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Does anyone else do this?


Master of Charizard
You know who you are. You put Ditto into the daycare center to breed it with soemthing, remove the other one, and leave Ditto. That's what I usually do. Except when I want to breed two specifically. I think that Ditto is lv 61 right now, and I haven't done one battle with it in my party!


I want your cheese..
I just started doing that, really, it's much, much cheaper because you have to pay 100 everytime you take him out, even if he hasn't grown, but leave him in, I haven't payed a cent, yet, but, if I want to take him out, I'll have to pay about... 1000...I would have had him out at least another twenty times...


Master of Charizard
Ah, it's just so crazy what people don't do with Ditto. Ditto is probably the only Pokémon anyone will get to level 100 without actually using it in a battle. Lol.


Active Member
i do it to
however i make sure it has an effort ribbon
I have random Dittos laying around at a moderate level since I tend to switch them alot


I'll by ur soul
i do it since im just too lazy to take it and hate giving it room on my party. Now I just leave it there even if it is level 100.
I got 2 Lv.100 Ditto's by leaving them in the Breeding Centre, I don't care about Ditto, but still after all the breeding it got Lv.100.


Furret rocks
I train my Ditto up via the Elite Four, myself.

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
yeah i have done that but now i don't have any need to breed i just leave him in there,
occasionaly i take him out and put him back in....
i accidentaly forgot to take him out once i put lapras in there to level up while i raised snorlax,
went back and i found an egg,
it was a surprise but i kept the baby lapras....
it's now level 63
and the ditto is level 87,
i think.....

Dj Travis

Well-Known Member
My ditto in LeafGreen is still in daycare. I don't know which level it is now. It's been there since february. Maybe lv.80. It was at lv.52 when I last checked.


Leh Gardevoir Boy
*lauhg*My Ditto is Level 100, I use him for Breeding and battling. He beat Drake of the Saph. Elite 4 by himself. It was awseome
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Tails the Bouyzel
Yup, My one in emerald is 76, In fire red 89....

~*Myuu the Ryuu*~

The epitome of grace
I do it, and it's about lv. 50. I don't see what's wrong with it, I'm giving it the time of it's life xD