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does anybody has deoxys and lugia?


New Member
i need help to get deoxys and lugia those are the only legedarys i missing .
reply back if if anybody has those two and trade you any legedarys like mew celibe jarhic ho-oh and more.
Deoxys can be gotten through the Aurora ticket only, and Lugia can be gotten through the Mysticticket and XD

Trade trading via Wi-Fi

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
Ill trade you one of each.

just pop on down to Tasmania.


from heaven to glory
my friend attended a nintendo event in USA so he got deoxys, mew, lugia & ho-oh and used the cloning glitch and then traded them from me.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Yes, I have them.

Shiny Crobat

Well-Known Member
i've got both so what?

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
i can trade with you when i get d/p us version,
i have lugia,
have you got ho-oh,
i can trade you that to,
they are both level 100
yes i do have a deoxys and a lugia i got the lugia from xd and a deoxs from my friend


oblivion weilder
get xd for lugia and i am willing to trade a deoxys when dp comes out both egit as i got deoxys from the event


Eevee Trainer
I've got neither, but I'll be borrowing XD from a friend eventually, so Celebi and Deoxys are the ones I'm gonna need to trade over Wi-Fi for.

EDIT: Rank Up to Earth Badge!