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Does Wobbuffet work in BF?


Well-Known Member
Wobbuffet @ Leftovers
-Mirror Coat
-Destiny Bond

...could I get away using this moveset in the battle tower?

(Or, is wob hax enough to replace snorlax or blissey as my last team member?)


Well-Known Member

...the only time something sets up is with Curse... like Snorlax.

...and usually that's not good for me. I don't need Encore for Curselax, I need destiny bond.

...which brings me to my next question, does destiny bond work against Curselax? It would be the best counter that I have - sacrificing Wob in order to take out something invulnerable.

(My fear of Snorlax stems from two defeats I had - both times I used 2 physical attackers, both times I failed...)