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Does anybody know when the pokemon ranger movie is coming to U.S.


serebii one
Does any one know when the new pokemon manafi ranger movie could hit US? Also, does anybody know when the Shinou saga will come to America,United States?
May 2007, probably.
I say 2007 for both. Its been rumored the 9th movie will come out in Feb 07, Its not confirmed so we don't really know.
Three years before it reaches us. Simple.


The Best of the Best
The 9th movie is rumored to come out in February or March.

I assume the Shinour Sags will start around May. OR they will wait until September, but with how far we have gotten into BF saga already, it is looking like it may be in the spring.
Perhaps in Summer 07. Unless they hold off Shinoh off a few monthes. I would like for it to come out this Christmas but it aint gonna happen. I get to see my favorite shinoh pokemon in action.