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Does Sharking ,Replay, Ect, Currupt data ?

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UGC Trainer
I did some checking and I didnt find anything. Title is pretty self explanitory, But I was wondering if any game modifiers corrupt pokemon game data, Or if its just certain cheats that will do it. I dont mind the thread being closed if theres another like this, But a simple explanation would do.


Well-Known Member
yes,but no.in some cases like colloseum,it can detect weter you hacked int it or not,but it doesntt affect the actual game itself.dude,you arent supposed to talk abut gamesharks here.*shot*


Queen of Charizards!
Nothing ever happened to me unless while I save, I accidently touch the AR. Then the save file will be corrupt. IF you do it too much, then your saved game gets deleted. It happend to me twice, but i didn't care


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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