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Does anyone else want...

How mmany poke pairs need evo/prevo connection

  • All of them

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Most of them

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • A few of them

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • None

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
Plusle and Minun could have a Neutral version,smaller and white with no cheek symbol.Evolves by leveling up with either a Negative charged item or possitive charged stone.And the illumise and volbeat could have a larva thing that evolves at lv.20 to volbeat if normally,to illumise if holding light bulb
i still cant think of others i suck
and i mean actuall pairs that go together not paralels like elec and mag


Well-Known Member
No More bloody Pre Evo's of older Pokemon dammit. We have to many


I love Dara <3
No more Pre Evo's! Please ;; There is waaaay to many XD


So Zetta Slow!
I think there should be a pokemon that is concentrated on all out offensive attacks and another that is pure defensive to protect the other...that would be great on 2-2 battles...hehehe
pre evos, I have no problem with. But no more evos, pleeeease!

a plusle/minun link would be good, evolving (probably ) through day or night or male/female things

nidorans cant have a pre evo because they already follow a line of 3 each.