiting B&W
Yeah.Kirlia losing all HP then coming back then doing a ballerina like pose then fainting. Can't they just get hit and stay down.


i thought that the groudon video showed deoxys fainting in the path of hyper beam... am i missing something?


Well-Known Member
It definitely looks sloppy. As long as Genius continues to build their games around the old code from Hal and Gamefreak, it's going to look like an old game.


Queen of Charizards!
YOu know i hope there are sounds made when the fainted Pokemon lands on the ground before being returned into their pokeball (like in Stadium 1 and 2)


Well-Known Member
i thought that the groudon video showed deoxys fainting in the path of hyper beam... am i missing something?

It seems that you are as the pokemon take a hit, recover to their fighting stance and then the scene cuts to them fainting.