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Does one move determine the entire course of Pokemon?


Heroic Sociopath
Imagine if Skill Swap was a dark type. Shedinja's wonder guard would lose it's unique quality and noobs would be flooding the threads with teams of skill-swapping shedinjas and sableyes. Even if we were to use toxic and such, status effects are easily ruined, while sandstorm would be too slow. What would we do to counter such a strategy? Or would the entire field of double battles crumble?

Pkmn Traina Groth

Let Celibi reunite!
Imagine if Skill Swap was a dark type. Shedinja's wonder guard would lose it's unique quality and noobs would be flooding the threads with teams of skill-swapping shedinjas and sableyes. Even if we were to use toxic and such, status effects are easily ruined, while sandstorm would be too slow. What would we do to counter such a strategy? Or would the entire field of double battles crumble?

Well, i'm not really sure what would happen but this could be the future of pokemon as we know it!!!! But then again...people would be spamming about there noobish pokemon teams with skill swap all the time.
o_O, imagine if that did work


Heroic Sociopath
My question is, though, how would one be able to counter a maneuver like that, if at all?

W00t! coral eye trainer!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure they would. But, what would Sableye do? With an Aromatherapist, Sableye wouldn't do squat, except with Seismic Toss/Night Shade.

I almost talked about T-Tar :/. . . .xD


Heroic Sociopath
sableye would be coated in a perfect defensive shield, and be able to simply bash through any pokemon opposing him, and i don't think that toxic and sandstorm would work for this, if he had a shell bell.
For it to go through Wonder Guard it has to be Super Effective


Palace Maven Spenser
For it to go through Wonder Guard it has to be Super Effective

odor sleuth removes type based immunities, making ghost types vulnerable to normal and fighting type moves.

This makes fighting type moves SE against sableye, because it is a dark type.

Wonder guard would protect against the normal type, but not fighting type.

~*Myuu the Ryuu*~

The epitome of grace
Nah, even if it was a dark type, you would still be vulnerable to status conditions, and someone could just Toxic you. Still, it would guard against most attacks, which is a plus.
odor sleuth removes type based immunities, making ghost types vulnerable to normal and fighting type moves.

This makes fighting type moves SE against sableye, because it is a dark type.

Wonder guard would protect against the normal type, but not fighting type.

Right, I keep forgetting Sableye is part dark.


Torterra Firma
But it could work IN THEORY.

Slowbro used skill swap on Shedinja


Heroic Sociopath
well, it would, on the plus side, stop all-offensive noobs from just roaming around, saying they're better than others with their uber movesets.


I am the game
I think thats why they put skill swap as psychic.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
Shedinja is so good because of the Wonder Guard ability, if you would use skill swap on it, it's useless for the rest of the battle what means it just takes an extra spot in your party were an bother pokemon could be




fuk yo couch ***** !
shedinja only has wonder guard because it's only got 1hp. i guess it's kinda fun and pretty unique imo, it kinda makes you think outside the box. the wonder guard thing would never even have been thought of if shedinja was just a normal pokemon with normal hp, its just something unique they put in the games. and theres no way thered be any pokemon with any ability whatsoever that cant be countered. like they said, toxic+sandstorm/hail, or even spikes+whirlwind/roar could do it i guess, if your wonderguard sableye wasnt the only pokemon they were using. theres always a counter to everything.


Master Breeder
it's a characteristic of wonder guard that it can't be skill swapped. even if you have sheddy mimic conversion, and change into a fighting-type, skill swap won't work on it.


Yeah Baby!
The Skill Swaping would definatly work, My friend Leech Seeded one a couple of weeks ago and it work.
Oh but when Snorlax used Rollout on it Shedinja blocked it with wonder Guard
Friking snattle round