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Does AnyOne Think They Should Make A Live Action CGI PokeMon Movie?

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Sapphire Kirby

Evaluation time!
Not if M. Night Shyamalan is directing!

In all seriousness, no. I can't expain why, but I do not think a CGI live action movie would able to portray the Pokemon in a way that would look
'right'. For instance, those two CGI Garfield movies did a bad job (in my oppinion) of making Garfield look like Garfield. I don't want that to happen to Pokemon.

Plus, they make an animated movie once a year, so no point in two movies (besides money). It would probably be in all japanese, too.


Well-Known Member
Oh my, no I just can't see them making a live action film good I mean look at all the other anime live action films. Dragon Ball Z was horrible, nothing like the series at all, watch they wouldn't even put in Pokemon. It'd just be about Ash/New characters they have now, romance, evil Team Rocket or new Team attacking. Every one would wonder where Pikachu or Meowth is.


Speed fanatic
CGI and Live action has only worked with Marvel. Everything else that tried it has failed... miserably. I could list all of them (Dragon ball, Alvin and the Chipmunks, etc) and the last thing I want to add is Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I could go for a full CGI animated Pokemon movie, but certainly not with live action actors. I can't stand movies that try to blend them together, because something always looks off. Animation can get away with certain exaggerations that live-actions cannot, and when you put the two together it looks bad (side-note, this is why I am dreading the new Yogi Bear movie).


Well-Known Member
I could go for a full CGI animated Pokemon movie, but certainly not with live action actors. I can't stand movies that try to blend them together, because something always looks off. Animation can get away with certain exaggerations that live-actions cannot, and when you put the two together it looks bad (side-note, this is why I am dreading the new Yogi Bear movie).


Catcher of Ubers
I think they should make it if done right. Time and effort have to be put into it by people who are truly passionate about Pokemon rather than people who are just, "How do we make money quick? Pokemon's popular, right? Throw together a movie on that!" That's apparently what happened with Dragonball. The thing is, Dragonball could have worked if made by people who love the series and want to truly put the time and effort into making a good movie on it. Anything can work when done right when you think about it.

If the Pokemon look good in CGI, the characters are fun and memorable, there is a good plot and there are well-choreographed fight scenes, a live-action movie could be VERY successful. All of these elements must come together, though. The Last Airbender, for example, looked fantastic, had great fight scenes, and had a decent plot. BUT THE CHARACTERS WERE BORING AS CRAP!!!!


No, just no. Animated films of stuff I like, namely Avatar and Dragonball, were evidently abused from their transition from awesomness to bull steak sauce. I hardly trust people doing that from ever doing a good job. pokemon is no different. Especially the fact that they may end up f*cking up the pokemon's designs, especially since they've got around 649 (right?) to choose from right now.

If they ever even went the way of Avatar, like from the beginning, I don't want that. The series should just stick to traditional animation. Besides, it's even more epic to watch animated stuff.


Well-Known Member

That trailer looks quite good. However I still think the pokemon don't look right but that's just my opinion. Ash looks about 20 years old in this, lol. It would have been interesting if that was a full movie. It looks like quite violent and would have been rated 15 or 18 in the cinema. At least here, I don't know about the American rating system. Is that bald bloke meant to be Giovanni?
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Catcher of Ubers
That trailer looks quite good. However I still think the pokemon don't look right but that's just my opinion. Ash looks about 20 years old in this, lol. It would have been interesting if that was a full movie. It looks like quite violent and would have been rated 15 or 18 in the cinema. At least here, I don't know about the American rating system. Is that bald bloke meant to be Giovanni?

I love the trailer too, but with the exception of maybe the Gyarados and Meowth, the Pokemon just looked freaky and not very good. Yes, that is Giovanni lol but my favorite characters in the trailer were Jessie and James. Watching Jessie and Misty in a catfight was quite entertaining!
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