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Does misty come back?

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I ain't witty, so no
Well does she? I saw a picture of her with a togetic in the avatars, so I was wondering, does she come back(if there is already a thread like this, post a link)

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
she did come back for 2 episodes in advanced challenge. where her togepi evoled and left. She has been in a few Hosos and she travelled around with Ash and co until from pallet town to the battle factory


Well-Known Member
She was seen watching Ash from home in the Hoenn League. She travelled with the group until after mt Moon. She was in some Chronicles episodes also. She was in advanced Challenge for 2 episodes.


I thought this was a non-spoiler section, people are telling him/her that Misty has traveled to the Battle Fronteir and such..


Old Coot
As if you could avoid Pokémon spoilers on the site or the forums.

Question answered, topic closed.
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