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does any one know....

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the release date of warriors triumph and spellcasters judgement?


Uh... Uhh Spellcaster later this year or early next year... Warrior now or very soon...


Kick ***!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its out...


Well-Known Member
warriors out and I don`t know when spellcasters is comig out,though probly it be till next year.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
From looking at other sites this isnt official yet but Judgement of Spell Casters will be out January 16th 2006.


<-Don't wake him up!
Yes the Warrior Structure decks are already out; as for the spellcasters, not yet, probably shortly before or after x-mas.
BTW I should know that the Warrior Structure deck is out b/c I saw those horrible cards:
Lightning Vortex and Royal Decree (Common)=yuck D-:
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