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does anyone play

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marmalade cat

does anyone play magic the gathering or duel masters

no ofence to yu-gi-oh but it is getting stupid
p.s. the power of darknes shall rule ;337;


I play MTG, but not DM.

How is yugioh getting stupid? The games are faster and just as fun, and the cards are worth more. YGO is my favorite ^_^.

Eon Chao

Phoenix Clan Samurai
Well I play a Myojin Spectrum deck in Magic (I don't care what anyone else says Kamigawa Block rocks). Thing is I have enough decent Magic Players here to talk with so I generally do that and talk about Yu-Gi-Oh here where there are people I know aren't n00bs. Also in terms of Duelmasters I had a go at it but didn't like so picked up Call of Cthulhu (the stars are right) and Legend of the Five Rings (Aikune for Phoenix Clan Champion in Lotus).

I don't want to start a flame war here but why do you think Yu-Gi-Oh has gone stupid?


I have a Zombie deck in MTG. Yes my deck sucks, but it isn't atht bad, and I just play for fun. I only play YGO for tournements, unless it's a draft. There are enough good MTG players where I come from, but there are very few that understand the Metagame and good decks and rules and such for YGO. Including me, though I'm a bit better than everyone else. Fear my n00b YGO skills!

Same thing as Eon Chao, why DO you think that YGO has gone stupid? I admit, it's a bit overplayed, but...

Eon Chao

Phoenix Clan Samurai
I think he my feel that way aboutthe whole new set every month recently. And Zombies don't suck in M:tG as one of the guys I play has a kick *** expanded zombie deck.

While we're on the subject of others playing different games does anyone here play Legend of the Five Rings?


Except mine isn't a kick *** expanded zombie deck O_O;... I just have the basics, the onslaught crud, 4 of the warcheif and some removal in magic. That's what I have...

I don't play Lord of the Five Rings, but I know a friend who does.

marmalade cat

the true reason is that it is completely over my head and the 1 rare in every pack that spoils the fun of collecting and with magic/duelmasters/pokemon you dont know whats in and whats not


In everything you get a rae in every pack. There is no game that I know of that DOES NOT give you a rare in every pack. Just because the dont use tin foil doesn't mean it's not a rare. In fact, you get more cards of value in magic than in yugioh. In say, a pack of Dark Revelations, you get a Rare, 3 Uncommons, 10 Commons, and a Tip Card. In magic you a Rare, 4 Uncommons, 10 Commons. You get more rare crud in magic than in YGO... o_O...

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
I play M:tG, but there's almost no one in my area that plays. Which is the reason I tend to focus more on Duel Monsters(Yugioh).
At the moment, I'm trying to modify the Ninjutsu deck to make it more ninja-themed.
I'm also interested in the Inuyasha TCG, but no one around me plays that either.

Xeno Latios

i play duelmasters!does anyone play dm online?!?!if so what is the link to download the stuff?cause i cant find it!!

Magi of all

I played Magic once with my friend, but was focused on collecting more than playing, co I quit. I once played a game called Magi-Nation. I thought it was the most awsome game ever. It did not sell to well though

Misty's Kyogre

I play Magic and I have an awesome 2xEnormous Baloth/3xBlanchwood Armor Deck.
It pwns!

(((Kuwagata Kross)))

I play Yu-Gi-Oh! and Duel Masters, I personally don't like MTG that much... I love Yu-Gi-Oh! and I think it's gettin' better, specially now they banned all those "every deck has one" cards and Duel Masters is pretty fun.


I used to play Yu-gi-oh! but I don't probaly because no one else was playing it. I don't play duel monsters but I do play MTG. I always seem to get decks when I want tournament packs >_>. I have a cleric deck, burn, spirit, sensylena(sp), Equipment,snake, and a disembled blue and black cleric deck. Sheesh.

Haruka's Swimsuit

Bomberhead 18-kin!
The_Darkness_Incarnate said:
I play MTG, but not DM.

How is yugioh getting stupid? The games are faster and just as fun, and the cards are worth more. YGO is my favorite ^_^.

If by "getting stupid," he's referring to what it costs to build a half-decent deck, then I agree.
I play MTG. I only have 135 card's though. One tournament pack and my Golgari Deck. I think my deck just flat out suck's. Yami Ookami taught me, and it's a fun game.

Felix Feral Fezirix

Densetsu no Pikachu!
I play a Pestilence deck as well as a severely modified Selesntya deck, so sue me. I play a pathetic Duel Masters deck, as well as a slightly modified Yugi starter YGO deck.


Ski > You
I play MTG and played DM until I realised that I could not afford to upkeep two decks, and YGO is quite stupid, but stupid does not mean un-fun.
Seriously, Mystic TOMA-friggin-TO?
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