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Does anyone else think that they aren't even trying any more with the openings?

Does anyone else think that they aren't even trying any more with the openings?

  • Yes, definitely!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • No, they are just as good as they ever were!

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Maybe, I haven't noticed.

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • ...What are you talking about?

    Votes: 6 26.1%

  • Total voters


Gotta catch 'em all- sure, it was a little embarassing but it seemed to capture the spirit of the show.
Pokemon world-Not as embarassing and just as catchy as the first.
A Whole New World (Pokémon Johto)-I still listen to this some times.

Now the last few opening themes have sounded a bit generic and looked rushed to me. Does anyone else think that they aren't even trying any more with the american openings?
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I guess.

I mean look at Advanced Battle,sure,it sounds really catchy BUT

They jammed in the BF brains ._.


Contaminated KFC
They were ok at first, but now they all sound pretty much the same. The weird placement of visuals and the dreaded speed-up doesn't really help things.


Well-Known Member
I liked all advanced openings except for advanced Battle. I like the song, but hate the opening, especially the BF brains.


Old Coot
Polls belong in the Poll section. ¬¬; *moves*

But personally, I figured they stopped trying after doing a really good opening for Johto. Right after Whole New World was released, they stopped putting effort into their music. :s


I don't think they even tried with the lyrics. Why "I'm unbeatable" when Ash gets beaten up every once in a while? Like when he lost to Drake, I thought that the lyrics were just plain thoughtless.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Loco Dude said:
I don't think they even tried with the lyrics. Why "I'm unbeatable" when Ash gets beaten up every once in a while? Like when he lost to Drake, I thought that the lyrics were just plain thoughtless.

The thing is, the singer isn't Ash.

And anyway, I don't think that the dub songs were bad, but they only had time to make three Fronteir Brains move before showing all seven. I didn't really like that as much.

It would be easier to just keep the original intros and just change the lyrics, but then people would just complain that the lyrics are bad. Also, wasn't there not enough time to use the original intro because Kids WB! needed time for commercials or something?


MJC CartoGuy said:
The thing is, the singer isn't Ash.

And anyway, I don't think that the dub songs were bad, but they only had time to make three Fronteir Brains move before showing all seven. I didn't really like that as much.

It would be easier to just keep the original intros and just change the lyrics, but then people would just complain that the lyrics are bad. Also, wasn't there not enough time to use the original intro because Kids WB! needed time for commercials or something?

I knew that already. I just thought that it was stupid to say that.


Loco Dude said:
I knew that already. I just thought that it was stupid to say that.
The song is called Unbeatable because a trainer's goal is to be unbeatable. Don't take it literally.

It seemed that they tried alot on the AG themes, but I think they could've done better with Advance Challenge's lyrics, and the scenes in Advance Battle were way off. The only dub AG theme song that seemed they put the most effort in it was Advance.

But out of the whole thing, I'd say Born To Be a Winner sucked, it was catchy, but what was the deal in putting the first lyrics of the first OP in the beginning? Quite personally, I think that was the only them song that they really didn't put any effort in. ¬¬


Poison Tail!!
I've liked all the opening songs and all the openings until Advanced Battle. Why they put the millions of spoilers in it i wont ever know. I think all the songs are really cool. The first one is my favorite followed by Pokemon Advanced.


Old Coot
MJC CartoGuy said:
It would be easier to just keep the original intros and just change the lyrics, but then people would just complain that the lyrics are bad. Also, wasn't there not enough time to use the original intro because Kids WB! needed time for commercials or something?
Remember, Pokémon did not start on KidsWB! but on a different syndication network. At that time they still had a different opening.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Satoshi said:
But out of the whole thing, I'd say Born To Be a Winner sucked, it was catchy, but what was the deal in putting the first lyrics of the first OP in the beginning?

They probably wanted to do a song with a few similar lyrics to the first dub theme song because the fourth Japanese intro was a remix of the first Japanese one.

Edward Elric said:
Remember, Pokémon did not start on KidsWB! but on a different syndication network. At that time they still had a different opening.

Oh yeah, I forgot. But still, they can't make long intros anymore, can they?


I own the 5th gen
I liked "Born to be a Winner", personally, and I was just about to say what MJC CartoGuy said. The song seemed pretty alright, and it was nice that 4kids was trying to capture what the Japanese did with their 4th opening and ellude to the 1st dub opening (OK, not exactly a remix like the Japanese version, but whatever...), plus, if nothing else, you gotta give them credit for making that pretty spiffy original footage (don't have to worry about the dreaded speed-ups with that, now do ya?). However, the opening theme after it, Master Quest, just seemed like a poor carbon clone of that song, a somewhat similar tune and whatnot. It's at this point that I think they stopped trying with the openings.

However, if you're talking about the Japanese openings (which, assumedly, this thread is not), then far from it. I can't say Pokemon Symphonic Melody was extremely great, but the fact that they'd go so far to orchestrate such a thing shows that they made quite an effort. Battle Frontier kicks serious a**, although, I do have a bias towards intense openings. Scene-wise, it's the first opening theme to succumb to the Smile treatment. Endings.... meh, they rehashed Pokemon Ondo, and then brought back Glory Day (even if it's with different scenes, now). Hopefully, a more original ending theme will pop up soon.
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Well personally I think that the people who composed the songs/openings/whatevers have changed the whole meaning of the song. I f you don;t know what I mean then read this:

Ever noticed that while in the earlier series the opening themes included terms related to "Gotta Catch'em All" e.g. Pokemon Johto, GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL(Wow, just the name of that song explains all LOLZ)

Later on they chucked Gotta catch'em all and all related phrases/themes/lyrics into the bin, and started HERO instead. e.g. Pokemon Advanced and Pokemon AG(er, I'm not to sure if they are the same) anyway the 7th and the 8th series.

Pokemon Johto:"But ya still gotta catch'em all"

Pokemon Advanced:"I wanna be a hero"

The lyrics are good anyway. Those composers really know what they are doing!(The only phrase I dislike though is "A kid from Pallet Town" Ash is not a kid he's a Pokemon Master)


i dont like the openning for advance battle it had the frontier brains on it it was just stupid